success with online profiles....


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
I've had a myspace profile for a little under a year now and have met a few women thanks to it....although granted none of it's gone very far. Recently, I've been without a job and spending more time online. And of course, even though I feel like a fairly attractive/intelligent guy, I wonder if the content of my profile has prevented me from drawing more of a "fan club". I don't think I ramble in my profile but I'm kind of amusing in my descriptions and the humor could be considered "Narcissistic", maybe a little bit cheesy too. But I suppose I've kept it this way just to retain some mystery but I'm thinking maybe a good percentage of women who might actually want to talk to me are put off or just plain don't get that I'm not being completely serious. The messages I have received from girls pretty much state their disbelief that I don't have more girls leaving commentary/the fact that I'm single.

I'm just curious about what you guys think works best. More brief and mysterious OR actually describing myself as I know a lot of people describe themselves on there (very ordinary and blandly)? Maybe the humor is sabotaging it, although I've gotten quite a few people tell me they laughed their a$$es off reading it. At the same time, it might sound a touch on the arrogant side and I could be turning off more chicks that would otherwise be up for chatting than chicks I'm actually intriguing. I think I can be pretty seductive at times and at others it's like no matter what I do, it's not going anywhere and I can get a reply to a message at best. It sucks how it seems like the iron is hot one minute and the next, it's just a cold fish situation. What's you guys' take on the whole thing? What kind of profiles have more allure?


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
I think that if you make your page like everyone else's (boring) then you lose whatever quality you had that made yours unique. There is no magic profile that all the chicks are going to respond to. I'd say if you're using it as a way to meet women then make sure you are clear about what you want and don't want. Use it as a way to deter any unwanted attention from the type of women you don't want to meet. But keep some humor so that it remains different from everyone else's. This way your responses may be less but they will be much closer to what you're really looking for.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, I condensed my profile a little more in certain areas but I made it more specific as far as who I'd like to meet. Personally, I agree with some of the girls who sent me messages....I should be drawing more of a crowd. It just seems like if the girl has a certain degree of interest and I'm in my "I'm the sh!t" mood, I feel unstoppable. I was talking with a chick yesterday who has shown some interest in the last few weeks since I added her. I got her im not long after I added her but people aren't always online when I am. Yesterday I was talking to her and got to the point of asking for her #....then she tried to pull a number on me that I didn't want. haha She said she'd already given me her number and I told her that she hadn't because I would definitely remember if she did and would've called already.

She said her bf wouldn't be happy if she gave it to me now but insisted that if I found her number I could call her all I wanted (funny stuff)....she explained that they'd broken up temporarily but they were still technically seeing each other (whatever). I kept talking, maybe too long since she said she had to go....I was just trying to get her into the conversation deeper but right when I was about to get in the mode, she said she had to go. I usually like to end the conversation myself but that didn't happen. It sucks a$$ to see potential in situations and not be able capitalize when you want to. Conversations don't always flow in the way I like them to....but it's like when I'm on a roll, it seems like I'm destined to put them in a sexual state. I guess it's half their interest level and half how naughty/sexy I feel.