Something that May help You!


New Member
Jan 1, 2005
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well first sorry for my bad English!

I am still a NOOB !
I am 21 years old.

I made this thread because I hope it will help some people in some way!

well i broke with my girlfreind About 1 years ago i was with that girl for about 1,2 years!

after breaking I felt like **** and lab lab lab so begun to search for a new girlfreind in nightclubs!

I remeber in one of those nights i aproached about 27 CHicks in the same disco But GOT the NO Answer from most of them!

Finnally my freinds stoped me because they said I ruin there reputation if i continue to behave like that!

Then after 3 months without sucess in diffrent nightclubs i watched mysef in Mirror one day and seen a Skinny Guy not so good looking some acne on his nose and behave like kids and get nervous when speaking with chicks!!

well then thinked "Being Funny, smart and wise is not enoagh to get chiks!"

so i stoped disco went and trained in Gym for about 6 months and eated good healthy foods protien creating and other stuffs. "And at the same time i read most of topics from this forum and other forums carefully."

And about 1 months ago I watched myself again on Mirror but hey guys! there was a well built Guy with nice and bright face!

In that 6 months i did not went to disco and masturbated like 4 or 5 times only!
So i said lets try now !

I went to a nightclub and weared simple cloths !

when in intered disco there come 1 girl asking for dance in first min! I said no!

That night 2 girls buyed me drink and i didnt danced with non of them btw many chicks come and asked for a dance i said Simply no and danced alone!!

(Well I thinked myself The Best Looking Supermodel in that nightclub so didnt payed attention to any of those girls there and seen them with an eye like they were the ugliest people in that nightclub!)

Btw i am half professional dancer, at the end when i was ready to go Home there comes a chick and said hey u danced alot tonight wanna have a Massage!?? well when i seen around there was not much people around I said yeh and we went to her home and had quit a nice time.

And nowadays my success rate is high! i dont need to aproach girls anymore they come and ask in Streets, nightclubs , librarries!!
And most of the times I behave with them like they are very kinda worthless thing and they should Try hard to get me Because I am The Best!

And I belive to Myself!

Btw I live in a small town wich have a population of 30,000 .

Hope it help some of you in some way!