Strength-the essence of a Don Juan


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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Being a DJ is about being a man and man is defined by strength. Beauty is a female quality. Sure girls like to look at pretty boys and use them as sex toys or show them off to friends but they do not respect them. Women are a weak gender, plagued with doubts, insecurities, and feeling like they cannot cope. Although they will never admit it, in a man they are looking for a rock, someone they can cling to in the knowledge that if they are with him everything will be ok.

You have to be that man.

There are a lot of different aspects to strength.

The obvious one is physical and big muscles do help. But they have to be functional and not just for show. Sure you can pump up in the gym and look good but that does not make you strong and neither does it develop the mental strength which is equally important. You need to focus on heavy compound lifts like deadlifts, squats, bench press, chins, dips, presses and lift some serious weight. Very few of you will fight in battles, so it is essential to get that battle mentality in the gym: pushing past pain barriers, mimicking that life-or-death struggle, and digging deep to grind out impossible reps.

Mental strength is developed by taking control of your life. You need to know what you want in life and you have to take whatever steps needed to make it happen and overcome obstacles in your way no matter how big they seem. That way you will command respect. Then you need to extend that to your personal relationships. The worst thing you can be is a pushover. Set boundaries and if people try and take advantage of you let them know firmly that it won't wash. Mental strength is also developed by taking risks.
Every time you approach a girl or go out with a girl there is a risk you are going to get rejected. But being a man is about taking risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. There are lots of girls out there, some will like you, some won't. Do not take it personally and let your happiness be tied up to whether some random girl likes you or not.

The final aspect of strength is spiritual. You need faith and hope and that will give you strength. You need to believe in yourself and in life. Life is about adversity and what makes you a man is how you deal with adversity. You need to believe you can deal with anything life throws at you, no matter how bad and that no matter how bad things seem, they will get better. A lot of guys here have been rejected by lots of girls and feel like they are losers or just do not have what it takes to get girls. I know I used to feel like that. But in life if you want something enough, believe in your ability to get it, and do the hard work required to get it, you can achieve anything including success beyond your wildest dreams with women.

So be strong!


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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a very nice post:up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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As masculine males, we are the leaders.
We're expected to be strong, and confident.
We have the responsibility put on us by Nature herself.
No joke, guys.
This is true natural harmony.
You must embrace you rmasculinity and testoterone.
It's there for a reason.
You're male. But you need to become a man.
A male may not necessarily be "masculine".

We are the Leaders.
We are the Creators.
We Manifest our Destiny.
The world is a better place when we embrace our masculinity and do the things that we are SUPPOSED to do!

Read this and take note, a Maculine Man is the following:
(really, really, I mean really take this to heart. Once you do, there's no going back. You simply CANNOT go back to that "male" existence, if you can recognize this, you MUST become a "Masculine MAN.")





These are the four main traits that MUST be in place in order to succeed in a healthy, natural, synergystic relationship between a Masculine Male and a Feminine Female. Man and Woman.
You MUST POSSESS these TRAITS in order to..........
