I've been doing jits for about 1 year now, and the thing that has really helped me is powerlifting supplemented w/some bodyweight stuff and a little kettlebell work to make it interesting. Explosive lifts such as the clean & jerk are very good for developing takedown power, especially if you are doing sub grappling and start on the feet. Any good powerlifting program should be good, but I'm still a FNG to this stuff so I reccomend researching it before you listen to me. mmaringreport.com has a column by Lee Aldridge on strenght training for MMA which should apply to BJJ as well. I reccomend you pay special attentiopn to grip strength. My grip is a little weak, but I've been working it and my ground game is a lot better as a result. Do all your lifts w/o gloves, wrap towels around your dumbell handles, do Farmer's walks, do anything and evrything to improve grip. A weak grip will kill you on the mat.