SS is a Lab for Experimentation. You're Allowed to Fail.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
This, my latest brain eruption, is all over the map, but perhaps there is something in here that might be of value to some.

Lately I've been reflecting on learning game and coming to realize on a gut level that learning game turns your world into a giant laboratory in which you're free to experiment and "fail" to your heart's content. Each so-called "failure" is nothing more than a calibration of your technique. We should encourage ourselves to go out there, have fun, and fail like mad till we reach critical mass and we start enjoying some successes and don't care at all about the "failures".

At this point there have been many good posts about embracing failure. Backbreaker, Pook, and your humble host yours truly (among several others) have all broached this subject at length, and have done it well.

Look at it this way. Most of us came here because we were clueless about women. For whatever reason we did not learn how to relate with them and attract them. You CANNOT excel in any endeavor on a consistent basis without experiencing many corrective failures along the way. The baby learning to walk is a case in point, as cliche as it is.

So what am I getting at? Just this: Change your frame from frustration about whare you wish you are into a paradigm of "lab work". You're a scientist searching for a formula that is stable. Such a scientist does not wring his hands and loathe himself when the results he wants are not acheived. No, he simply writes down his observation, makes a SINGLE, SIMPLE change, and puts the test tube over the fire once again. He has absolute certainty that all he has to do is go through all the combinations until he hits on the right one. During the process he learns how to refine his complex combinations intuitively. He finds himself becoming more intuitive in his approach. This happens without thought. It occurs automatically simply by DOING.

This should be FUN, guys. If you are just starting out, that rare success should demonstrate to you that it is possible to get much better. All you need to do is to DO, dispassionately and detached, like the scientist.

When I was learning golf, I could barely get the ball off the tee for years. I would scoop it, toe it, top it, everything but hit is straight. But in every round I would get that one beautiful shot off, and THAT feeling is what kept me coming back. You golfers out there are shouting a big "amen" as you read this. Dwell on the successes. Consider the failures as the very bricks that make up your road to success. The failures are quite literally the rungs of your ladder. Create them and climb them.

Your failures are catapults. They launch you ever higher but you don't realize it because you get caught up in the emotion of it. You care about the outcome, and that twists up your brain.

Life and game are one great big experiment. See that "natural" over there who gets all the women? For whatever reason, life dealt him a good hand. Most likely he had a positive male role model growing up, something most of us here did not have. Get over it. You see that Ethiopian kid sitting in the dirt with flies crawling all over his face? Life dealt YOU a good hand, didn't it? The natural plays his hand. Play yours. You don't have the natural's skills. You don't have the natural's confidence. But what you DO have is the information here at SS that you can gradually put to use.

You are upset because you want to be a natural, a great Don Juan who appeals to women universally. You want it tonight. You are not willing to wait. Therein lies your misery and feeling of hopelessness. You need to understand that you cannot be universally attractive to women (as they can to men), and that you CAN INDEED make yourself attractive to YOUR kind of women, when you approch the challenge incrementally in baby steps.

Go out there and offend some women because you're experimenting (within reason of course). Women are abundant. They're all over the place. Each one is an experiment. Ask yourself "What would happen if...." and then do it. DO NOT be afraid to offend. This is the very stuff of your lab work. Mentally record your results and use your subconscious will use it to make subtle corrections. One of these days (and soon) you will find that a woman will respond positively to something that you were certain would offend her. Don't read this wrong... don't live to offend... Rather, live to EXPERIMENT.

Derive your fun and satisfaction from the DOING, not from the RESULT. The DOING is what brings a man joy regardless of the outcome, for he knows that in each DOING he is changing deep inside without even a single thought.

OK, Poindexter. Get in the lab and get to work. Your mission is to have fun, to relish the excitement of discovery, and the excitement of learning how to detach, how to attain that CERTAINTY that you will start seeing results. You are a pioneer, blazing a new trail for yourself, not for others but for yourself, and that should excite you and propel you into DOING. Experiment, have fun, expect lots of "failure" which is actually the very substance of your success.

Always picture a successful YOU standing on top of a mountain looking down upon the world. That mountain that you built is comprised of many, many failures and a few successes. You are one of the select few who know a monumental secret... that every so-called "failure" propels you closer to success. One day you will see that the things that used to twist you up inside were absolutely meaningless because you viwed them as Personal, Pervasive and Permanent.

Test tubes ready? GO!!!


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Much respect!!! :rockon:

I took a random girl I met off the streets to an event with my friends one day, and my friend asked, "How did you just pick her up like that?" The girl clicked with me right away, stuck beside me throughout the whole event, was polite with my friends but paid most of her attention to me and then offered me her number without me asking.

Seriously, she was hott and had everything going for her -- interning full-time, going for her master's degree, etc.... A few weeks before meeting her, 2 girls never contacted me again after the 1st date. :nervous: They were polite, but I knew I was being rejected. They weren't even half as hott or had a adventurous personality as the girl I'm talking about here.

It's really just a numbers game, having a positive outlook and fine tuning your skills, when you do meet girls who could possibly be receptive for someone.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
Your failures are catapults. They launch you ever higher but you don't realize it because you get caught up in the emotion of it. You care about the outcome, and that twists up your brain.

Go out there and offend some women...
Great post Atom.

Most of us found SS because we were wracking our brain trying to learn what went wrong with a previous girl. If we didn't care that much, if we weren't students, if we didn't fail so badly to begin with, we would have just stayed the person we were. We would still be dating a girl (and messing things up) at that level.

Also, remember that dating is not binary like a light switch - it is not Pass/Fail. It's Analog, like a dimmer switch. You can score 1 or 7 or 9 and then it can go back to zero, but recognize your progress.

Every time you succeed with a girl, you succeed with a million girls at her level. You graduate to a new grade. Women at her level can just tell that you've been there. Plus you have photos!

Know that the closer we get to our dream girl (and then watch it blow up), the more it hurts, even though we may have achieved more (think about losing the World Series versus a regular season game). We must enjoy the pain because it ultimately comes from that initial success.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
This, my latest brain eruption, is all over the map, but perhaps there is something in here that might be of value to some.

Lately I've been reflecting on learning game and coming to realize on a gut level that learning game turns your world into a giant laboratory in which you're free to experiment and "fail" to your heart's content. Each so-called "failure" is nothing more than a calibration of your technique. We should encourage ourselves to go out there, have fun, and fail like mad till we reach critical mass and we start enjoying some successes and don't care at all about the "failures".

At this point there have been many good posts about embracing failure. Backbreaker, Pook, and your humble host yours truly (among several others) have all broached this subject at length, and have done it well.

Look at it this way. Most of us came here because we were clueless about women. For whatever reason we did not learn how to relate with them and attract them. You CANNOT excel in any endeavor on a consistent basis without experiencing many corrective failures along the way. The baby learning to walk is a case in point, as cliche as it is.

So what am I getting at? Just this: Change your frame from frustration about whare you wish you are into a paradigm of "lab work". You're a scientist searching for a formula that is stable. Such a scientist does not wring his hands and loathe himself when the results he wants are not acheived. No, he simply writes down his observation, makes a SINGLE, SIMPLE change, and puts the test tube over the fire once again. He has absolute certainty that all he has to do is go through all the combinations until he hits on the right one. During the process he learns how to refine his complex combinations intuitively. He finds himself becoming more intuitive in his approach. This happens without thought. It occurs automatically simply by DOING.

This should be FUN, guys. If you are just starting out, that rare success should demonstrate to you that it is possible to get much better. All you need to do is to DO, dispassionately and detached, like the scientist.

When I was learning golf, I could barely get the ball off the tee for years. I would scoop it, toe it, top it, everything but hit is straight. But in every round I would get that one beautiful shot off, and THAT feeling is what kept me coming back. You golfers out there are shouting a big "amen" as you read this. Dwell on the successes. Consider the failures as the very bricks that make up your road to success. The failures are quite literally the rungs of your ladder. Create them and climb them.

Your failures are catapults. They launch you ever higher but you don't realize it because you get caught up in the emotion of it. You care about the outcome, and that twists up your brain.

Life and game are one great big experiment. See that "natural" over there who gets all the women? For whatever reason, life dealt him a good hand. Most likely he had a positive male role model growing up, something most of us here did not have. Get over it. You see that Ethiopian kid sitting in the dirt with flies crawling all over his face? Life dealt YOU a good hand, didn't it? The natural plays his hand. Play yours. You don't have the natural's skills. You don't have the natural's confidence. But what you DO have is the information here at SS that you can gradually put to use.

You are upset because you want to be a natural, a great Don Juan who appeals to women universally. You want it tonight. You are not willing to wait. Therein lies your misery and feeling of hopelessness. You need to understand that you cannot be universally attractive to women (as they can to men), and that you CAN INDEED make yourself attractive to YOUR kind of women, when you approch the challenge incrementally in baby steps.

Go out there and offend some women because you're experimenting (within reason of course). Women are abundant. They're all over the place. Each one is an experiment. Ask yourself "What would happen if...." and then do it. DO NOT be afraid to offend. This is the very stuff of your lab work. Mentally record your results and use your subconscious will use it to make subtle corrections. One of these days (and soon) you will find that a woman will respond positively to something that you were certain would offend her. Don't read this wrong... don't live to offend... Rather, live to EXPERIMENT.

Derive your fun and satisfaction from the DOING, not from the RESULT. The DOING is what brings a man joy regardless of the outcome, for he knows that in each DOING he is changing deep inside without even a single thought.

OK, Poindexter. Get in the lab and get to work. Your mission is to have fun, to relish the excitement of discovery, and the excitement of learning how to detach, how to attain that CERTAINTY that you will start seeing results. You are a pioneer, blazing a new trail for yourself, not for others but for yourself, and that should excite you and propel you into DOING. Experiment, have fun, expect lots of "failure" which is actually the very substance of your success.

Always picture a successful YOU standing on top of a mountain looking down upon the world. That mountain that you built is comprised of many, many failures and a few successes. You are one of the select few who know a monumental secret... that every so-called "failure" propels you closer to success. One day you will see that the things that used to twist you up inside were absolutely meaningless because you viwed them as Personal, Pervasive and Permanent.

Test tubes ready? GO!!!

This is a great thread - I am soooo self conscious with women and over compensate with being too nice, ie: not myself! This is something I need to work on....part of the problem, as mentioned here is the emotional fear of rejection.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
bigneil said:
Also, remember that dating is not binary like a light switch - it is not Pass/Fail. It's Analog, like a dimmer switch. You can score 1 or 7 or 9 and then it can go back to zero, but recognize your progress.

Every time you succeed with a girl, you succeed with a million girls at her level. You graduate to a new grade. Women at her level can just tell that you've been there.
Excellent. Guys, read this multiple times and chew on it. There is a lot more here than meets the eye.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
One of my favorite all-time SS posts is Pook's "Broken up? No, you dodged the bullet!"

"Women say, 'I have broken up with you.'

Men say, 'No, I have dodged the bullet. I am free to get a better girl, to improve my life, to refocus my life. I have no rope around me.'
When one looks at the lives of men who moved and shook the world, an interesting pattern develops. Behind every George Washington and even every Schwarzenegger is the example of John Adams above. There is no such thing of a great man who obtained their first love. Obtaining the first love makes one only rise to lieutenant, not a general. The Danish philosopher Kierkegaard noticed this and felt sorry for males who married their first or second loves." - Pook


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
Fantastic post atom smasher.

As a scientist myself in graduate school, this post strikes home. It is fun to celebrate positive results, it certainly feels good when you get what you think is a good result. However, lots of my professors have told me over my several years in undergraduate and graduate school is that a lot of times, students will get excited and disappointed for the wrong reasons ie an experiment worked or failed. Lots of times when you think you have a great result, you can't reproduce it or whatever and students or professors will get really emotional about it and beat themselves up emotionally. Or conversly if you have an unexpected result, lots of people will just throw this away and not reflect on it objectively because it "isn't exactly what they wanted". This is sometimes where the most interesting results that teach us the most about the natural world we live in.

Speaking about this latter problem, a scientist recently came to my school to speak about work in his early academic career. In the early 80s, he was studying something fairly obscure and couldn't get one of his experiments to turn out correctly, essentially something really weird was happening. Instead of dropping it, he focused his entire lab on the problem and eventually published a paper which was immediately considered bullsh*t by established experts in the field. He however stuck to his guns and trusted in his technique and experiments. In a little while everyone realized he was right and he has essentially founded one wing of RNA biochemistry and won the Nobel prize.

I guess the key to being a good scientist (and to improve with women or just really anything in life) is to just put in hard work, there are no short cuts and to not get overly emotional. Trial and error is key to progress, just always learn from your mistakes. The reason we can sequence entire genomes or solve the structures of important proteins isn't because someone cried and gave up because they had a bad day. The scientists sacked up, got tons of "horrible" results and learned from them.

Anyways, I'm kind of rambling, but that was a great first post atom smasher.