Sosuave for women


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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What a load of sh1t:

Rule #5:

If you are in a long-distance relationship, he must visit you at least three times before you visit him

Remember, the first three visits are really nothing more than three dates... and on the first three dates we don't have sex with a man or have him stay at our place overnight.

Right, because no-1 here has fvcked a girl before the third date.

Rule #7:

If he does not call, he is not that interested. Period.

We know this is hard to accept, but it's not that he hasn't called because he's busy, or because you didn't smile or talk enough (or did too much). It's not that he lost your phone number. The bottom line is, if he hasn't called, he's not that interested.

Well if that's the case then 95% of guys here would be fvcked.

Rule #8:

Close the deal - Rules women do not date men for more than two years

If you've followed The Rules, your man probably loves you and wants to marry you. Your problem is not if he marries you, but when! If it's been more than a year, see less of him and think about dating others. You've already spent more than a year waiting for him to propose; do you have another year to wait?

Yes, let's all get married after a year or two.

Can't be fvcked reading through the rest of the site, as I don't want to be in a pissed off mood from now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
............. well news flash for the girlies that go there most of the guys out there like me dont play by the rules, infact I think I've broken every one of their rules many many times.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
typical said:
............. well news flash for the girlies that go there most of the guys out there like me dont play by the rules, infact I think I've broken every one of their rules many many times.
Indeed. I've never even been on a date and still get some ass.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Most of this stuff is pretty good common sense.

They said "we" don't have sex on a first date. Not "women". They're talking about themselves

95% of the guys on here are too wussy to call a girl they like, because they're 15 years old, and hence not technically men yet.

And yes, it is perfectly normal to get engaged for marriage after a year or two.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
BlackJackal said:
Indeed. I've never even been on a date and still get some ass.
Exactly for some reason you can nail a girl without even knowing her last name LOL, you may say those girls are easy hell no some were virgins or had bf's


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
The rules are pretty much spot on, I would indeed act the way those rules if i was inherently interested in a woman.

Even that 2 year marriage rule applies, I know guys that have been in a relationship with a girl for 3-5 years and a couple women who have been with their boyfriend for 4-6 years. When it came time when the woman asked the guy for any marriage, the guy wimps out and walks away. Dunno about you, but I think I do want to settle down with a fancy woman someday and share everything with her. 2 years is indeed a great amount of time for me to determine whether I want to be with a person for a longer period of time. Marriage is and should be considered a way for two people to financially bond their resources together as it has been for hundreds/thousands of years.

Another thing about the marriage, if the girl never talks or doesn't go in depth of any random marriage/children talks, she herself has made up her mind to not see you as a viable marriage partner. And don't rationalize that she's "shy" or whatever, just like how men "shy" from talking about marriage when the truth is the truth: They do not want to be share their resources/marry for the longer term with that opposite person.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
How old are you ??? Why are you even worrying about marriage ??? Like really why ???

Every girls Ives gone out with ever knew I wasnt in it to get married in the long run, and yes Ive managed to keep a girl for more then two years (on and off)


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
typical said:
Exactly for some reason you can nail a girl without even knowing her last name LOL, you may say those girls are easy hell no some were virgins or had bf's

Of course you can do it without knowing her last name. They are called ONS. They happen all the time.

Some of you are failing to realize that site is directed at relationship-material girls. Virgin or not, past boyfriends or not, if a girl puts out easily, she is not relationship material. Period.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2006
Reaction score
One thing's for sure...If a woman who's dead set on following these rules meets a guy that's DJing its like oil and water...but somehow I think it would be easy to get past it...and if there's a woman you know for sure is reading the rules, with that knowledge you could twist her brain in a knot pretty easy


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
If you are in a long-distance relationship, he must visit you at least three times before you visit him

Remember, the first three visits are really nothing more than three dates... and on the first three dates we don't have sex with a man or have him stay at our place overnight.

Right, because no-1 here has fvcked a girl before the third date.
:crackup: Lol. I dont think i have ever had 3 dates before shagging a girl. Normally its the night i meet her. Second date at least.

Women have their own advice and tips anyways....Much more available than us blokes.

Its called New Women or Cosmo and other such mags.

They are quite intresting

**Disclaimer** I read cosmo and new women as my college at work buys them and leaves them in my store. :D

Sarge On!

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
"Hello caller! OMG girlfriend we are going to fix you up! When I'm done talking to you, you'll be beating men off with a stick! Yes, all you need is a half-hour convo with me, the great author of a BOOK, and all your problems will be solved! I wrote a book, dammit! I know what I'm talking about by default! Am I right girl?! Oh wow, you're really going to enjoy what I've got to tell you. It really is good advice. When you hear it, you'll just think to yourself, "Of course!". I mean, its just so clear and helpful. And that's because I wrote it. Did I mention I wrote a book? Its true! Its full of advice for women like you, who need help with men! Man, I feel so great. Like I'm feeding the homeless or something! So, you wanted to buy a book right? Of course you do. How can you live without it? Its only $500! We have payment plans and financial aid programs availiable for everyone, and in only 2 short years, you'll have it payed off! Isn't that wonderful?! Hey, look at the time! Looks like our conversation is over. Glad I could help! Feel free to call again soon. *Click*"

Girls talk too much.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
hope7 said:
Sosuave for women, They have one:^1@.ef59e69

Man, this is sockingly similiar to sosuave

no where close to SS.

That has to be the most anal set of female rules i have ever come across.

I hope no women buys that drival!
But as much as there are SAD men sadly there are = amounts of SAD women and some leach will always make money of ppl's insecuritys and feed them pure shi* that only results in them pumping more money into this cr** and never finding the truth.

The truth is so simple for both sides:

respect yourself, be sociable the rest just happens.

Not exactly brain surgery is it?
That is the whole point.

You mum and dad managed it without all these fake tw(*s around!

You live by those ideals it will only screw you over.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Funny how the general goal of SS is getting laid, but the goal of the Rules is marriage?

BTW, I wonder if Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider are married themselves?

Anyhow, I think the preassumption that girls all want marriage/LTRs is outdated - as the GGW generation liberated by the Pill and protected by condoms often just wanna fvck these days.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
BTW, I wonder if Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider are married themselves?
Actually, they are not. I heard they were dumped by their boyfriends shortly after publishing. :)

It stands to reason. To rephrase one of your early presidents: "Everyone willing to exchange sex for relationship deserves neither, and will lose both" :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Skydiver43127 said:
Actually, they are not. I heard they were dumped by their boyfriends shortly after publishing. :)
Lol, seriously? So, why should anyone give them any credibility, then? And wasn't that book published a LOOONG time ago?

It seems none of these games can SUSTAIN LTRs... I guess maybe cuz in an LTR, you eventually have to show your full hand, and any bluffing is useless at that point.

4th letter

Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Of course you can do it without knowing her last name. They are called ONS. They happen all the time.

Some of you are failing to realize that site is directed at relationship-material girls. Virgin or not, past boyfriends or not, if a girl puts out easily, she is not relationship material. Period.
I dont know the girl im exclusive with right now

*meaning im just friends with my other girls*

We knew each other a few weeks when we were in high school

and six years later

after 5 get togethers a total of maybe 12 hours

she was getting a divorce and sleeping with me

weve been together six months already and shes still a good girlfriend

definite marriage material

the other guy was just an idiot and lost a girl that worked two jobs so he could attend school and let him go on the road for work with no ?'s asked or drama and just kept herself busy with two jobs and family.

This site gave me the few missing pieces in my puzzle and now any type of girl I want I can have

I was always attractive and desired by many women but now I can close on em.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
4th letter said:
I dont know the girl im exclusive with right now

*meaning im just friends with my other girls*

We knew each other a few weeks when we were in high school

and six years later

after 5 get togethers a total of maybe 12 hours

she was getting a divorce and sleeping with me

weve been together six months already and shes still a good girlfriend

definite marriage material

the other guy was just an idiot and lost a girl that worked two jobs so he could attend school and let him go on the road for work with no ?'s asked or drama and just kept herself busy with two jobs and family.

This site gave me the few missing pieces in my puzzle and now any type of girl I want I can have

I was always attractive and desired by many women but now I can close on em.
She's divorced and it has only been 6 months...I would not close the case yet. How do you know the person she divorced was with her much longer than 6 months thinking everything was alright when things could have been sour for a long never know.

I personally know couples who have been together for 5-6 years and are still not married....time alone is not always the best judgement. 6 months is definetely too early to call match point :)