Starting to Get It...Hope This actually Helps Someone


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Where ever I am at the moment
This bothers me a lot telling this tale, but if anybody can take this experince to stop them from making the same mistake it will be worth it. It takes place since my sophmore year to now.

High School:

Sophmore Year - Around March
I liked this girl name Ashley. I saw and had the felling that she liked me for a while. So, I go to tell her I'll go see her in a play she's in on a Friday night. (Note: I never actually saw the play. Who the hell wants to sit through a play? Not me. I ended up their the last 10 minutes of the play. She still thinks I was there throughout the entire thing. Also, it was like $10 to see it. Hell no.) After her play I tell she looked good in it. I then proceed to say - "How you want to go on a date?" She said yes. I was absolutely thrilled. She was in my first period class that year. I go into school Monday, and she ignores me. Then Tues. I ask her what she want to do for a date. She ends up telling me - "I can't go on a date with you." That's it. Well, to say I was pissed and sad would be an understatement. I end up not talking her the rest of the year.

Junior Year - September
It's first day of school, and I go into my 4th period class. Who do I see? Ashley...YEAH, I know it's stupid, but I was still pissed off...I can't remeber how it happened, but around Jan. we end talking again. I actually walk her to class safter 4th period since it was along the way to my class. ALl year she acts like she likes me and doesn't like me. On one of these walks she asks if I'm going to some Senior/Junior dance - it's a formal dance...the only formal dance I ever wanted to go to in high school was my prom. I am usually able to get really nervous when thrown into unlnowm situations. Formal dances is not one of those things...I really feel akward at them. She tells me tickets are still available. Well, I say might get a ticket if it's not to late. (Note: I had abousolutly NO intention of going to this dance let alone get a ticket for it.) She ends up trying to call me that Fri. night before the prom. But wait how did she end up calling me when I never gave my number. My house number isn't listed in the phone book. My mom has a business ran out of my house, she gets that number, and gives my mom her number. I come through the house door around 8PM that night with a friend. My mom tells me that ashley called herat work and told her to tell me to call her. I'm like - "What the f*** does she want??? OK" I remeber how she screwed me over. So, I decide to wait till next morning till calling. She tells me she got a ticket for me. Ask if I want to go with her. I end up saying ok. I go to her place. Talk to her dad while waiting for her. (Note: Total f***ing oddball and a half. Ended up shotting a BB gun in his house. Told me how his whole family like to shoot each other with paintballs without safety gear on. And ends up wrestling with little poodlde dog that's about 1/24 his size. The dog is growling and snapping at him and he says ow she's just playing. Yeah playing-you got about 250 pounds on a 10 pound dog. Idiot.) Ashley finally comes down in a dress that looks like it cost about $300 (Note: Apparently a lot of girls at that dance spent this much for dresses. Not one of them even later wore it to prom, they went out to buy another $300 dress. Damn girls are crazy.)
We get there. I act like a gentlemen. We end up sitting with her friends. Yeah. That sucked. I felt akward throughout the night. End up just slow dancing and talking some what with her.
We then going back to her place and left right after that. (Note: It was a long night. I didn't feel like putting up with her oddball dad.) Rest of year she continues that **** of acting like she likes ma and doesn't like me. (Note-that night is when I actually found this site and started down a path of wanting a difference. spent most of year on one-its with her since I thought I could eventually get with her. I actually always got back AFC nervous and never made a move.

Senior - September
Ashley is in my social studies period. Actually she pretty much followed me until about a month ago I actually started waiting for to get her crap together and walk with her. That was until about week ago when I started just walking out, I got sick of waitibg for her. Then last Fri. she called my mom's work number again-since I never gave her my cell number. She sks if I want to go to the football game with her. (Note though -
I want to say this. Around this time I had read Mr.Finger's stuff on fcousing attention on you and realizing from past success I that I need to start living my life for me and focus attention on whast I do...It's more involved thn that, but I don't feel like going into another long story...I was actually starting a list of goals for me to start each day) I end going with herm but for once I focus attention on myself and thought of myself as the prize. I end holding her around herback and all that crap. I walk her house. I didn't kiss her though. Next day I ended up just doing some kino. The thing also is before SS class this girl shows up at my locker to walk with me. I have started to rwealize the only reason I had interest in this girl was since I thought I could get with her. To be truthful after writing all this i see how stupid I was.


I know I was just ranting. But for the longest time I was like every other AFC if not worse always looking for approval. I was always looking for something, but I never could realize what it was. Like whenever I got a girl I wanted or was really happy. It wasn't until after reading Mr.Finger's stuff did I realize what it was I was looking for.

To see mtyself as the prize. SWhen everyone says that you have to be in this for you. It's the truest thing anyone can ever tell you. Just remeber this question next time you question if should do something you want, but aren't sure whether you should do it out of fear of other's approval.


Just think about that and maybe this one too...

Who really cares?

If you want to approach a girl, who really cares?

If you want to go for something, who really cares?

The only one who sets limits on us is ourselves. And we're the only ones who can break them.


Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
south florida
Well forget her Im thinking she was desparete or either too afraid to be rejected so she knew you would go to the prom with her thats why she asked you.shes probably using you for company and not wanting to look like she is a loner.shes not worth it.but I dont know how this helps us?


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
IM really Feeling for you bud... IVE went through the same exact crap in middle school and high school..

Reading all this stuff at the begining was like nuclear science to me. But it made since why some guys i know had success and why I didn't.

At the end of your post I was thinking that this girl could be an attention *****.. Who knows.. maybe if you got another girl invovled, you might have interesting situation.. for the better of course :)


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
just think that there's a list of girls you could possibly be with, and you're going through the list and finding out which ones aren't worth it, so just tick her off and find the next girl on the list.

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
everybody has made their mistakes.

ive made a hell of a lot. ive burned so many times. whats terrible is when you let a girl get close to your heart, only for her to tear it open.

but thats how you learn. you go through pain and learn your lesson. it makes you stronger.

im probably not the only one... but everything in life, id usually grow to a certain point, and then kind of slow down. id be more successful in something than before... but id start to get bored. id become dissapointed in myself. after a while id see that theres another step to take, but it usually requires me to go way out of my comfort zone. put myself in, what at the time seems to be, a very risky situation. needless to say i go through it, deal with the pain, learn the lesson, and take that next step.

every time, ive come about stronger than before. and im more successful in life than before. everythings great... until its time for that next step =)

heres a quote of mine that might fit your situation.

"life being the staircase of uncertain steps, falling is a risk which must be taken to get to the top. fear to risk, youll be stuck at the bottom forever.
