Master Don Juan
What's the best thing to do when a gal appears to have showed you subtle disrespect, but you may have just caught her at the woirst possible times?
I had IM'd this gal Wednesday night (too late to call -- she lives with folks) to ask about concert arrangements for tonight (which ended up being canceled on account of the power failure), but after a few lines of dialogue she said was in the middle of some business, and had to go, would call me back tomorrow, and left the chat before I could say goodbye.
She did put her screen name on away status so no one could IM her when she left the chat, so I didn't take it personally, but that was a bit rude to just leave like that. Then the next day the power went out, and pretty much everyone was incommunicado, so I can't very well hold her not calling against her.
I got a hold of her Friday morning, and she told me she'd been stranded at a friend's house with no gas. I told her I was taking off soon to get together with a friend, and asked where she was at. After telling me in vague way, she abruptly said she was "on the other line, and would call right back."
I didn't hear from her, but after a few minutes got bomabarded with several calls, so she might have called. Anyway, before I took off I called, but she didn't answer, so I left a message stating I couldn't wait around any longer, but might be able to give her a ride, since I have a full tank of gas, and to call me soon if she needs a ride and doesn't have to go too too far.
Again, it's possible that her phone ran out of charge or lost service for a bit. My call phone had been behaving erratically all day, usually unable to receive calls, but people were still able to leave voice messages that my phone did not display.
So, with so many weird things going on, I don't feel quite right giving her static for dissing me. Too many other possiblities, combined with the fact that she was in a crappy situation at the time.
My thought is to just chill, give her the gift of missing me, not take it persoanally, and see if she contacts me. Then calmly tell her it was a bit rude to cut the chat so abruptly if she doesn't apologize straight out. We did have a good date abouit a week ago, and she was psyched to check out the concert with me.
What do the rest of you think I oughta do?
I had IM'd this gal Wednesday night (too late to call -- she lives with folks) to ask about concert arrangements for tonight (which ended up being canceled on account of the power failure), but after a few lines of dialogue she said was in the middle of some business, and had to go, would call me back tomorrow, and left the chat before I could say goodbye.
She did put her screen name on away status so no one could IM her when she left the chat, so I didn't take it personally, but that was a bit rude to just leave like that. Then the next day the power went out, and pretty much everyone was incommunicado, so I can't very well hold her not calling against her.
I got a hold of her Friday morning, and she told me she'd been stranded at a friend's house with no gas. I told her I was taking off soon to get together with a friend, and asked where she was at. After telling me in vague way, she abruptly said she was "on the other line, and would call right back."
I didn't hear from her, but after a few minutes got bomabarded with several calls, so she might have called. Anyway, before I took off I called, but she didn't answer, so I left a message stating I couldn't wait around any longer, but might be able to give her a ride, since I have a full tank of gas, and to call me soon if she needs a ride and doesn't have to go too too far.
Again, it's possible that her phone ran out of charge or lost service for a bit. My call phone had been behaving erratically all day, usually unable to receive calls, but people were still able to leave voice messages that my phone did not display.
So, with so many weird things going on, I don't feel quite right giving her static for dissing me. Too many other possiblities, combined with the fact that she was in a crappy situation at the time.
My thought is to just chill, give her the gift of missing me, not take it persoanally, and see if she contacts me. Then calmly tell her it was a bit rude to cut the chat so abruptly if she doesn't apologize straight out. We did have a good date abouit a week ago, and she was psyched to check out the concert with me.
What do the rest of you think I oughta do?
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