POSITIVE, we can debate semantics here all day long about what 'leading' and 'controling' mean to men and women, and any lawyer worth his salt is going exploit terms to win as big a settlement as he possibly can. The fact remains that there is going to be a masculine and a feminine in any relationship, a dominant and a submissive, even in homosexual relationships. So try to understand these terms in a literal sense rather than the negative connotations that pop culture has colored them with in the past 60 years.
When a woman perceives that her husband isn't stepping into the role of Man, Father, Husband and Provider - especially if this is in an emotional sense - she will necessarily fill that vacuum in power on her own. I'll give you a case in point; I used to play in a band with a guy who was a former Marine. Dave was a well paid guy who worked for a tech firm, he did his own home improvement work, could do cabinentry and wood work, was an amazing musician and singer, but was probably the worst example of a married AFC I've ever known. He married this absolute shrew of a woman who was a single mother of 2 and had been sexually abused as a teenager by a family member. This woman had a deep distrust of men and she was very vocal about it. She didn't work, she marginally took care of the house and would ride and berate Dave publicly. They eventually had a daughter together and now at 14 she's picked up on the same habits as her mother. I can remember times at rehersal where his daughter would come into our practice space and sternly tell me it was TIME for him to come home NOW in the exact same tone his wife used with him. His wife would even answer for him when someone else was asking him a question and he'd put up with all of this.
But the thing that took me the most about this AFC marriage was when my wife got into it with her one time for her being a shrew and him not standing up to her and she'd adamantly defend him as being a "real man" and how dare she think any less of him for putting up with her sh!t. Even when she grossly domineered this guy she still wanted to think of him as being the Man in the relationship when she knew she was the dominant and he was the submissive in the marriage.