Strange situation and im confused?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Okay so I invited this girl i met through work to hang out with me friday night. She was gonna bring a friend but ended up coming to my college to hang out with me alone. At first we had a few drinks and it was going good. She was all over me, we went to visit a friend in another room and she was holding my hand, hugging, all that stuff. Came back to my room later and started making out and getting real close. She stops and says to me "Is this going to be a one night stand thing or is there something more". I just recently got out of a 2 and a half year relationship and I work alot. I said that followed up by I think maybe we can see where things go, and she says okay we'll take it slow. she says she got out of a serious relationship with a guy she thought was the one who cheated on her a whole bunch and I'm the first guy shes been with since. We then proceed to Make out all night, feeling her up the whole bit, but nothing serious because she wanted to go slow. Wake up cuddle and talk for an hour. Then we go out to breakfast holding hands the whole deal. She then invites me to come down early later that day in Columbus and hang out with her and some friends to watch the OSU v Texas game. I agree and go down to Ohio state early.

We hang out with her friends she's putting her hand on my leg, leaning on me, all the signs shes interested. when we're along she hugs me, bites her lip, kisses me. Things are going well and I'm starting to think wow this girl is alot better then my Ex. I might not wanna be single and actually see where this goes. So i leave her party with a kiss and a hug and she says come back later. So later that night i come back. She is wasted. She ignores me for about 2 hours. sometimes doesn't recognize me. I know shes drunk and im a cool confident guy so i accept it and start talking with other people and enjoy myself. I tell her I'm leaving and she then starts hugging me, walks me to my car, kisses me and says call her when i get home. I don't call her just to see if she calls. Next mourning she calls and says calling to make sure you got home ok. I call her back and we talk for 5 min and get off the phone and she says ill call you later. This is where it gets messed. She never calls me back. I Call her 3:30 the next day and leave a quick voicemail. Hey how you doing just outta class call me later. She still hasnt called back at all almost 2 days later. Is this girl playing games with me or what. She goes from showing all the signs, making out with me, hugging me, touching me, calling me to talk now to just plain out ignoring me. Is she worth my time. I just got out of a relationship a month and a half ago and wasn't planning on starting a new one but this girl just has something about her. Is this just a game she is playing or is she crazy? She had her heart broken by her ex boyfriend who cheated on her alot, and i know that messes girls up alot, but this is a little weird for me and has never happend to me before. I need help from the experts???? So confused??


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
So you haven't talked to her for what, ten minutes now and you are wondering what to do?

Chill buddy, too much...way too soon. You need to let things take their time. You didn't F-Close so you are trying to force it and it ain't going to happen that a way, that is why you have more tha one pot on the stove.

Just so you know, there is a thing on here called the DJ bible, it's a collection of tips and such that may help you, in particular. A lot of us men on the site took the time to read it and you may want to do the same!

If you have read it, you may want to slow down and re-read it cause everything you just described ain't in there.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score

Oh man i had no idea lol i feel like an idiot now lol i just read alot of it and wow im dumb. Thats what happens when your with the same boring girl for so long. Im building my experience up again and its tough thanks for that.