How the fcuk can someones deadlift be bigger than their squat ?!?!?!
NEVER DO SQUATS LAST, SQUATS SHOULD BE LEAVING YOU CRIPPLED WHEN YOUR DONE..There aint no need to use 2 machines for your legs. ONLY USE FREE WEIGHT (barbell)
squat once a week, I usually do 4 sets of 10 and then 1 set of 20 (widowmakers I learned about that from some website maybe dis one). you need to be struggling with the weight, if you can easily bang out this routine then you aint working hard enough. AND NONE OF THIS FCKUING HALF SQUAT SH!T YOU NEED TO GO AS LOW DOWN AS POSSIBLE OR YOU WASTING YOUR TIME.
If your only working out 3 days a week you wasting your time training your upper body, don't be a tool, that upper body training is bullsh-t, once in awhile is cool if you feel like certain body parts are not in proportion.
But your routine needs to look like squats on monday, deadlift on wednesday, pull-ups, standing row (up-right row?? i dunno) on fridays.
when you get stronger and more expereienced your gonna realize routines are also bullsh!t..and so is the amount of reps..just work till you can't anymore.
get strong with your deadlift its gonna provide the support you need to lift REAL BIG weight comfortably.