Subliminals to improve your game


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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An important note by Gambler said that he used subliminals to improve his game. I definately think as far as inner game goes, getting into your subconscious is really important. Subliminals are controversial because there is no evidence that they work but many people say they work. Even if it is a placebo effect, it's still an effect.
Do you guys know any good subliminal resources for being a DJ, pick up, and women in general?

I use two subliminals by Tony Robbins:
1.) Total success and total self confidence
2.) Get what you want

If you don't have they, they're on almost every P2P network and I suggest you check them out.
Otherwise, I've seen some subliminal CDs for pick up and seduction on ebay that make outlandish claims - don't seem legit. If anybody has subliminals they use for pick up please post.
May 17, 2007
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What's supposed to be the best way to use them, exactly ?
Relaxing while listening ? Before sleep ? Having them as a background sound and not actually paying attention ?


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
All of the above. When I'm reading something on my laptop I'll put the audio through my surround sound, I need background noise but it can't be distracting or have vocals.

The best thing you can do is listen to the subliminals before bed. The effect is as if the message is scrambling around your head the whole night.

One thing though, I have more success with listening to just one subliminal over and over again instead of trying to mix different ones. They are not miracle workers but they do change they way your brain thinks about things, it's odd until you experience it.