Always maintain at the very least friendly terms with all women in your past, and present.
Leave it up to them to decide if they want to be estranged or hostile or whatever.
Try to avoid burning bridges.
Nexting is only for women who are abusive, negative, thieves, and extremely immature because of poor charcter and poor emotional development
Those women are draining. Emotional vampires, excessively dramatic, and parasitic. Thes are the ones you next.
A girl that flakes, doesn't return calls/texts/messages is simply put on the back burner, and you use your Personal Boundary to protect yourself and LOWER your IL in her, and especially your own Emotional INVESTEMENT, This is CRUCIAL! Extremely important for men to learn how to do.
You do not get angry at her.
You do not expect GF behavior, such as loyalty or constant affection and attention. Those are her gifts to you, if she chooses to give them to you!
You let her do her thing, and you do yours.
No animosity or anger, hostility or grudges.
Women WILL flake on us. It will happen.
Women WILL not return your calls or messages.
Women can go from hot to cold, confusing us.
They key thing is to not let it control you.
Do not waste your precious emotional energy on a woman whom at that certain point in time is not returning your interest.
Keep her number/email and at some point in the future, attempt to re connect if you want.
Keep your power, and your options open.
This is being shrewd.
It is not bad or stupid to keep your options open if you're a mature man who loves female companionship, and enjoys women genuinely.
And it does not serve you any purpose to put yourself in a postion where they have easy access to your resources.