Still trying to figure yout why this girl led me on so much.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
So typically early on when Im seeing a girl always know wether or not there is long term potential here, so I avoid any leading quesitons or anything that is suggestive of a LTR.

Well it's therpateuitc for me to write this stuff down so Im looking for opinions.

I dated this girl for four months, she was all over me unlike any girl has been.

An example of things she would say:

You are going to love my parents and they are going to love you.
What do you tell your friend about us ?
What do you consider me ?
We better be carfeul or we are really going to get attached ( she would gigle as saying this )
Do you like my son ? Because I could not be with someone who did not.
What are your body hair preferances because laser is permananent.
Do you want to go out and have supper with my friends.
This is how much I make / hour.
She cookerd me supper.
Booked me for Valentines three weeks in advance.
Invited herself over to my place regularly.

So................unless I was totaly sold that a LTR was coming up with a girl I would never say or do any of this stuff because I know if I did I would feel like a total douche breaking up with her a couple of months later. Well, that is what she did to me and I swear guys - Nothing happened. No change in my behaviour to AFC, to fight, disgareement , nothing !!!

She said we are breaking up because she is not ready to introduce another man into her son's life and she thought she was amd the thought is scared her and she had a `freak out ``.

Is it common for women to do this ? Do they just operate on another frequency than us ?

It's been three weeks and It's still really bugging me that she did this to me.

I was marreid for a bunch of years and I guess Im trying to re-understand the dating world.



Don Juan
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
lifemisspent said:
Is it common for women to do this ? Do they just operate on another frequency than us ?
Yes, women are emotional, irrational, flaky, whimsical and often downright crazy. Trying to comprehend why women do certain things is like attempting to understand the nature of the universe or something. At best, it's a theoretical exercise.

You probably feel frustrated and want to know what went wrong. That's are a man. Men like to make sense of things and understand the world from the standpoint of logic and reason. The problem is that you simply cannot apply logic and reason to an inherently irrational creature like the woman. Basically, a woman's behavior is largely determined by the cosmic rays that happen to be shining on her vagina on a particular day. That's as close to a logical explanation as you're going to get.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
Im inquisitve by nature............I so want answers. Feel like talking to her in an effort to get them.............Huge mistake I know, I won't do it but the urge is there.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Talking to her is counterproductive because you will never get a straight answer, I can assure you of that. You will only get even more confused because she will lie to you and say something that does not make any sense whatsoever.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Uffff single moms.... what a headache, ive had my share...


Don Juan
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
United States
Damn it J.F.!! What an awesome fvcking post! This sums up the answer for the OP perfectly! Kudos to you sir! Kudos to you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
J.F. said:
Talking to her is counterproductive because you will never get a straight answer, I can assure you of that. You will only get even more confused because she will lie to you and say something that does not make any sense whatsoever.

^^^this. you'll be wasting your time trying to get any TRUE answer to your questions out of a woman. that's why people say judge them by their ACTIONS and not what they SAY. do you REALLY think you'll get an answer from a gender who says "oh how I want a nice guy." and then attends a Hell's Angle's bike rally that same weekend. I actually had one girl tell me "I don't know" when she broke up with me onetime and I kept pushing for a reason. right then I knew there was no point in ever asking them a thing again to explain why they do what they do.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
lifemisspent said:
So typically early on when Im seeing a girl always know wether or not there is long term potential here, so I avoid any leading quesitons or anything that is suggestive of a LTR.

Well it's therpateuitc for me to write this stuff down so Im looking for opinions.

I dated this girl for four months, she was all over me unlike any girl has been.

An example of things she would say:

You are going to love my parents and they are going to love you.I finally brought a guy home that didn't beat my @$$, snort everything in sight, try to sell my kid for drugs, has a job, and has never been in prison. I secretly don't give two sh!ts about you because you're too good of a guy, but my parents will!
What do you tell your friend about us ?do you talk about me when I'm not around. I keep you a secret to all of my friends, or if they ask I tell them we're just friends.
What do you consider me ?I just want to see how bad I've got you hooked so if you just think we're friends I can turn up the sexual come-ons and lead you on some more, or do you already think you have me so I can dump you on your @$$?
We better be carfeul or we are really going to get attached ( she would gigle as saying this )YOU better be careful because I KNOW I have you in my web, can't wait to chew you up and spit you out!
Do you like my son ? Because I could not be with someone who did not.her past boyfriends probably beat the dog sh!t out of the kid, took him on drug deals, but she still stayed with them. You, however, better buy him a swing set for sh!ts and giggles or else I'll think you hate my kid who's not even yours!
What are your body hair preferances because laser is permananent.what is she, an ape?
Do you want to go out and have supper with my friends.I want my friends to see the sucker I've landed
This is how much I make / hour.what I REALLY want to know is how much do YOU make an hour?
She cookerd me supper.I've had b!tches heat up Ramen noodles for me before and call it "supper", doesn't mean they can cook though
Booked me for Valentines three weeks in advance.she knows she won't meet anyone else before then and she d@mn sure doesn't want to spend it alone.
Invited herself over to my place regularly.didn't have sh!t else to do

So................unless I was totaly sold that a LTR was coming up with a girl I would never say or do any of this stuff because I know if I did I would feel like a total douche breaking up with her a couple of months later. Well, that is what she did to me and I swear guys - Nothing happened. No change in my behaviour to AFC, to fight, disgareement , nothing !!!

She said we are breaking up because she is not ready to introduce another man into her son's life and she thought she was amd the thought is scared her and she had a `freak out ``.

Is it common for women to do this ? Do they just operate on another frequency than us ?

It's been three weeks and It's still really bugging me that she did this to me.

I was marreid for a bunch of years and I guess Im trying to re-understand the dating world.


in bold you will see what she REALLY meant about the things she said in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
LoydWhitton said:
Your halogen lights are being fed by a step-down transformer, true. But I bet it is an AC-out transformer. LEDs required correctly polarized DC current. Can they be reversed in the socket? Sometimes LED replacement lamps have one diode in place to rectify AC - but it has to be placed in the socket correctly. Otherwise you will need to get a DC-out transformer.

I re-read this a few times thinking it was some kind of profound and complex metaphor for the OP's situation.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Y'all do realize he posted this over 2 years ago?


New Member
Oct 13, 2012
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lifemisspent said:
So typically early on when Im seeing a girl always know wether or not there is long term potential here, so I avoid any leading quesitons or anything that is suggestive of a LTR front page.

Well it's therpateuitc for me to write this stuff down so Im looking for opinions.

I dated this girl for four months, she was all over me unlike any girl has been.

An example of things she would say:

You are going to love my parents and they are going to love you.
What do you tell your friend about us ?
What do you consider me ?
We better be carfeul or we are really going to get attached ( she would gigle as saying this )
Do you like my son ? Because I could not be with someone who did not.
What are your body hair preferances because laser is permananent.
Do you want to go out and have supper with my friends.
This is how much I make / hour.
She cookerd me supper.
Booked me for Valentines three weeks in advance.
Invited herself over to my place regularly.

So................unless I was totaly sold that a LTR was coming up with a girl I would never say or do any of this stuff because I know if I did I would feel like a total douche breaking up with her a couple of months later. Well, that is what she did to me and I swear guys - Nothing happened. No change in my behaviour to AFC, to fight, disgareement , nothing !!!

She said we are breaking up because she is not ready to introduce another man into her son's life and she thought she was amd the thought is scared her and she had a `freak out ``.

Is it common for women to do this ? Do they just operate on another frequency than us ?

It's been three weeks and It's still really bugging me that she did this to me.

I was marreid for a bunch of years and I guess Im trying to re-understand the dating world.


Dont get too much in that girl she will ruin you.
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
J.F. said:
Yes, women are emotional, irrational, flaky, whimsical and often downright crazy. Trying to comprehend why women do certain things is like attempting to understand the nature of the universe or something. At best, it's a theoretical exercise.

You probably feel frustrated and want to know what went wrong. That's are a man. Men like to make sense of things and understand the world from the standpoint of logic and reason. The problem is that you simply cannot apply logic and reason to an inherently irrational creature like the woman. Basically, a woman's behavior is largely determined by the cosmic rays that happen to be shining on her vagina on a particular day. That's as close to a logical explanation as you're going to get.

You left out the effect the Gravitational pull of the moon has on her decision making ;-)

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I know this is an old thread, but when something like this happens, my working assumption is she met another guy or her ex came back in the picture. I believe it's always because they met another another guy they are interested in.

The only surprising thing is how fast they can cut off what was ostensibly feelings for you and lose interest that fast. But there's always at least 10 horny s.o.b's working on every girl at any point in time, and there's not always warning signs. I feel like I'm channeling the poster PRL or LMS. He'd always say, "They're hors!!!!!! They love everyone and no one!" I think he was right about that.