Still cant make the full transition


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
I've been on the forums a while, and i've been out in the field for practice (maybe not enough)
I've gotten to the point where i cant just seem to push forward. I've made some improvement though, It's just that everything seems to have come to a halt.

Im stuck, whenever im at a party i chat up the girls, but cant keep a GOOD conversation going, something that would interest somebody. My friends have no problem with this and they make them laugh their A$$es off.

It gets worse when i try to get sexual, i dont know what to say exactly and what to do at the right times, if that makes sense.

I'm still not FUN, girls would still rather hang out with my friends then me, I just cant seem to be fun and interesting.

It's hard to explain, the best way i can put it is Im practicing, but im not getting the experience.

On a side note, i dont think any amount of reading will help me, but i plan on reading Easy Does It by sammo to see if something improves.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Do not focus on the women, focus on having fun first. Social skills can go a long way, and one key factor (among others) is to understand the difference between a good state (and keep yourself there) and a bad state of mind. If you are asking yourself whether or not you have value, you are in a bad state, but if you don't care whatsoever while being externally focused on having fun or whatever, then you are in a good state. It is actually simple.

Also, try increasing your natural testosterone level by doing heavy weight lifting. I know that sounds strange, but that actually helps.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
On a side note, i dont think any amount of reading will help me
Your right! NO amount of reading will help you if you don't gain some CONFIDENCE. You need to be confident in everything you do. You need to think how an alpha would act.

Stop being so uptight at party's relax take a breath and just have fun. I go into a party and think well all these women are here only to please ME. So they look like a bunch of little sluts just wanting me which makes me laugh and be able to just mess with them in a C&F way. <---I know lame BUT it works!!

Also again you can do all the reading in the world you want. Gaming girls is not about A+B=C...One way will work with one chick another with a different chick you need to get a feel for them. You need to be adaptable because one comment may make one bvtches pvssy wet and piss off another when in that scenario you need to react fast and make her laughing again.

Focus on your life more and your confidence will build. Start working out Lifting weights you'll start feeling a little sexier then get a hair cut you'll be like alright I am looking good then get some new cloth's and trim your pubes and you'll feel rocking.

Go out just for fun never expect anything except a kick in the ass for expecting.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
I get what your saying here, i go into parties with a mindset almost like yours, but when im actually partying or talking, it's like its come to a halt, im stuck in the crowd listening to the funny guys bust on the girls, or they'll chill with my bro's or some other guys while im stuck on the sideline..

with that said, i dont think im going in with a true mindset, so ill work on that.

i also plan to start working out, as soon as i can take time off work to get to the base gym


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
Start working out it will defiantly help you. Also with the mindset you gotta be the prize not them. If they come home with you that would be great but if they don't your still going to have an awesome night.

You just need to put your self out there. See what jokes there playing try doing some yourself walk up say hi. Only way to learn is to fail. So go out there and get some rejections under your belt.

Read some bootcamps those will help.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Read BongDuy's field reports. The whole thing, beginning to end; read everything eaglez has to say. This helped tremendously for me; for about two months straight I'd do nothing but come home and read a couple day's worth of his field reports. I began to internalize a lot of the stuff and just basically learned through his experiences.

If you've ever been really intense about playing video games (like i was), you've probably watched at least a couple of videos of pro MLG guys playing. After a while, you find yourself emulating them and incorporating their techniques into your own gameplay.

THAT is the effect of reading field reports of people who know what they're doing.

Do whatever else you need to do, but I strongly recommend you read those field reports.