Stop pedestalizing chicks with high number based off her looks.


Jun 12, 2015
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That's right all you superficial, love at first sight, pedestalizers who pretend that's not what you do. Stop assigning these chicks you find attractive a number higher than 5 just off her looks alone.

Start them all off halfway at a 5 and get to know them letting them work their way up in points or down based off her quality, personality, demeanor, attitude Etc. Otherwise you are only fooling yourself basing her value off looks alone. :up:
Apr 23, 2015
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CubanCigar said:
That's right all you superficial, love at first sight, pedestalizers who pretend that's not what you do. Stop assigning these chicks you find attractive a number higher than 5 just off her looks alone.

Start them all off halfway at a 5 and get to know them letting them work their way up in points or down based off her quality, personality, demeanor, attitude Etc. Otherwise you are only fooling yourself basing her value off looks alone. :up:
Yeah, it's kinda dumb!


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
The whole 1-10 scale is rather stupid.

All it does is set the height of the pedestal.

I find arguments over whether a woman is 6 or an 8 rather funny. As though there is some operationally defined, objective phylogenetic scale against which women everywhere can be measured.

Hey, I like good looking women as much or more than the next guy. But I'd never pretend that 'good looking' is anything other than subjective and even sometimes situational.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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CubanCigar said:
Start them all off halfway at a 5 and get to know them letting them work their way up in points or down based off her quality, personality, demeanor, attitude Etc. Otherwise you are only fooling yourself basing her value off looks alone. :up:
I've always thought that the 1-10 scale specifically referred to a woman's looks, it's a way to measure her looks. Because with women, nearly 100% of her SMV is based on looks. Other factors certainly come into play when it comes to filtering, qualifying, and determining her real value to YOU. But her SMV is almost entirely based on looks.

A male's 1-10 value could include factors other than looks, I think.

But if you see an extremely attractive girl, and you assign her a 5, I think you're denying reality. If she's pretty, she's pretty. So what? Girls are supposed to be pretty.

That said, when it comes to very attractive females, I almost always scale them within the 7 range somewhere. I don't believe in 10s, 9s are very, very rare, and to get an 8 from me is a huge compliment. The most attractive girl I know right now I consider a 7.8. I've almost lopped off the entire top three numbers of the scale lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
This is a solid thread.

I toss out 8s and 9s like the garbage. Once you've been with enough of them, looks do very little to impress. There are no pedestals in place with an abundance mindset.

My model is "Ok, you are pretty like tens of thousands of others in NY. But ... what else do you got?"


Jun 12, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
This is a solid thread.

I toss out 8s and 9s like the garbage. Once you've been with enough of them, looks do very little to impress.

My model is "Ok, you are pretty like tens of thousands of others in NY. But ... what else do you got?"


I get what Zekko is saying in that dudes are trying to convey where she is on a "looks scale" but IMO that's pedestalizing her based off looks alone, and seeking validation from other men's agreement without even knowing if she might be a sh1thead, AW, whack job, sloot etc. It's like dudes are giving her special treatment right off the bat because of her looks and not stopping themselves and saying: Let me see if this chick rates even HIGHER due to the person she is or lower due to her negative traits.

And let's face it. If dudes are simply raising chicks up on a pedestal based off looks that will not only eventually fade then they are their own worst enemy as far as not being able to see PAST looks which are subjective in the end anyway.

EDIT: Or if were going to rate based on looks scales we all need to include the type of person she is scale as well for ALL chicks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Ya that's true. Went out with this chick on Thursday who at first wasn't that hot to me, but we went out and partied with my friends and had a great time and she fit in with them. I ended up banging her at her place and now I'm still thinking about her lol.

In my experience, the hottest women were also the rudest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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CubanCigar said:
I get what Zekko is saying in that dudes are trying to convey where she is on a "looks scale" but IMO that's pedestalizing her based off looks alone, and seeking validation from other men's agreement without even knowing if she might be a sh1thead, AW, whack job, sloot etc.
I just think that a girl's SMV is practically totally dependent on her looks. Whatever other qualities she may have that are of value depend entirely on what the guy is looking for. Some guys love whack jobs, some guys think BPDs are the ultimate sensual experience. Some guys want a quick lay, some guys want a long term relationship, some guys don't want a girl to get attached. The only common denominator as an attraction factor is looks.

In any case, just because I think a girl is pretty doesn't mean I put her on a pedestal. As I said before, girls are supposed to be pretty. That's what they're here for. That's why they dye their hair and have makeup and go to nail salons and get their feet pedicured and have 50 pairs of shoes. They have to look good to please us, or they're not fulfilling their gender role. Like guru says, there are no pedestals in place with an abundance mindset.


Jun 12, 2015
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zekko said:
I just think that a girl's SMV is practically totally dependent on her looks. Whatever other qualities she may have that are of value depend entirely on what the guy is looking for. Some guys love whack jobs, some guys think BPDs are the ultimate sensual experience. Some guys want a quick lay, some guys want a long term relationship, some guys don't want a girl to get attached. The only common denominator as an attraction factor is looks.

In any case, just because I think a girl is pretty doesn't mean I put her on a pedestal. As I said before, girls are supposed to be pretty. That's what they're here for. That's why they dye their hair and have makeup and go to nail salons and get their feet pedicured and have 50 pairs of shoes. They have to look good to please us, or they're not fulfilling their gender role. Like guru says, there are no pedestals in place with an abundance mindset.
I get the abundance mindset. Where you might be at a level to have abundance. But no matter what relying on abundance is still relying on it. A stronger man can survive off abundance or scarcity no matter even if he's improved to his full potential for himself. A man who needs to rely on abundance would most likely fall apart if he reached full potential but had scarcity beyond his control. So every man should be prepared for all outcomes.

Everyone should strive for their full potential expecting backslides as a normal occurance or not reaching it yet striving for it. Not obsessing on "perfection" either or doing it just for chicks "approval". Thats a fools errand if its done for chicks,family or friends as its insecurity and an impossible task that cant be achieved as everyone has their own opinions. But doing it for self with no revenge fantasies.

Sure there's always the girl who looks good, is cool, we get along with, seems "perfect", would "validate" us with "success" in our subconcious to friends, family etc. But no matter what we may like someone we deem below us or she isn't totally on our level and deep down won't admit we want to white knight her but she rejects us its beyond our control and a waste of time trying to either prove ourselves or bash her. Just like we have our own right to not like everyone no matter how good they may look.

Water seeks it's own level.

Putting a number based off an individuals looks I get. But that same level needs to be weighed with serious non denial to that person on how they are as a person.

I dont give a damn if everyone on the site etc. Thought one dudes chick was a perfect ten. That same chick I dont know from a can of paint may only like abusive, jacked, or big money dudes and be a superficial chick that would drop them if something happened. Same with some smoke show who could like me for youthful looks earnings nice body etc. Not like them due to race height etc.

I know way too many hot chicks, regular ,average, insane, all races etc to just pin numbers based off looks. There's way too many variables.

Best line ive ever heard: If you cannot see your own bad qualities in yourself and admit to them. You'll never be able to see them in others.

Some hot chicks are actually really nice people. REGARDLESS if they liked me romantically or not. Just like some average or hot chicks are complete relationship disaster nut cases that any sane man with an ounce of self respect and no need for some notch attempt validation wouldn't waste his time with.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Yeah.....but....their looks are the only reason you want to talk to them in the first place...its just of course I use a 1 to 10 scale...I mean....
Why else would I want to be with a woman besides her looks?

Otherwise I prefer the company of stray dogs to a woman...
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
Yeah.....but....their looks are the only reason you want to talk to them in the first place...its just of course I use a 1 to 10 scale...I mean....
Why else would I want to be with a woman besides her looks?

Otherwise I prefer the company of stray dogs to a woman...
What about how they make you feel? Women have brains too and personalities and emotions and interests and skills and viewpoints, etc.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
DaddyLongShanks said:
What about how they make you feel? Women have brains too and personalities and emotions and interests and skills and viewpoints, etc.

Very few are even worthy of a real conversation unless sex is in the cards...only a very very few....not to mention as soon as their ***** stops tingling they gaurunteed to turn into a block of ice towards u...

I really believe women were genetically designed to only matecwith one or two partners at mist...after that...they all turn into serious headcases not worth anything but sex...

That's why for anything more than hardcore sex...only a vigin will suffice imo...


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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guru1000 said:
I toss out 8s and 9s like the garbage. Once you've been with enough of them, looks do very little to impress. There are no pedestals in place with an abundance mindset.
Nowadays it's difficult for me to get that immediate "I gotta have that" when a woman is super hot. I see how good she looks, and I immediately know she'd be a huge pain in the ass with orbiters, attitude, etc.

These days I've been more thinking about what these chicks can do for me. No car? Living off assistance? That means I gotta drive your ass around and pay for all your 5hit. No thanks.

You have a car? You have a decent job? Great! If my truck breaks down, you can drive me around and take me out for dinner. Bonus points for everything else she's got going for her.

Bottom line is, most pu55y feels the same when you've got your d1ck inside of her. There's nothing unique about a woman when it comes to blowing your load inside of her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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This is the gheyest thread that's come along for a while.

Hmm yes. I think I will start using the visual analogue scale to rate women by personality instead of looks :crackup: Pedestalising, indeed :crackup:

I see where the point is coming from but for me, the personality thing is much more polar; you get on, or you don't. She's a d!ck, or she isn't. Let's not pretend that women who you don't find attractive aren't idiots as well; I know plenty.

'Personality counts for everything'. Well yeah, course it does. Didn't realise we'd descended in to a Cosmopolitan 'thought shower', for a Monday morning.

Good grief.


Jun 12, 2015
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TheMonkeyKing said:
This is the gheyest thread that's come along for a while.

Hmm yes. I think I will start using the visual analogue scale to rate women by personality instead of looks :crackup: Pedestalising, indeed :crackup:

I see where the point is coming from but for me, the personality thing is much more polar; you get on, or you don't. She's a d!ck, or she isn't. Let's not pretend that women who you don't find attractive aren't idiots as well; I know plenty.

'Personality counts for everything'. Well yeah, course it does. Didn't realise we'd descended in to a Cosmopolitan 'thought shower', for a Monday morning.

Good grief.
And so if theyre idiots their points should be lowered. But since some of you refuse to grow as a person youll stay stuck on stupid projecting in self imposed victimhood. Because you just base off looks doesnt mean these females don't eother meaning all your so-called "game" to them is based off how good you look. If you arent hot to them you might as well "game" a plant.

And you dudes wonder why you end up failing or end up stuck with low quality that causes you problems. You are intellectually dishonest low quality who refuse to grow as people.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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CubanCigar said:
And so if theyre idiots their points should be lowered. But since some of you refuse to grow as a person youll stay stuck on stupid projecting in self imposed victimhood. Because you just base off looks doesnt mean these females don't eother meaning all your so-called "game" to them is based off how good you look. If you arent hot to them you might as well "game" a plant.

And you dudes wonder why you end up failing or end up stuck with low quality that causes you problems. You are intellectually dishonest low quality who refuse to grow as people.
Not really sure what 'intellectual dishonesty' is, but let's run with it anyway :crackup:

Thank you for that very subjective dose of rhetoric. I tried to 'intellectually' objectify the personality scale by saying it was polar, you like someone or you don't. How exactly would you objectify the infinite variation on personality? Should we have two scales. May be we should; after all, we have the value of personality over looks smashed in our faces every day by mainstream opinion.

Ask yourself this. Any time you've asked an old person about the time that they met their sweetheart 50 years previous, how many said, 'Ooo, she/he had such a great personality'. Then think how many said 'Ooo, she was gorgeous/he was sooo handsome'. Even old people are superficial f*ckers!

I would argue that your comments are 'intellectually dishonest' being, as they are, completely void of any objectivity.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I just think that when someone says "HB8", you know what they are talking about. Because when talking about ranking women 1-10, it's a LOOKS scale, that's specifically what it's talking about. That doesn't mean I would go out with her, because if I don't like her personally, I won't want to be around her, and she isn't valuable to me.

But that doesn't change the fact that she's an HB8. Just because you acknowledge that a girl is pretty doesn't mean you're putting her on a pedestal, I'm not sure where that idea comes from.

Some people don't like to use the 1-10 scale, and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that. If you don't like it, don't use it. Some prefer the binary scale: 1=doable, 0=not doable. Whatever you prefer.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
zekko said:
I just think that when someone says "HB8", you know what they are talking about. Because when talking about ranking women 1-10, it's a LOOKS scale, that's specifically what it's talking about. That doesn't mean I would go out with her, because if I don't like her personally, I won't want to be around her, and she isn't valuable to me.

But that doesn't change the fact that she's an HB8. Just because you acknowledge that a girl is pretty doesn't mean you're putting her on a pedestal, I'm not sure where that idea comes from.
Many of us by default DO pedastalize a babe because they are "pretty". We get captured into their beauty and lose control of ourselves and do a bunch of stupid stuff.

So it is something that people need to learn how to manage if they have not done so yet.

zekko said:
Some people don't like to use the 1-10 scale, and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that. If you don't like it, don't use it. Some prefer the binary scale: 1=doable, 0=not doable. Whatever you prefer.
Our numbers around here also need to have another "metric" for overall attractiveness just like a male. So we need to consider their earning power, how they treat someone, personality, intelligence, etc.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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DaddyLongShanks said:
Many of us by default DO pedastalize a babe because they are "pretty". We get captured into their beauty and lose control of ourselves and do a bunch of stupid stuff.
Any guy who claims he doesn't pedestalize attractive women, is either lying or gay (in which he pedestalizes dudes).

We all pedestalize, just to varying degrees.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Yewki said:
Any guy who claims he doesn't pedestalize attractive women, is either lying or gay (in which he pedestalizes dudes).

We all pedestalize, just to varying degrees.
Lol, this is actually pretty true. You could say that Tyler Durden pedestalizes cause he goes out 7 nights a week trolling he bars looking for puss.