started 30 direct day approaches.. have 7 questions


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
beginning part shows my results from my first approaches and the bottom half actually has my questions

I finally sacked up the balls to go direct in malls and campuses. I'm 22 still in college. sounds cliche but I would give myself 7 on looks because I keep myself in shape but am only 5"8' so im not overly advantaged when it comes to looks.

Out of (going to ballpark it) 30 approaches i made. Heres my stats

A: None of them were AWFUL
B: 2 of them were akward and i guess would consider blowouts though
C: the rest of them had good flattered responses
D: I ran into the "I have a boyfriend" "I'm married" half or more of the times
E: 7 numbers, 3 responses, 1 response intently with good chance of day 2
F: Most of them were moving sets going torwards or away from me. some i did seated.

so questions I have after doing these approaches

1. when you go direct on a seated girl. when do you sit? I know you're supposed to do it while your talking but. do you stand for a little bit to be polite and then sit down while you go into a transition from the opener? (I think thats best)

2. for girls that are very hot. I saw an hb 9 blonde that was taller than me. kinda assumed i was going to get blown out (which was true). went in when she was talking to a kiosk lady went direct. she said thank you and smiled but kind of akwardly and walked off. I think i put too much enthusiasm into the opener though for once haha. How do you alter your game for girls that are exceptionally hot or do you go indirect?

3. how often do girls lie about "i have a boyfriend" and is it worth trying to break the barrier or should i just make it a luck of the draw numbers game and next? GRRR i ****ing hate boyfriends it pissed me off how girls settle for such garbage sometimes when i actually see who they are with.

4. when you number close how do you formulate the question to reduce flaking. I understand you need to qualify in order to reduce flakyness but I'm just talking about when you actually go for the number.

5. when you deliver the direct opener. how do you like to say it. Mostly i've used indirect to direct transition.

"Hi do you know where the x is" (gets her to stop in a non threatening way)
" actually I just wanted to talk to you because i thought you were really cute"

what energy level or variations would get a better response?

6. when I approach from behind i like to go a little bit ahead of her then look at her. sometimes though it takes a little time esspecialy if shes a fast walker. do i literally just run up to her or is that weird?

7. say a girl spots you looking at her from aways away. do you just straight arrow it for her at that point?


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Congrats. I need to start cold approaching again. Here is my opinions on the things I can still talk on:

2. for girls that are very hot. I saw an hb 9 blonde that was taller than me. kinda assumed i was going to get blown out (which was true). went in when she was talking to a kiosk lady went direct. she said thank you and smiled but kind of akwardly and walked off. I think i put too much enthusiasm into the opener though for once haha. How do you alter your game for girls that are exceptionally hot or do you go indirect?
Ask yourself if most guys do what you are about to do. If the answer is yes, change your gameplan. You need to separate yourself from the rest of the pack. Not sure if going direct worked for/against you here but in my experiences, the cute girls get proclamations of interest on a regular basis

3. how often do girls lie about "i have a boyfriend" and is it worth trying to break the barrier or should i just make it a luck of the draw numbers game and next? GRRR i ****ing hate boyfriends it pissed me off how girls settle for such garbage sometimes when i actually see who they are with.
It is irrelevant who is lying vs telling the truth. Try to view it as two types of girls: available and unavailable. If a girl has a bf, or lies and says she has a bf, the end result is still the same so treat it as such.

4. when you number close how do you formulate the question to reduce flaking. I understand you need to qualify in order to reduce flakyness but I'm just talking about when you actually go for the number.
A number close is like a conclusion in a paper you write. You want to leave a good impression on the audience, but at the same time, if everything that came before the ending was boring, it doesn't really matter what the last paragraph says.

Like a paper, you want to pull the person in with your intro, keep them entertained throughout and then finish equally strong.

5. when you deliver the direct opener. how do you like to say it. Mostly i've used indirect to direct transition.

"Hi do you know where the x is" (gets her to stop in a non threatening way)
" actually I just wanted to talk to you because i thought you were really cute"

what energy level or variations would get a better response?
I've done that opener before. The bigger you smile when you change to direct, the better. If not, it can be construed as kinda shifty and she might think, "Why didn't he say that from the beginning". With the big smile, it comes off more like a game and you are having fun.

6. when I approach from behind i like to go a little bit ahead of her then look at her. sometimes though it takes a little time esspecialy if shes a fast walker. do i literally just run up to her or is that weird?
Approaches from behind are hard because it is completely unexpected. Walking ahead and then looking at her works better but it still probably won't be as potentially successful as approaching head on.

Females can prepare themselves mentally better for head on approaches, but for approaches from behind/side it seems more intrusive and startling so they are more likely to go into defense mode and automatically shut you down or struggle to hold a conversation initially even if she is interested because she was thinking about XYZ and then you jumped in and she is still assessing the situation.

7. say a girl spots you looking at her from aways away. do you just straight arrow it for her at that point?
Yeah, that is the most confident way to do it but your mind will talk you out of it the first few times. It will tell you to look away and then look again when you get closer and other things like that. At the end of the day, direct eye contact with a smile will break the ice and she will let you know if she is interested based on her reaction as well.

Professor Booty

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
"It is irrelevant who is lying vs telling the truth. Try to view it as two types of girls: available and unavailable. If a girl has a bf, or lies and says she has a bf, the end result is still the same so treat it as such."

So true, I've never understood guys who keep persisting after the "I have a boyfriend" line. Sure, you may still end up with success the odd time but it's a low probability game at that point. Whether it's true or not, would she tell you she has a boyfriend if she was really interested? I sincerely doubt it.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2012
Reaction score
Stark said:
1. when you go direct on a seated girl. when do you sit? I know you're supposed to do it while your talking but. do you stand for a little bit to be polite and then sit down while you go into a transition from the opener? (I think thats best)
I normally do the classic 'I can only stay a sec' WHILE taking a seat.

3. how often do girls lie about "i have a boyfriend" and is it worth trying to break the barrier or should i just make it a luck of the draw numbers game and next? GRRR i ****ing hate boyfriends it pissed me off how girls settle for such garbage sometimes when i actually see who they are with.
As your game and calibration skills gets tighter, this happens less and less. Once you get that line, it saves energy to just forget it and move on. The lesson is to not trigger it in the first place.

4. when you number close how do you formulate the question to reduce flaking. I understand you need to qualify in order to reduce flakyness but I'm just talking about when you actually go for the number.
Qualifying is right, as long as she's trying to qualify herself or you have good buying temp.

I often think of the conversational framing like this:

Instead of 'Wow you're cool. Can I get your number?' ...... I use 'I like you. whats your number?'.

It's a subtle change, but cleaner / assumes the sale a bit more and holds a stronger qualification frame.

5. when you deliver the direct opener. how do you like to say it. Mostly i've used indirect to direct transition.

"Hi do you know where the x is" (gets her to stop in a non threatening way)
" actually I just wanted to talk to you because i thought you were really cute"

what energy level or variations would get a better response?
Because you're using such an intense verbal approach, you need to calibrate it with less intense body language.

Like the other dude said.. kinda serious with the first line and then smile when you drop the direct part.

6. when I approach from behind i like to go a little bit ahead of her then look at her. sometimes though it takes a little time esspecialy if shes a fast walker. do i literally just run up to her or is that weird?
Again, this ones about body language. If you just run ahead of someone and then drop back and go into your routine, you're going to raise all kinds of internal resistance from her like 'Where did this guy first see me and how long has he been following me for???'

You ideally wanna litterally play/convey the part of whatever your subtext for the approach is - i.e. (relaxed) do a double-take and then act like 'Oh, I'll just go ask her' .. then while you're asking her, you start to 'notice' how nice she is. So you're grounding it with your body language.

Otherwise it comes of as some weird pre-conceived agenda, which will make her suspicious right off the bat.

7. say a girl spots you looking at her from aways away. do you just straight arrow it for her at that point?
I wouldn't arrow it for her... she'd be like 'whats he doing?'

I'd smile, see what I get back.. if I get it back and she seems receptive, I'd get her to come over to ME. 'C'mere a sec'.

Or if I approach her (same favourable conditions as before), I'd use the old 'You can't look at me like that and not say anything... ;))