

New Member
Dec 16, 2005
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Over the past few months, I’ve been slacking off. Not really caring about my social skills to much, but rather my 1337 skillz in America’s Army (which by the way is a really fun game). I still haven’t grabbed my balls into a real approach where I actually approach a girl I don’t know at all. And just being a good old fashioned nerd. However I do chill with the most popular kids in my school (I’m a freshman in a junior high… Don’t judge me!). And am really respected by a lot of people (well 9th graders, I haven’t really actually talked to a 8th or 7th grader before at the school lol). Yet I’m still lacking something, and I know it. The thing I’m lacking is a life.

Yet something happened to me yesterday that totally changed my perspective on life.

I’ve known this chick for quite a while now. Maybe 5 months. At first she was into me, and I was sort of into her. Then she wasn’t into me, and I was into her, then it switched and so on. I’ve grown to really like this girl a lot, and I know she did like me. However, I did something, that ruined it. I wasn’t really into this chick at the beginning. She did do drugs. I mean hardcore drugs such as coke and sometimes meth, and I wasn’t really a fan of that. However later on she stopped, and I really began to like her more. Anyways, later on when I was chillin with her and her friends, her friend came up to me and said “do you like so and so”. I come up with the answer, thinking it’s a dj thing to do, “sure, as a friend”. Later I find out that we’re only friends according to her. What I thought was going to happen was she was gonna wonder “why doesn’t he like me, I’m gonna find out why”, and therefore make her more interested in me. Of course the opposite of that happened, and she accepted the fact that we were just friends and moved on.

While not really crushed, because after all, there’s other people out there. But the thing is, that’s what was holding me back with her. I always thought that I could find someone better. When I finally had the balls to approach I could get someone at my school, instead of her (who goes to a different school). Not only that, but I always put things off. I was always thinking I could do it tomorrow, then when tomorrow came, I pussed out.

Finally, after about a month of not hanging out with her, I finally did. At the mall. I did enjoy it. I thought to myself that maybe I can start over with this chick. Yet I didn’t want to rush things, and it’s not like anything’s gonna happen… (like I said, I always put things off). Probably 2 weeks later, which would be yesterday. At the end of the day, right before I was gonna go to sleep. I go on her myspace (suspenseful music). I go down, checking things out. Then I noticed something. Instead of seeing “Single” in her profile (she’s been single for like 5 months), I see “In a Relationship” (dramatic music). Now at the point, I’m like oh my fvcking God. I was pretty much crushed. She finally got herself at boyfriend at her own school. Then to make matters worse I see the comments on her profile from her friends of “you finally got a boyfriend! And she rights in theirs, “yeah, and he’s cute! Omg he’s really cute!” (gah I sound like a stalker). At that point I just turned off the computer, and go to bed thinking I’m gonna cry myself to sleep (in my mind).

And yet after a few minutes of thinking how gay this is, I finally realize something. This is my fault. If I would’ve just handled this better, or perhaps even finally approached someone at my school, this wouldn’t have happened, or it would’ve but I could care less. Not to mention, why the fvck should I be so down about this, when I could do so much better than this chick if I actually tried. Then, to make matters better. I get a high. I get the biggest fvcking rush I’ve ever felt in my life I swear to God. I felt like I was on top of the world and no I wasn’t stoned. Suddenly I think to myself, why am I not making the most of this time in my life. Highschool. Instead of having some wicked fun or banging some hot chicks, I puss out and go home and play America’s Army (which is still a good game). While I was laying in bed, I knew from then on that I was gonna stop being such a pvssy, grow some balls, and stop caring what other people think of me. I had had some of the best chances to approach some really good looking chicks yet I didn’t take it. Well that was gonna change.

I had that rush till like 2 in the morning, when I finally went to sleep. The next day, while the rush was gone, I was gonna live up to what I had thought last night. When school came I walked in there like I fvcking owned the place (actually I didn’t, my confidence was low, but I was determined). In my first class, I really wanted to see if I had changed. I tried to imitate the rush I had by thinking about what had happened last night. It actually worked, somewhat. I was finally talking to chicks I barely knew. However I lost my touch a bit soon afterwards. But at lunch, I knew it was time. Finally when I was walking to the room with my friends, I saw the first chick that I’ve been wanting to approach so bad. And you know what?

I did it (inspirational music).

I went up to her and said, “hey, I’ve seen you a lot before and yet I haven’t had the chance to meet you. What’s your name?”. Maybe that wasn’t the best approach but I did do it. And that was only the beginning, I did 4 other approaches that day. And while I didn’t get any #’s (because I didn’t ask lol), it’s still pretty life changing lol.

Of course this is only the beginning, now that I’ve finally approached, it really isn’t all that bad. The people on here who are afcs (Viper) and haven’t grown testes yet, just do it. Really, your making it tough by thinking about it to much. And not just with girls and approaching, improve your life. It’s what I’m gonna start doing from now on.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
sounds like me, except for the whole first half of the post. for me, i got let go by my first gf, and i said ok screw this, im never gonna have another relationship like that. i felt the same rush, and soon after that, i found this place. best decision of my life. i even scratched that ho off my record. next gf i get, she'll be the 'real' first. i love it.

anyway, on topic..... i say forget this girl. if its back and forth like that now, it wont hold up well in the relationship. go for it and find a girl at your school. im behind you all the way.

i agree with your last statements. it really isnt that hard to get started. i mean, how much punishment do u have to take before u realize u're not doing something right? a simple decision, i would think. IMO, its more difficult to get really good with all these techniques and things to balance and think about.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ace of Flames
sounds like me, except for the whole first half of the post. for me, i got let go by my first gf, and i said ok screw this, im never gonna have another relationship like that. i felt the same rush, and soon after that, i found this place. best decision of my life. i even scratched that ho off my record. next gf i get, she'll be the 'real' first. i love it.

anyway, on topic..... i say forget this girl. if its back and forth like that now, it wont hold up well in the relationship. go for it and find a girl at your school. im behind you all the way.

i agree with your last statements. it really isnt that hard to get started. i mean, how much punishment do u have to take before u realize u're not doing something right? a simple decision, i would think. IMO, its more difficult to get really good with all these techniques and things to balance and think about.

Yeah I am. I don't even think I'm gonna talk to her anymore because I wanna be an *******. :D

I have my eye on this one chick who I've known for a bit, and I'm gonna try and build interest. It's about time I get a girlfriend.