still after girl i see after school


New Member
Mar 20, 2005
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It's me again. The guy who tried to get that girl that i always see after school and just look at each other and walk off our seperate ways.
Just coming from school today i saw her and she was like 4 feet away from me crossing the street i could've said something but its like i get choked up, i was going to say "Hey mind if i walk with you this way." while running up to her slowly and just start chatting, but what if she thought i was weird or something that i want to talk to her. It's not that i'm not good with girls its just that i'm not good at picking up girls out of the blue when you just see them walking down a street. For instance just last week i transfered into a class the girl sitting next to me is hella quiet, but i talk to her and let her borrow my notes already and stuff, but thats cuz i have class with her and have to sit with her, but the girl i really want is the one i barely see only on the street not even for 2 minutes. I really need help and if you want more details you could look at my very first post or e-mail me, it's been a long time but i just couldn't get my point across to her, i think shes interested and the way i look she knows i am too. Please help with some kind of real lines or situations or some reality stuff that you know is not only easy to say, i mean i could do this stuff probably way easier if i was with a friend cuz i get really confident then and hyped so almost anything is possible then, but who would bring someone to help them talk to a girl and since i am so confident with my friends they wouldn't believe this is me so please help and thank you, and please don't just waste time to put me down. please anyone, my only hopes are god, or someway that we get in a situation and have to talk to each other then that is the easiest way for me, but how!! (please don't refer me to a large article cuz thats not what i need i need some basic tips to get to know her *come on i don't suck that much:) if you need more details about the situation look at my very first post or e-mail me at

thank you very much


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
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jacksonville, FL
I know this is a very common anwer, but read the DJ bible. I hope this post doesn't end up like Mynameistaken's type posting. I will write more later.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
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you shouldn't be too shy to ask your own friends man. thats what friends are for, to support you when you are unsure.

i can give you the line, but you need to just learn to relax and treat her like a friend.

you : "excuse me, can i ask you a quick question?"
her : "sure, whats up?"
you : "are you shy?"
her : "no...why?"
you : "everyday we pass by each other and exchange glances, and every day you just keep walking and dont say a thing so i am assuming that you are a shy person. by the way.... my name is XXXX"

her: "why yes, i am a shy person"
you: " just as i suspected. well im not shy... Hi my name is XXXXX"


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
How long exactly have you been stalking this chick? seriously, u shouldnt even talk about a girl u have never even talked with. Come back when u actually know the *****es' name


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Yo, I feel for you. Everyone has to face their fears eventually. The truth of the matter is she may be atrracted to you but you will never know until you talk to her. Also, attraction is not infinite. If you don't act soon someone else will come along and she will never be attracted to you again. At that point you'll really hate yourself. Seize life by the horns.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by blue53155
"Hey mind if i walk with you this way."
First of all that could work but if you aren't alpha yet say "Hey Im walking this way with you" it shows dominance, your not walking around on egg shells by asking your stating. She cant say "no" really.

but what if she thought i was weird or something that i want to talk to her.
Shes going to think you're weird if you think you're weird.

It's not that i'm not good with girls its just that i'm not good at picking up girls out of the blue when you just see them walking down a street.
You're brilliant at picking up women out of the blue, you just don't know it yet.

please anyone, my only hopes are god, or someway that we get in a situation and have to talk to each other then that is the easiest way for me, but how!!
Make a new hope: I hope Im not a weakling whos scared of talking to a little girl who wants to talk to me so desperatly.

You're going to do more daring things than this in your life. Whats hard about it?

Most people would kill for £1 million and hold onto that for life, but Bill Gates could throw away £10 million and be unaffected because he has so much money it would not matter. Its the same with guys. Most work for one girl get her hold onto her for dear life, the minority can throw girls away and replace them without thought or insecurity.