Sosuave is a WONDERFUL site.......except for one thing


Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
ignore all new posts - they are all useless

if you want to find really wonderful posts, all you need to do is go to TIPS, and sort threads by rating - thats pretty much it

people coming on here saying sosuave sucks are LOSERS who dont know wtf they are smoking, cuz all u gotta do is search some old threads and u'll realize how great sosuave is.

Currently, the discussion part of this site is AWFUL and a huge joke, but you gotta know how to filter in order to make the best of it.

As it stands, sosuave is still the best site out there when it comes to useful information about women and dating - you just gotta search for it properly!!!!!!


Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
what kinda loser ignores useful information just based on the # of posts someone has??

what a homo
Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Obsidian, this is what I am talking about dude, lol.

Here you talk about nobody adding to the forum, this poster was adding someting, and you log in, click on this thread, click on reply, put your keyboard in place, and type NOTHING.


And YOU are calling people trolls? YOU are trying to find and pick people out of the crowd that add NOTHING to the forum.....when YOU yourself have added NOTHING!

Where's your informational posts, where's your experiences? How about the next time you log in, click on a about you post something that could be useful that maybe I could learn something off of.

Don't tell me it's all been posted, because there's so much more to discover about life that it's crazy.

I'm waiting......

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
The discussion part is a real joke... makes me wonder about the actual exoeruence of the people currently discussing...

Haven't seen anyone going through a bootcamp in a while... think I'll start one just for the f@ck of it. Will have to lower some goals just from lack of time to spare, but it's all good.

This is a good point there pimpaholic, even tho you only have 2 posts, it at least shows you're reading and hopefully taking steps in the field to make this work for yourself.

Obsidian, I still flip flop in my opinion about you also... I mean, you've posted an average almost 2 posts a day for the past year, sometimes you write some good posts, but then other times you post things that would make someone wonder as to your actual real life experience. One way or the other, I don't really care how much game you really got, it's more to figure out how much weight to give any advice that you might offer.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
I agree 100%

The archive and tips have priceless gems.

The forum is a bit of fun and a good dumping ground.

But there really is nothing new discussed here that isn't talked about in archives, tips or bible.

Still I don't understand why people get all upset about things written in the forum anyway. It is an INTERNET FORUM after all... Whatchoo all expect?

Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
JJ I think the problem and the reason that nothing new is really posted here, is because the QUALITY POSTERS HAVE STOPPED POSTING.

They no longer post, becasue when they do, they are met with tons of replies from people that shouldn't be replying. People call them names, cursing, etc., it's the immaturity of this forum that shouldn't be here.

And why do I care? Because this forum has helped me in a lot of ways. I would NOT be where I am today as a person if it wasn't for this forum, there was NO OTHER PLACE in the world I was going to find the information I found here.

So hell yeah, I think the moderators need to stop the immaturity going on here, it makes no sense. This forum is MUCH MORE than just a "forum," this is a place of healing, deliverance, and prosperity.

There's not many places in the world like this forum, and by just ALLOWING immature to continue here, we are all STUCK with just reading PAST POSTS, and not getting any fresh, new, life changing information from Quality Posters TODAY.

And that is what makes me sick. If the damn moderators can BAN ME 3 TIMES, because some guy emails them and says, "Ban John's account." Then they could get off their azzes and stop the immaturity around here....but they don't give a damn themselves...


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I wouldn't say the quality has stopped, i'd say everything has pretty much been convered. You can only cover things like eye contact so much
Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
I wouldn't say everything rebel.....

From where I come from, I have have experiences....

We get to a great forum when there's a number of guys making threads with those experiences, and who can interpret and explain those experiences in a way that we all can learn from.

THE PROBLEM is that it's no longer welcomed here so the guys just won't post. When they post, they are met with all of these dumb immature remarks that have nothing to do with topic at all!

They are met with 15 guys calling them a girl, demadning that they stop posting, requesting pictures, requesting a birth certificate, requesting bank information, and all this other crap that has nothing to do with the post.

All I am saying, is that if the moderators can ban me 3 times because a guy is emailing them and requests that I be banned,....then they could take the time and make some NEW RULES around here.

I'm telling you, once those NEW RULES are in play, the QUALITY will increase again. That can ONLY make everybody on this forum BETTER.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
So pimp its scary said:
Haven't seen anyone going through a bootcamp in a while... think I'll start one just for the f@ck of it. Will have to lower some goals just from lack of time to spare, but it's all good.
I would help you out, but first off, I'm leaving the site in mid-May, and the other problem is that I just got a new girlfriend. So, i don't think it would be good for me to do a bootcamp. Best of luck though.



Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
The archive and tips have priceless gems.

The forum is a bit of fun and a good dumping ground.

But there really is nothing new discussed here that isn't talked about in archives, tips or bible.

Still I don't understand why people get all upset about things written in the forum anyway. It is an INTERNET FORUM after all... Whatchoo all expect?


yo, Discussion Forum = "hi, what do i do? flame me, you will be entertained"

the whole purpose of sosuave is what sosuave used to be

90% of the best advice is at least 3 years old


Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
DJF or John Again said:
JJ I think the problem and the reason that nothing new is really posted here, is because the QUALITY POSTERS HAVE STOPPED POSTING.

They no longer post, becasue when they do, they are met with tons of replies from people that shouldn't be replying. People call them names, cursing, etc., it's the immaturity of this forum that shouldn't be here.

And why do I care? Because this forum has helped me in a lot of ways. I would NOT be where I am today as a person if it wasn't for this forum, there was NO OTHER PLACE in the world I was going to find the information I found here.

So hell yeah, I think the moderators need to stop the immaturity going on here, it makes no sense. This forum is MUCH MORE than just a "forum," this is a place of healing, deliverance, and prosperity.

There's not many places in the world like this forum, and by just ALLOWING immature to continue here, we are all STUCK with just reading PAST POSTS, and not getting any fresh, new, life changing information from Quality Posters TODAY.

And that is what makes me sick. If the damn moderators can BAN ME 3 TIMES, because some guy emails them and says, "Ban John's account." Then they could get off their azzes and stop the immaturity around here....but they don't give a damn themselves...

u and i are the same

we post WONDERFUL EYE OPENING advice (u especially), and then people are really AFC about it and flame on everything.......and then we get pissed, and we say "**** u sosuave, BAN ME"

and we get banned


we love sosuave, this is a beautiful place for information, u just have to look for it

there is NOTHING here if u go to the main forum and read the new stuff


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, I would agree with that. I was actually going to mention that, experiences that is. There are some knowledgeable people here that know the game well and have generally been through it all, so they have lots to offer to newer people who may have just found the site.

Mechanics wise, I think everything you need to know has been covered. How a girl behaves, what it means, it's covered somewhere, generally in the tips section.

DJF, I do like that you mentioned newer people who come on here and get berated, scorned etc. because they may have asked something that has been covered many times before....and I made a post about this earlier....I don't know what is up with this negativity stuff man. As a community we should help each other, not bring down each other. I have seen lots of that (i'm a long time lurker) and I am really shocked that people can actually do that sorta thing when most of us were like that at some point. Chances are if someone is new on this site, they are probably young or haven't had much experience so you have to have patience. When you tear their post apart it doesn't help him at all and only discourages the person from ever improving. It's like that old saying if you tell someone their stupid enough, they'll believe it...and they could be one the most knowledgeable people around.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
NO. You got it all wrong. Material in all posts is pretty much repost of things said before, but in op's own words, i.e. his own perspective, coming from his own reality.

Pimping is a state of mind, not a technique. You can't just read and learn, you have to adopt the thinking, and it's different for every one. Thus you get posts that say the same thing, but differentely.