Guys, this comes directly from the school of PAIN.
Hopefully, it will help YOU avoid that school.
I'm an experienced dater(an understatement). I've learned the ropes of avoiding airheads, couch potatos, users, selfish types, but there's another more DEADLY type to avoid and she's hard to spot.
This is the female living in a fantasy world where she DREAMS. She's a dreamer. I'm still working on it, but here's a few signals:
1. You have a very strong relationship, good rapport, and chemistry but she's always unsatisfied and in her fantasy world is convinced there's a "perfect" guy somewhere out there.
2. She's never totally satisfied with YOU.
3. She is perfectionistic about meaningless things(translation, she worships at her local mall)
4. She's attracted to the WRONG types of things in people:
5. What you HAVE is never enough. Her mantra is MORE, BETTER, !!
Guys, the mystery/fantasy thing can be manipulated by a skillful dude, but you will not change this type of woman. All you can do is identify her as soon as possible, and walk on by.
Hopefully, it will help YOU avoid that school.
I'm an experienced dater(an understatement). I've learned the ropes of avoiding airheads, couch potatos, users, selfish types, but there's another more DEADLY type to avoid and she's hard to spot.
This is the female living in a fantasy world where she DREAMS. She's a dreamer. I'm still working on it, but here's a few signals:
1. You have a very strong relationship, good rapport, and chemistry but she's always unsatisfied and in her fantasy world is convinced there's a "perfect" guy somewhere out there.
2. She's never totally satisfied with YOU.
3. She is perfectionistic about meaningless things(translation, she worships at her local mall)
4. She's attracted to the WRONG types of things in people:
5. What you HAVE is never enough. Her mantra is MORE, BETTER, !!
Guys, the mystery/fantasy thing can be manipulated by a skillful dude, but you will not change this type of woman. All you can do is identify her as soon as possible, and walk on by.