"Stripper in training?"


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey how is it going guys. I haven't posted for a while, my bad. I know, I love you too. Ok so today I approach four sets, the first three were way older than me but I did good, the fourth was close to my age. I number close the fourth.

This fr is about the 2nd approach. She was a HB 8.5, 20 years old (though looked my age).

I was talking to my friend about his speech (I broke the three second rule). So while reading the speech, I turn to her (sitting across me one seat away on the bus). SHe had shown her friend who had left her new tattoo.

Me: (situational opener) Hey what those your tattoo mean?
HB: O (something that sounds good, dont remember)
Me: Are you sure?... 'cause my brother takes chinese and I'm pretty sure that means "*****ass"
HB: (laughs) no, I checked five times
Me: Aight, when you are old, and your grandkids ask, don't say I didn't warn you
HB: (laughs and says something then..) I have 12 tattooes
Me: (teasing, I put up my hand covering her and say to my friend) Ok that was too much info
HB: (laughs)
ME: your parents must have been pissed when you came home with that

HB talks about how her parents have mad tattooes, so its cool. I notice her fake stripper like nails and comment on them, busting on her.

Me: Wow.. can I ask you something without you getting total pissed
HB: (laughs hardcore) ok go ahead
Me: Are you a stripper in training?
HB: (Laughs, and a couple of people around laugh too) No!!
Me: What would be your stripper name if you were going to be one
HB: (suprising the hell out of me) Candy
Me: O for real, I don't know your name so I'm just going to call you that
HB: (laughs) you know you're not the first to ask me if I was a stripper in training
Me: O thats good, so i don't get slapped with those nails.... have you ever slapped someone with those
HB: Yea, my boyfriend
Me: For real, violence is not the answer dont you know that
HB: He hit me first.

OK, what the hell, I had a perfect chance for a boyfriend but couldn't run one. Didn't have anything to say to it at the moment maybe 'cause the set was so high energy. Help me out help

We continue to talk, she tells me she's 20 and goes on and talk about how she wants to study fashion design in university.

I then ask her if her boyfriend would be pissed if she called me, she says yes of course. She then asks me if I going to be on the same bus everyday (major IOI).

I roleplay alittle.

Me: (checking my cell) ok at 2:25, i be on this bus everyday.
HB: (laughs) I got to go
ME: Bye candy.

I don't think I handle this well. I didnt have a lot of time to work with. so who knows maybe it was out of my control but I know that is a sure lie. (lol)

Marvel IQ


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
on the contrary, i think this is an example of a good opener and you did what you could in the time that you had, you stayed cool when she told you her BF hit her, next time, just pull for the number close, sounds like you coulda gotten it.
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, great high energy set. I love gettting into those moods.

Your close was a little weak though, totally put her on a pedestal.

"I asked if her boyfriend would be pissed if she called me"

I can't say exactly what it is, but that sentence... its... I don't know... that concept is wrong.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Great post man. Keep em' coming.