starting sex..


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Been seeing this girl for awhile now. We've had sex plenty, in plenty of places, but it's 90% my job to initiate the sex. I usually start by grabbing her ass then working my way in slowly. 90% of the time she lets it happen, but 10% of the time she doesn't.

Well about a week ago she's started to be more anal about how often we have sex. It became 50/50 on whether she wants to or not when I MAKE THE MOVE.

So, I figured I'd try something.

I stopped making the move. I stopped grabbing her ass. I stopped caressing her. What happened? Within minutes she was pulling my arms around her wanting me to touch her. I did touch her, but continued to restrain from any intimate touching.

I could feel the tension building up as she was grinding against me just waiting for me to do something.

Long story short, I got her to initiate the sex.

Is this what you guys usually do? Or do you switch it up.. in other words let her initiate sex and then you initiate at times too?


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Choclate City Washington DC
I do both, but I rarely have to initiate sex. Ever since I was in HS girls just want to have sex with me. I guess it's the way I carry myself. If you are doing everything right you will not have to worry about that problem. The power is in the d$ck. Keep her in suspense about what you are going to do with her each time you have sex and she will be begging for another session. Mix it up everytime homie.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
This reminds me of a story.
Once I had this chick come over and stay the night, and she was in my bed or whatever, so that night I was really touch feely, and she let me do just about anything but go in her pants. So this battle of attrition continued through the whole night, so I went to work the next morning and told her she can leave if she wanted but I won't be home till around 12. So when I came home I continued feeling on her etc etc. So she continued being *****y about then I stopped. I rolled over on her and began to go to sleep as I was tired from work. Then to my shock and dismay she started grabbing my hand and putting it down her pants! and I was like OOOH yeah!! And the rest is x-rated.

Another time a similar situation occured, we were over my friends house in his bastement, and it was 2 girls and one of us. I started rubbing my hand on her neck or whatever and she was loving it and I just stopped. Didn't attempt to play with the cat or anything so she hopped all over me started kissing on me and everything.
So my strategy is to touch and stop and let her initiate the rest and 85% of the time they do. Hope this helped
- W00P


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Womens nature is to be submissive not aggressive. You are the aggressor (man). It is our job to make the moves.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
I.A.F.Y.B. said:
Womens nature is to be submissive not aggressive. You are the aggressor (man). It is our job to make the moves.

Thats not always true, if you can make her horny enough she'll initiate.. Which doesn't make you submissive it just means your a pro.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
You need to be unpredictable. Something that needs to be stressed is MYSTERY. Women love a guy who is unpredictable (the exception is LTR.) If you keep on initiating, she'll take advantage of it. You need to show her that you're not that easy. Become the prize in the relationship and let her work for it! You don't want things to be automatic and predictable. If she knows she can get sex from you each time you see her, she won't want it anymore. Women want what they CANNOT have.

It's similar to the concept of calling her. Don't call her everyday! Call her every once in a while. It's important to be proactive and call her, but have limits and let her call you too! (In your case, let her initiate contact as well!)

It's all about prizing and allowing the girl NOT to be put on the pedastal.

Now, to answer your question directly. I do both, I allow her to initiate and I initiate as well. If she's doing all the initiating, she'll feel as if you aren't interested. And if you do all the initiating, she'll take advantage of it and stop you many of the times you inititate.

Hope I helped.