Spontaneity over Structure


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
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Spontaneity is the characteristic of creating an experience with optimum emotional capacity to the exact situation at hand. (Or very appropriately termed your 'Pimp Brain' by PlayerSupreme)

It is that time when you were totally *ON* - joking with the girl, laughing with her, sharing, you had so much you could talk about, so much you wanted to share. You told her stories, and made jokes about things in the environment, teased her, related to her... If you've never experienced this, well... keep reading!

Spontaneity is not what you have never said or done before, but a new combination of the thousands of things you have already experienced. We all have a realm of experiences from which to draw via an associative process. Rather than rehearsing memorized content, you are re-experiencing images from memory and recounting the experiences into the here and now with a fresh touch to it. Your amplification or elimination of certain details allows you to custom tailor your presentation and ultimately the entire shared experience to her personality type.

Spontaneity is a state where all of the relevant neural pathways are active such that you have instant access to associated memories. You are extroverted and aware of your environment. You are completely unattached to outcomes, and completely IN the moment. Not focused on the process, you ARE the process. Your experience is that very moment, not stuck in the two minutes ago, but in the PRESENT.

It is that freshness. That presence. Are you THERE in the moment with the girl? Are you seeing her for who she really is? Are you more present in the moment than her husband? Then she is yours.

You are crafting an emotional experience based on the instantaneous moment in which you and the girl reside. Spontaneity can be developed to such a degree that your improvised conversation is more fresh, genuine and attractive than anything you could have prepared prior. This is because it is born out of the moment, and is highly relevant. The freshness and energy which spawns from spontaneity is a powerful and complete value demonstration in itself.

Can you discard your routines and structure at the drop of a hat, when an opportunity to live in the moment presents itself?

Or do you sacrifice the opportunity because of attachment to a predetermined script?

Spontaneity is of utmost importance. More than anything, women will feel great rapport with you based on your degree of spontaneity. Women spend all of their lives searching for that guy who can VIBE. The guy who's energy matches her's - when they are together the interaction just HITS! Women always ask themselves things like "How do I feel around him?", "How natural does it feel?". When you create a spontaneous interaction with a girl, she will be absolutely convinced that you are her soulmate. If you can connect in that manner, she will forget all other objections about you, and be completely in love. This is paramount in making those super-fast lays happen.

Anything that feels forced, rehearsed or planned KILLS the interaction. Even guys that have great routines or are great storytellers possess spontaneity. There still needs to be a good interaction flow between the stories... AND for when the stories run out! Resist getting stuck trying to correct mistakes made beforehand, stay in the moment - the river keeps on flowing! Persistence and spontaneous creation of context in part comes from having strong beliefs, but you can train yourself to develop those beliefs by maintaining a continuous flow of action.

I recently heard a really good quote from Harmless. He said "The guys that are great - they can take nothing... and turn it into something." What is he talking about? Spontaneous creation of experience based on circumstance. Nothing else. Taking what little is available and creating CONTEXT for interaction.

Another benefit to spontaneity is the byproduct development of situational relevance. Strongly correlated to social intelligence, situational relevance is an intuition that determines when certain routines are appropriate in a given context. Some guys run routines that are completely irrelevant to the situation at hand. They never took the time to develop their spontaneity and now have zero sense of whether their routines are appropriate or not. Even the coolest, most bad-ass routine will fall flat if delivered in an inappropriate situation, or prematurely.

Training your mind for spontaneity is the process of conditioning your mind to develop instantaneous association recall. Development of any skill is proceeded by a strong stimulus to the neurology which facilitates that said skill. It is analogous to weightlifting - you lift weights which provides your muscles a powerful stimulus, and they respond by becoming stronger and more developed.

From a strictly mental viewpoint, it is very much like learning a language. A friend of mine took four years of Spanish in high school and a few years later could speak nothing of the language. She then took a two week vacation with her boyfriend in Puerto Rico, and came back speaking near fluent Spanish. Putting yourself in a situation over and over with little preparation gives the strongest stimulus to that part of your brain which you aim to develop.

Overpreparation in the form of learning too many pickup lines or routines will circumvent that process. It's like using crutches for your whole life with the expectation of developing strong legs. It just won't happen. For this reason, I am a huge proponent of minimizing the number of routines you take with you into the field.

Developing spontaneity in a nutshell:

1. Go into the field unprepared.
2. Approach a woman with a specific intention (We'll learn this in section 3)
3. Persist as long as possible congruent to your chosen intention.
4. Repeat the process for a balanced variety of situations.

Little preparation, strong sexual intent, lots of persistence... Sounds like Gunwitch Method to me! This may explain the great success of everyone who applies GWM. It is an excellent foundation and perfect for building that very important trait we call SPONTANEITY.

We are training WARRIORS of pickup. We produce guys who can trust their instincts in any situation and WIN. Their subconscious is trained to make superb decisions in microseconds. They recall highly relevant stories to tell their women, they crack just the right joke at the right time, and they know exactly which emotions need to be projected to capture her SOUL.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sponteniety, I think, is one of THE most important trait socialising.

Great post.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Dude your absolutely right.... spontaneity is a wonderful gift to have.. i think its your real aim... if i cant think straight then i may fall back on some methods from here but generally the best way to stick to being yourself is to be spontaneius!
And the rush you get from it is great.

Good post mate.