Steps to greatness


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
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So im a Highschool sophmore student who used to be (and kinda is) not popular. the way the people in my school view me is a little negative. Not in looks i dress pretty well but in personality. I used to be this shy kid when i was a freshman so i guess it stuck with me till this year. The problem though is that there is no way for me to change my personality seeing that people rarely invite me to do things. I am pretty cool with the "cool kids" in my school i give them handshakes and everything and even chill at school with them but they kind of look down on me. i feel like im just a tag along..... how do i fix this? i want to renovate my name and appearence before next year starts please any tips would be highly apreciated


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
It happens very slowly. (Check my name, homie. I live by that.)

If you read my journal, I begin it with average social skills and NO reputation at school. The cool kids would barely talk to me. I started in the summer, and tried to change my image at the start of the school year.

I think there was a brief window right after the summer where, if I was who I am now, I could have really changed my social standing in a short time.

At this point though, after a semester and a half, I feel that I'm really making progress. I think I've set up momentum that will continue in the coming weeks.

Get started now, so that you'll be ready for next year. You'll find success when it comes. You can't make it come any sooner, but it will come, even if it's slow. (I wish I'd started this during sophomore year. You have time, keep working.)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
You actually have to change you know. You can't change their perception of you to something you're not yet become. Changing does not revolve around being around the cool kids and being invited out. It revolves around what actions you take that shape your values, rules, and beliefs. You're independent on that journey.