

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2003
Reaction score
How fast should a relationship develop??

of course every one is different... but in my case, we've gone out 2 1/2 months. SHould I expect to meet his friends??? should I ask him to go out with mine??

should we be spending the night w/each other? we currently see each other 2-3 x a week, talk most other days. kinda have set nights that we see eachother on, Tues and Sat. and he teaches martial arts the other nights. My friend tells me that she doesn't see my relationship progressing or going anywhere.

neither one of us is seeing anyone else, and I told him that I wanted a more serious relationship, over a casual one, basically let him know that I didn't want to be wasting my time, and that was weeks ago, and he's still around.

any thoughts???:confused:


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
How do you know he's not seeing anyone else?

What does he do on Friday nights? that is the prime time night.

Why don't you ask him to go out with your friends? Usually someone has to break down these barriers - why not be the first?

Do you have sex every time you see him?

I know on a personal level, if I'm into a girl, I will invite her out with me and my guy friends. I want her to do activities with me and my friends - kinda "Show her off" if you like.

My thoughts here are that he's not super interested in moving this along.

I would say though, that he's probably a busy guy if he teach's in the evenings.

I recomend you step it up a little by inviting him out with you and a group....


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Your friends are jealous of you, women always have some kind of hawk eye for things not concerning their own lives

as for you, whats the hurry?? You cant simply "ask" for a more serious relationship

what you do is try to spend more time with him, invite him out, etc etc

if he consistently declines, you know what his intentions are. forcing someone to go to the next level, is like cajoling a friend to go someplace with you they really dont want to go