Sosuave Create More Problems For You?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
My Situation


I was able to talk to almost everyone and make people laugh like hell…I kept things fun…I never really worried much about what I said. Then other times I would shy out and strangely not be able to talk to everyone with confidence, but I could instantly become a confidence machine again in seconds if I got the right context or something happened again to make me comfortable. Meeting new people was always a load of fun and I never really worried to much about what I was gonna say. I wasn’t to successful with girls tho…I knew how to talk with them and make them laugh like hell but I had trouble taking things to the hook up level. On the whole tho, if I was in a situation where I was comfortable I’d run the show. And I also could care less what any person thought.

After finding

I read read read read and learned all this new ****. There was so much stuff it was overwhelming. I’ve learned the things that make girls not like u so much and found out a lot of things I did wrong that ****ed up every kind of thing I’ve ever had with a girl. I found more sites and even got the David DeAngelo book. All this stuff was tight and I even almost completed a boot camp. But now everything is some planned out written plan….I’m nervous talking with people and I haven’t run the show in many situations. And I’m spending more time reading than acting. I can still be funny as hell like I was before finding sosuave….but it hasn’t happen as much because I’ve been thinking so much on what I should be doing and what I’m supposed to say…all that stuff. And I’ve even caught myself on many occasions caring what someone thought about me.

The Problem
Sosuave has helped me and ****ed me. Basically I already had many of the skills that I needed to be successful with women….at most I just needed to change a few things and add a few more and I would have been set. Before so suave my problems were the following

1. Fear of approaching women ( 50% of the time)

2. Taking things to the next level more (hooking up)

Everything else I had….I knew how to talk with girls good….i said some funny ass **** and it was never prewritten it all came naturally…hell it was a surprise for me as well as the chick as to what I would say…I didn’t really let to many girls phase me. But then I found sosuave and it answered and made me understand a lot ****…but what I did was add to many other factors not even relevant to my situation. I over analyzed eye contact and scenarios and what to say or what neg hit to use and how to get her number and keep her interest level and I got overwhelmed. I didn’t need to do boot camp, buy daves book…none of that….even tho the info was good...i created more problems for myself based on all the reading I did. I also read too much and didn’t apply but that wouldn’t have really fixed the situation even tho It might of helped alittle…I was focusing on problems I didn’t have. So these are the problems that I’ve be thinking I had ever since I found sosuave

1. Approaching chicks
2. C&F
3. Conversations
4. taking things to the next step
5. confidence
6. making scenarios
7. patterns
8. Completing Boot Camp
9. number close
10. flirting
11. neg hit
12. complementing chicks…how and when
13. what to say

and whatever other crazy things I thought I needed to do….so what happen was I would read and not apply. I would read then maybe walk down the campus look at some girl in eye or talk to maybe one but no consistent effort ….EVER….so I failed failed failed and failed while knowing what to do or what I thought I thought I needed to do…..but any how I didn’t apply so I failed and that resulted in me feeling terrible and creating more problems and doing all this positive thinking **** and making list and what not. Then I’m stressing about the school I’m at and how its bad for chicks and then hearing about how my friends at other schools are getting mad action from chicks just hits me even harder cause I know I know a lot more on this **** than they do……or maybe I don’t? I know a lot of **** yes, but is this **** necessary? Didn’t I just have 2 problems? Now the thought of approaching chicks triggers so many different thoughts and what I should be doing next and it’s completely not natural and I **** up. Maybe getting chicks really isn’t that hard? Maybe too much thought is put into it? Well see the answer does depend on the person…maybe theres a guy that doesn’t know a damn thing and needs to learn some stuff….but really all the stuff on the site is to much…just basics is all we need. Or we should ask our self this question….What are your strengths with chicks and what are your weaknesses? So maybe u can **** them good but can’t talk for a damn…ok …solution is simple….talk to chicks…do social things……that’s not hard in a social society…but back to me.

What happen was I got taken by the page and thought It would be an instant fix….boy was I wrong…the instant fix would have been to focus on my 2 problems. So **** all the sosuave problems I thought I had. Those aren’t real …lets go back to where I was before I got to the site….

1. Fear of approaching women ( 50% of the time)

2. Taking things to the next level more (hooking up)

So what are the logical thing to do here.

1. A fear every dude has had or still has. So what do I do to get rid of this fear? Hmmm I think this will be obvious….If your scared of driving what do u do? If your scared of the dark what do u do? If ur scared of playing in a basketball game what do u do?


Ok so the obvious advice is to approach and talk to women everyday, anytime, anywhere u go.

What I’m still scared?

Ok so there steps to make me feel better. Maybe the first thing to do is think of a real fear, like something actually worth being scared of.

Maybe guns, injury or death in the family, personal injury, being in a car wreck, murder and the fact that my life is ticking away (everyone has been dieing ever they were born) ….is a good place to start. These things are actually scary…Doesn’t it make more since to have a fear of someone breaking in your house and hurting you and your family instead of talking to a women….hmmmm something to think about

Also realize it’s a big ass world with tons of people in it…my life and my problems are tiny as **** when i look at the big picture….really…watch the news for a half hour everyday and realize people are actually going through real ****…I’ve been taking myself way to serious

I also realize that i have my own life….like I’m gonna do all kind of things and actually have people that like me and enjoy being around me. I’ll go through tons of experiences in my life that are actually worth something.

If that’s not enough heres one last thing……i want girls….i need them like a drug… how in the HELL AM I GONNA GET WITH GIRLS IF I DON’T TALK TO THEM???

2. Ok so that brings me to the last problem I have….taking it to the next level….now this is where sosuave and David helped me …….well David mainly. So I know the chick…I wanna hook up with her…what do I do?

Well see the answer to this rather simple….my natural self would have her laughing and we would be having fun all night anyways cause I’m a fun person…so I wanna kiss her… David says to tell her that her hair looks soft then to run your hands through it and pull gently. If she lets you do this then she’ll let you kiss her….Then your supposed to tell her she smells good…smell her neck….massage her head…kiss …boo ya simple as ****…..and he also writes more in his book bridges…this information is great…but think about being with a girl for a night and having a great time….don’t freak out just look into her eyes and kiss her….things will work out most of the time….things are only as hard as u make them.

Ok so to review

1. Fear of approaching women ( 50% of the time)
Think of a real fear (Death,guns,murder,family members hurt or accident,disease,etc)
Watch the news and see people all over the world are actually going through real ****
I’ve Realized that i have friends and people who like me, and a life to do what I want…and I’m also healthy, I have all my limbs and no disease(many people my age aren’t so lucky)
I Understand that if I want girls…..I HAVE TO TALK TO THEM

2. Taking things to the next level (hooking up)
Have fun with them…flirt flirt…make them laugh…touch them…kiss them! Don’t be scared.

So the main problem that I’ve had before sosuave and still now when I’ve been there forever is the fear of approaching women…but now I have an answer and I know what to do.

Ok so I know it seems like I’m dissing sosuave and David and whoever and I’m not doing that at all. The site is great but can be dangerous if you take stuff the wrong way like I did. But see now I just got a reality check and remembered how much fun I use to have just doing the simplest possible things ever like walking down to the park and playing bball with my boys…I just thought about the old me and how I made even the most boring things fun and funny….

But my final thought on this stuff is this (remember this is just my opinion)….If you just enjoy life..laugh…have fun doing everything and APPROACH CHICKS constantly…you’ll be set….you don’t need to spend hours reading articles and posting field reports and spending money on systems. You’ll learn much more from approaching 1000 women than any site or program you have to buy will ever teach you…..

Aight yall I’m happy as hell I finally got some sense knocked back into my head…I won’t be coming back here for a real long time cause I got lots of women to approach!!!!!!


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2003
Reaction score
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Sosuave is a compass, it will point you in the right direction using theory and advice.

But you need to go blaze the path, changing course as you get more expierenced. You'll get your own groove and your own game, only if you go out and work it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Dude I see why you call yourself Stamina. Dont think my fingers wouldve taken that workout.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not going to read that next time produce cliffnotes... Sosouave is not some miracle that is garaunteed to make things work out for you; you have to make things work out for yourself; these are nothing more than forums; where people share advise and opinions; and techniques... The rest is up to you.

Sosouave in many ways should be taken with a grain of salt, not literally. A lot of bad advise here as well, you have to have the common sense to filter through it and the will power and drive to endure failure while trying it.

Now shutup stop thinking and continue.


New Member
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Frankfurt, Germany
Originally posted by Stamina
But my final thought on this stuff is this (remember this is just my opinion)….If you just enjoy life..laugh…have fun doing everything and APPROACH CHICKS constantly…you’ll be set…
well how can you have fun approaching a woman while scaring yourself with negative things like guns etc.?

This is indeed a vicious cicle. One extreme is to not actually care about approaching women at all, and just be happy with what you have. The other extreme is that you get stuck in your ways, because you take yourself too seriously and approach women like your life was depending on it. The first extreme is caused by laziness and the second is caused by fear.