Hi chaps.
So, after breaking the ice with the gym and building the habit of going there, and a 3-week holiday, it's time to turn up the heat and start getting bigger. As in proper bigger, not burger and fries bigger.
Anyway, a bit of background. I started going to the gym in September last year, with the idea of (mostly) losing weight and building the habit of going there. In that respect it succeeded, I now get jittery if I spend a few days without going, and don't have to struggle to convince myself to go, I just have formed the habit of going there.
As far as weight loss, I've dropped from ~210 pounds, which is where I hovered most of the time (give or take), to about 195 pounds. I'm 6'1", for reference. The important thing is not so much the weight, but that I've dropped about 8+ cm waist size. I was carrying a lot more than I thought! I can still lose some more, but I just don't feel like I can keep cutting forever, I think I'm ready for a shock to the system and go for bulking big time now. Hilariously, I've not been able to drop pants size. I thought I could, then my legs started not to fit in the smaller pants properly. Funny what squatting can do.
Note that I've actually not been in "full out cutting mode" all the time, as it's been pointed in this forum repeatedly the best way is to cycle between cutting down and eating big, I've done that alternating twice so far but haven't really gone for really big eats and big bulking yet. I wanted to get a decent fitness base first, and I think I have.
Also I've noticed a great improvement in my stamina for intense exercises. My more active hobby has been hiking, doing 2-6 hours a day with a backpack hasn't been a problem for a long time, but that's not particularly high intensity. Now I can do sprints and my recovery in general has improved a lot. It takes a lot more to get my heart rate going too, all good things.
My workouts have been split in three days:
Mondays: PT, varied from week to week. We would do different kind of exercises and push pretty hard, this worked great to keep my interest, variety is the spice of life!
Tuesdays: Cardio/HIIT (I veered more towards the HIIT as my fitness level went up, now I'm doing walk/jog/run/sprint for 1m/1m/30s/30s cycles, 6/11/14/16 km/h).
Wednesday: Rest. It sucked, but I had a lot of stuff scheduled for Wednesdays so I simply didn't have the time to go to the gym. I'm hoping I'll be able to reschedule things and be able to use Wednesdays now, because...
Thursday & Friday: Weights. Split in two:
A: Squat, Bench, assists for both.
B: Back, Shoulders, Abs.
The order would depend on what we did on Monday. If Monday was very specific for something, I may try to squeeze a weights day on Tuesday. 2 lifting days back-to-back wasn't the best, but it's what I had.
Exercise I'd usually go for 3 sets of 10 reps, and alternate with something else. For example, when squatting I'd immediately follow each set with a set of dumbbell lunges, then rest. Bench I'd do pushups or triceps dips after each set, then rest. And so on.
Well, enough of that. Now I've ditched the PT, and I'm going to follow the more "regular" programs, starting with...
20 squats!
My plan is to do my routine A today and find my squat max (no supersets or 10 reps this time, just to get back on the groove after the long break, and just add weight until I can only do 3-4 reps then plug the number in one of the nifty online calculators that give you the 1-rep max), then do some of the assist exercises to see how I handle them. I'm a bit wary of the dips, since I hurt my chest doing the bench-triceps-dips thing before, we'll see how that goes.
Wednesday I'll do my B and check if I can actually do pullups unassisted... I suspect I may not be able to with the wide grip, though I can do 3-4 at a time with the closer grip (with palms facing away from me, that one I've actually tried before a few times since you can do it on any bar that happens to be handy). If I can't, what would be a good alternative? Use weight assist and steadily drop the weight? Do negatives? Use the narrow grip? Other?
Friday, first day of 20-reppers. Start at how much weight? Some % of my 1-rep max or...? Also, what happens when/if you fail? Do the same weight the day after, do the same weight until you can do the 20 reps? Unload more and ramp up again? Other?
As far as diet goes, the diet laid out in that link seems pretty straightforward. Here's what my schedule looks like:
8:00 am - wake up.
10:00 am - morning tea break.
Noon - Lunch.
3:00 pm - afternoon tea break
5:00 pm - gym.
7:00 pm onwards - free, except when not.
So the plan was:
8:30 am-ish: Breakfast - I'm really bad at this because I don't feel like cooking when I wake up, so I was thinking of making a large Spanish Tortilla with 6 eggs + 6 whites and some 750g potatoes, then take a third for breakfast, that way I can have 3 breakfasts cooked in one go - and it's nice cold too. Fruit.
10:00 am - tea break. Probably a glass of milk will go here.
Noon - Lunch. typically meat & veges, or tuna salad. Fruit.
3:00 pm - Snack? Question, how would a peanut butter sandwich fit here? Muesli and nut bars here are all loaded with Corn Syrup and whatnot, and protein bars are stupidly expensive, so I'm thinking of dropping them for something else.
5:00 pm - gym. Okay, so it's 2 hours between the snack and the gym. Should I have something else between them?
7:00 pm - Or whenever I leave the gym. Protein shake made with milk and some lowfat, low sugar yoghurt (for flavour mostly). Fruit?
9:00 pm - dinner. Usually I cook something I can have the leftovers as lunch the day after, and when I don't I have a tuna salad the day after for lunch. Low carbs veges/salad and no fruit or bread.
Salads and plain veges get doused on olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
And then, try to get as much milk as possible. I'll start with a litre a day and ramp it up. Question, milk vs. cheese? Can't stand cottage cheese, though Ricotta is nice.
So, after breaking the ice with the gym and building the habit of going there, and a 3-week holiday, it's time to turn up the heat and start getting bigger. As in proper bigger, not burger and fries bigger.
Anyway, a bit of background. I started going to the gym in September last year, with the idea of (mostly) losing weight and building the habit of going there. In that respect it succeeded, I now get jittery if I spend a few days without going, and don't have to struggle to convince myself to go, I just have formed the habit of going there.
As far as weight loss, I've dropped from ~210 pounds, which is where I hovered most of the time (give or take), to about 195 pounds. I'm 6'1", for reference. The important thing is not so much the weight, but that I've dropped about 8+ cm waist size. I was carrying a lot more than I thought! I can still lose some more, but I just don't feel like I can keep cutting forever, I think I'm ready for a shock to the system and go for bulking big time now. Hilariously, I've not been able to drop pants size. I thought I could, then my legs started not to fit in the smaller pants properly. Funny what squatting can do.
Note that I've actually not been in "full out cutting mode" all the time, as it's been pointed in this forum repeatedly the best way is to cycle between cutting down and eating big, I've done that alternating twice so far but haven't really gone for really big eats and big bulking yet. I wanted to get a decent fitness base first, and I think I have.
Also I've noticed a great improvement in my stamina for intense exercises. My more active hobby has been hiking, doing 2-6 hours a day with a backpack hasn't been a problem for a long time, but that's not particularly high intensity. Now I can do sprints and my recovery in general has improved a lot. It takes a lot more to get my heart rate going too, all good things.
My workouts have been split in three days:
Mondays: PT, varied from week to week. We would do different kind of exercises and push pretty hard, this worked great to keep my interest, variety is the spice of life!
Tuesdays: Cardio/HIIT (I veered more towards the HIIT as my fitness level went up, now I'm doing walk/jog/run/sprint for 1m/1m/30s/30s cycles, 6/11/14/16 km/h).
Wednesday: Rest. It sucked, but I had a lot of stuff scheduled for Wednesdays so I simply didn't have the time to go to the gym. I'm hoping I'll be able to reschedule things and be able to use Wednesdays now, because...
Thursday & Friday: Weights. Split in two:
A: Squat, Bench, assists for both.
B: Back, Shoulders, Abs.
The order would depend on what we did on Monday. If Monday was very specific for something, I may try to squeeze a weights day on Tuesday. 2 lifting days back-to-back wasn't the best, but it's what I had.
Exercise I'd usually go for 3 sets of 10 reps, and alternate with something else. For example, when squatting I'd immediately follow each set with a set of dumbbell lunges, then rest. Bench I'd do pushups or triceps dips after each set, then rest. And so on.
Well, enough of that. Now I've ditched the PT, and I'm going to follow the more "regular" programs, starting with...
20 squats!
My plan is to do my routine A today and find my squat max (no supersets or 10 reps this time, just to get back on the groove after the long break, and just add weight until I can only do 3-4 reps then plug the number in one of the nifty online calculators that give you the 1-rep max), then do some of the assist exercises to see how I handle them. I'm a bit wary of the dips, since I hurt my chest doing the bench-triceps-dips thing before, we'll see how that goes.
Wednesday I'll do my B and check if I can actually do pullups unassisted... I suspect I may not be able to with the wide grip, though I can do 3-4 at a time with the closer grip (with palms facing away from me, that one I've actually tried before a few times since you can do it on any bar that happens to be handy). If I can't, what would be a good alternative? Use weight assist and steadily drop the weight? Do negatives? Use the narrow grip? Other?
Friday, first day of 20-reppers. Start at how much weight? Some % of my 1-rep max or...? Also, what happens when/if you fail? Do the same weight the day after, do the same weight until you can do the 20 reps? Unload more and ramp up again? Other?
As far as diet goes, the diet laid out in that link seems pretty straightforward. Here's what my schedule looks like:
8:00 am - wake up.
10:00 am - morning tea break.
Noon - Lunch.
3:00 pm - afternoon tea break
5:00 pm - gym.
7:00 pm onwards - free, except when not.
So the plan was:
8:30 am-ish: Breakfast - I'm really bad at this because I don't feel like cooking when I wake up, so I was thinking of making a large Spanish Tortilla with 6 eggs + 6 whites and some 750g potatoes, then take a third for breakfast, that way I can have 3 breakfasts cooked in one go - and it's nice cold too. Fruit.
10:00 am - tea break. Probably a glass of milk will go here.
Noon - Lunch. typically meat & veges, or tuna salad. Fruit.
3:00 pm - Snack? Question, how would a peanut butter sandwich fit here? Muesli and nut bars here are all loaded with Corn Syrup and whatnot, and protein bars are stupidly expensive, so I'm thinking of dropping them for something else.
5:00 pm - gym. Okay, so it's 2 hours between the snack and the gym. Should I have something else between them?
7:00 pm - Or whenever I leave the gym. Protein shake made with milk and some lowfat, low sugar yoghurt (for flavour mostly). Fruit?
9:00 pm - dinner. Usually I cook something I can have the leftovers as lunch the day after, and when I don't I have a tuna salad the day after for lunch. Low carbs veges/salad and no fruit or bread.
Salads and plain veges get doused on olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
And then, try to get as much milk as possible. I'll start with a litre a day and ramp it up. Question, milk vs. cheese? Can't stand cottage cheese, though Ricotta is nice.