Stop CHASING women. Instead EXPOSE (yourself) to them. Explained.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
If there's anything I've learned in my STUDY of women (yes, after getting burned i determined not to get burned AGAIN)...........................

It is that men cannot chase women. Women simply do not want a man that WANTS them. Or more specifically NEEDS them.

This flies in the face of EVERYTHING we are bombarded with from our youth up. Our mothers, the media, our dads, teachers, books, etc. told us to go chase women.

I prefer to EXPOSE women. To ME. As doc love says, the woman's Interest level determines EVERYTHING. Let me repeat that. The women's interest level determines EVERYTHING. Your interest level means NOTHING.

Here is my technique. Step by step.

1. Meet women intelligently. This means I meet the TYPE of woman I like (smart, athletic, flexibile givers) at a LOCATION that is conducive to getting their phone numbers or email .

2. Make an intrigueing, unforgettable, easy, charming, humorous, laid back, and professional impression. This takes a huge amount of practice. It captures her imagination within a few minutes. She instantly decides she would go on a date with you. Or as doc love says, her interest level is from 50 to 100 percent.

3. I get the phone number casually.

4. Once you have the contact ability, YOURE one step toward the drivers seat. Not IN the drivers seat but closer to it. At this point you are doing a little CHASING to be honest, but only because youre getting the ball rolling.

5. You call her LATER. Wait several days. And wait for the right mood when you feel positive and casual and funny.
Set up a casual date.

6. Have a great casual date. At this point, you give her GLIMPSES of the many facets of your adventurous life. You dont TELL them but IMPLY. Various aspects of laughing, connections, social proof, ****y funny, ambitions, etc.

7. You take her home and do NOT TRY TO KISS her. If she hugs you then thats her decision. Make sure you tell her what youre doing in the next few days. Make sure its adventurous. And she's not going to be any part of it. Write down your phone number and tell her to buzz you "sometime".

8. You wait.

9. SHE should call YOU next. If you made email connections, then you wait. DO NOT CONTACT HER. The next suggestion to get together is HERS.

10. If her interest level is low, she wont call you, or write you.

11 . MOVE ON MY FRIEND. DO NOT CHASE HER if she doesnt initiate more communication.

12. If she communicates with you, she will suggest getting together again. Tell her to call you when she's got a plan. You'll be glad in getting together and seeing her again IF she plans out the next one.
Youre finding out right now if she's a flexible giver.

13. You dont spend another quarter unless she demonstrates her interest level.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
It's funny how you sometimes use the word "casual" but there's like 15-30 steps/rules you have to follow through.

People take MY ADVICE: Don't listen do this dude, do what you want when you feel like it or when it should be done.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
6. Have a great casual date. At this point, you give her GLIMPSES of the many facets of your adventurous life. You dont TELL them but IMPLY. Various aspects of laughing, connections, social proof, ****y funny, ambitions, etc.
i find the adventurous life bit very funny.


Don Juan
May 6, 2002
Reaction score
Ditto, what WR said.

"Don't go chasin' busses, or women. You'll only get left behind." ~Marlboro Man