Senior Don Juan
So 2nd to last workout, i squated 285 for about 3-4 good reps of 5 sets (3rd and 4th rep needed a little help from spotter)... then my last workout I squatted 290 for about 2 solid reps by myself, and had to have a spot for the 2 more reps, again for 5 sets. I believe I'm reaching a stall on my squats. What can I do to break through? I was thinking of lowering the weight about 20lbs and adopting a wider stance; right now i have shoulder width stance, low bar, and go below parallel. I have concluded that my trouble is my hip drive; when coming out of the bottom for the 3rd rep, IT TAKES EVERYTHING in me to bring my hips foward and under the bar. Suggestions? my end of year goal is to squat 315-330ish with an atlethic squat stance (shoulder width). Thanks in advance!