A fairly recent study shows that people with low libido/erection problems taking red (korean) ginseng show a marked improvement:
Of course, there is the placebo effect, and the fact that many 'ginseng' products are frauds, and the study involves a fairly small sample, but 60% is pretty impressive and hard to take. Even Viagra is 80%, and I've never heard of people dying of heart attacks from ginseng.
I've been feeling prety sexually low as of late, so in the name of science (of course), I will starting taking red ginseng, half as a red ginseng pill dissolved in tea and half in pill form. I'll let you know what happens.
I feel pretty good about this. After all, the Chinese have been taking ginseng for 2,000 years, and look how many of them there are (Kidding! Kidding!).
P.S. if the link doesn't work, here a link to the wikipedia page I found that on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginseng
Of course, there is the placebo effect, and the fact that many 'ginseng' products are frauds, and the study involves a fairly small sample, but 60% is pretty impressive and hard to take. Even Viagra is 80%, and I've never heard of people dying of heart attacks from ginseng.
I've been feeling prety sexually low as of late, so in the name of science (of course), I will starting taking red ginseng, half as a red ginseng pill dissolved in tea and half in pill form. I'll let you know what happens.
I feel pretty good about this. After all, the Chinese have been taking ginseng for 2,000 years, and look how many of them there are (Kidding! Kidding!).
P.S. if the link doesn't work, here a link to the wikipedia page I found that on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginseng
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