Some of you guys are dumb. You should text women


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
here and there
There seems to be a lot of misinformation being spread around about texting. The Keyboard Jockeys ran wild in another thread telling us how bad texting is. Texting is awesome and chicks love it. Which makes it even better because you get right on their emotional level. Chicks develop feelings through text. Those good feelings turn women on. When they are turned on they will fvck you. Fvcking them is what you want to do. Texting will make that happen.

Some will say chicks will lose interest in you and other dumb sh!t like that. Others say it's pandering. Totally not true. What you want to do is play the game. You play the game through texting. You text the chick for a few days. She has high interest and she is digging you. Then you fvck her because she has super high interest. Then you can move on or dial down the texting if you want to keep her as a fvck buddy. Keyboard jockeys complain about it because they aren't good with women.

Texting women is all about playing the game. Text them for a few days and then you get your fvck. How hard can that be? After you fvck her once you can move on. That's the whole point in playing the game. Once you fvck her, you can run it on your own terms, if you know what you're doing. No need to complain about women losing interest or any of that other nonsense.

You got your fvck and can move on to the next chick. Sometimes you don't have waste your time going out on a date. When the girl wants you to come over and fvck her after she got turned on by your texts. Play the game and use texting to your advantage. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Are you trolling or do you live on another planet?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
here and there
Syrio said:
Are you trolling or do you live on another planet?
I live on Earth, but you seem clueless about texting. So, you never turned a girl on through text and that made her want to have sex with you? You never met a chick and instead of going out she came over to your place for a movie date and you fvcked her? Sounds like you don't know the game bro.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Texting is a must if you're spinning plates. Who has time to talk to a dozen different girls on the phone??


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
here and there
Bokanovsky said:
Texting is a must if you're spinning plates. Who has time to talk to a dozen different girls on the phone??
Exactly the point I'm making. But these phony DJ's who tell you to spin plates like Maximus Rex, Play Her Man, Harry Wilmington, etc. all tell you NOT to text LOL :crackup:

When you have several numbers you have to be texting. Because you're texting several girls at the same time. I guess these phony DJ's don't take that into consideration.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
I only text if the woman initiates. Only time I initiate is to ask her out. Recently, I've been avoiding the use of "lol" in every sentence unless I'm cracking an actual joke or she said something funny.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
There's several schools of thought regarding texting. All of them have good points.

But my preferred method is Heartiste's concept of keeping the text ratio to 1:3 and using as little words and pronunciation as possible while conveying the information.

Oh, and deliberately using words that carry double meanings.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Texting is bad for making early dates (dates 1-7 or so) compared to the phone, it objectively is, this is not an opinion, and there is no reasonable counterargument possible. I have been posting to advice forums for some time and texting dilemmas and misunderstandings are among the most frequent mistakes men make dating. "I texted her and she waited a day to text me back, what should I doooooo? Does she liiiike me? Should I try agaaaaaain?" and 100 variations on that "text drama" theme.

Calling and asking for dates on the phone then getting off the phone shortly thereafter is the most efficient way to set up face-to-face until you've been with a certain woman for a long enough time. The end.

Texting is bad for building attraction compared to face-to-face. Is it possible to build attraction by texting with a newly met woman? Of course. It's possible to build attraction by sending clever Email ASCII drawings of a hand shooting a bird or a browneye or a brony club meeting picture. It's possible to build attraction by farting in a woman's face. Are these things good bets though? No, and neither is texting to build interest. In fact, less contact of ALL types early builds more interest in all but the weakest most LSE women who were going to try to shack up with you anyway.

Now whatever other uses one wants to make of texting, knock yourself out, but anyone who thinks more texting with newly met women generally is a dandy idea to build attraction is spreading misinformation and in all likelihood isn't very experienced with women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
It's true, nowadays you must text, it's undeniable. As retarded as it is, it's a preferred method of communicating to the point where girls act weird when on an actual phone call. That shıt'll just throw you off.

However, context and quantity is everything. Girls send 320 texts a day, not you.

Be brief, be expeditious, and git'er'done.

See where you stand, get the date, and advance.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
rascal99v said:
Exactly the point I'm making. But these phony DJ's who tell you to spin plates like Maximus Rex, Play Her Man, Harry Wilmington, etc. all tell you NOT to text LOL :crackup:

When you have several numbers you have to be texting. Because you're texting several girls at the same time. I guess these phony DJ's don't take that into consideration.
Please don't put those guys and "DJ" in the same sentence.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2014
Reaction score
Dasein nailed all the details. Great post. I will add this, I might make a post about it later. David De Angelo has this great saying when people argue with his concepts and provide limited anecdotal evidence. He would reply "everything I say is right all the time". This is obvious sarcasm and we're dealing with a near infinite level of complexity when it comes to DETAILS. The generalized advice is what is most often works. It's not concrete rules. Could you text a girl into bed after one date? Maybe. It would be a rarity. In general though, scarcity and mystery are more attractive. I try to reciprocate the interest I'm getting but avoid long or complicated conversations. As others have said I generally only initiate to organize. Figure out what works for you and pay attention to the woman. The last woman I was seeing was young and she loved to text. We had some 8 hour text convos. This was after the relationship was established though and it wasn't 5 nights a week. Women like this intensity and closeness when appropriate but do not overdo it. I would avoid anything more than short convos unless you're regularly sleeping with someone. I'm sure I'll get flamed for some of this post. Haha.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
rascal99v said:
There seems to be a lot of misinformation being spread around about texting. The Keyboard Jockeys ran wild in another thread telling us how bad texting is. Texting is awesome and chicks love it. Which makes it even better because you get right on their emotional level. Chicks develop feelings through text. Those good feelings turn women on. When they are turned on they will fvck you. Fvcking them is what you want to do. Texting will make that happen.

Some will say chicks will lose interest in you and other dumb sh!t like that. Others say it's pandering. Totally not true. What you want to do is play the game. You play the game through texting. You text the chick for a few days. She has high interest and she is digging you. Then you fvck her because she has super high interest. Then you can move on or dial down the texting if you want to keep her as a fvck buddy. Keyboard jockeys complain about it because they aren't good with women.

Texting women is all about playing the game. Text them for a few days and then you get your fvck. How hard can that be? After you fvck her once you can move on. That's the whole point in playing the game. Once you fvck her, you can run it on your own terms, if you know what you're doing. No need to complain about women losing interest or any of that other nonsense.

You got your fvck and can move on to the next chick. Sometimes you don't have waste your time going out on a date. When the girl wants you to come over and fvck her after she got turned on by your texts. Play the game and use texting to your advantage. :up:

Not sure what your situation is but texting is a huge liability and it's ****ed up my game on several occasions. It's not a good look when you're out with a girl and your phone keeps going off with random numbers hitting you up with smileys and ****. On top of that, my ex randomly went through my phone and found stuff almost every time(I'm sloppy as hell). Now, I never have a ***** hit my phone up unless it's work related. If I'm trying to set something up I call them talk for 5-10 minutes and hang up. In my experience it really depends on your situation. If you have a main b* you shouldn't be texting other broads, ALWAYS CALL.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
I have always said texting is better than calling.

The only time I said texting was bad was when its excessive. Like texting a girl all day for a week. That's just gay and desperate.

Get some glasses and learn to READ before you post lies about people you cross-eyed faggots. :crazy: :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
If a chick is interested in you it does not matter what means you communicate with to her.


Don Juan
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
dasein said:
Texting is bad for making early dates (dates 1-7 or so) compared to the phone, it objectively is, this is not an opinion, and there is no reasonable counterargument possible. I have been posting to advice forums for some time and texting dilemmas and misunderstandings are among the most frequent mistakes men make dating. "I texted her and she waited a day to text me back, what should I doooooo? Does she liiiike me? Should I try agaaaaaain?" and 100 variations on that "text drama" theme.

Calling and asking for dates on the phone then getting off the phone shortly thereafter is the most efficient way to set up face-to-face until you've been with a certain woman for a long enough time. The end.

Texting is bad for building attraction compared to face-to-face. Is it possible to build attraction by texting with a newly met woman? Of course. It's possible to build attraction by sending clever Email ASCII drawings of a hand shooting a bird or a browneye or a brony club meeting picture. It's possible to build attraction by farting in a woman's face. Are these things good bets though? No, and neither is texting to build interest. In fact, less contact of ALL types early builds more interest in all but the weakest most LSE women who were going to try to shack up with you anyway.

Now whatever other uses one wants to make of texting, knock yourself out, but anyone who thinks more texting with newly met women generally is a dandy idea to build attraction is spreading misinformation and in all likelihood isn't very experienced with women.
Everybody my age and younger texts when we get numbers. All the older men seem to dislike texting because they always say negative things. You guys are from the old school, so you are used to only calling up one girl to get a date. Times are different now, women mostly text and only talk to people that are really important to them. They text everybody else that has their number. I know girls who give out their numbers like candy. There's no way they can be talking to over ten guys a day on the phone. I know some girls who don't even answer their phone because they are too busy. If you go clubbing and get a few numbers, you don't have the time to be talking to all those girls to set up dates. Texting helps to weed out girls that you don't want to chill with. It also tells you if a girl really wants to go out. This post you makes you look really ignorant because you can't seem to grasp the concept of how things today work.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Texting has always worked well for me and is a great way of building rapport and familiarity, as well as escalating towards sex. But it should always be a mutual exchange.

Like any kind of interraction, you just have to use common sense and keep it in moderation.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
Reaction score

why the rage, man? text those hoes to pieces if you want, you don't need approval from us. whatever works for you. i have found that in moderation, texting helps. if you text too long however, it kills the mood. and i don't remember anyone telling to never text. you act like those nutsos raging about being oppressed just because they can't force you to pray in school.

over reacting is lame.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Its a skill like anything else. Like talking on the phone? Do that if your phone game is tight. I hate talking on the phone. Texting is just easier. Whatever works for you. Rex, PHM, and others give solid advice and I respect that. But texting may work better for others. Just be careful you don't become her all day texting buddy. That could easily be a one way ticket to the inescapable friend zone if you're not building interest


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
May_Day said:
Everybody my age and younger texts when we get numbers. All the older men seem to dislike texting because they always say negative things. You guys are from the old school, so you are used to only calling up one girl to get a date. Times are different now, women mostly text and only talk to people that are really important to them. They text everybody else that has their number. I know girls who give out their numbers like candy. There's no way they can be talking to over ten guys a day on the phone. I know some girls who don't even answer their phone because they are too busy. If you go clubbing and get a few numbers, you don't have the time to be talking to all those girls to set up dates. Texting helps to weed out girls that you don't want to chill with. It also tells you if a girl really wants to go out. This post you makes you look really ignorant because you can't seem to grasp the concept of how things today work.
Let's start at the bottom. As far as my being an ignorant "old schooler" and not grasping "how things today work," my first cellphone was gotten in 1989 (how bout yours?), I was a software/computer dealer at the time repping MSFT and all the other main companies (were you?). People used to come to my office to gawk at my computers back then. I was on the net then too, back to the usenet and BBS days in the late 80s early 90s, how bout you? Have been an early adopter my whole life. Since, over the years, I've conducted several relationships that were primarily text heavy, one in particular HB10 five years ago texted me over 900 times in a month because I had wrapped her so hard with my text and other seduction skills (ever date a 10? a real one? I have been with many 8-10 over 25 years). It was a mistake to engage that way, more on that later, but rest assured I have the experience with these things and am not just blowing smoke like you are. I stick on this and toot my own horn some because I want to make it very clear to young men seeking advice here which perspective is experienced and correct, and which is "ignorant" or more accurately "lazy/comfort zone."

For success with women, break your comfort zone. Texting is the comfort zone today. Most excuses for not being successful with women come back to a) caring too much, particularly about rejection, and b) not being willing to break your comfort zone. Young guys, learn the above if nothing else, no one was around to tell me, so took years to learn that you don't have to spend because an "old timer" who has BTDT is telling you now. Calling v texting is a great example of where breaking your comfort zone will pay off.

As far as "calling one girl to get a date," and yours and others' "texts take less time" claims they are hogwash. Re: "calling one girl at a time" will wager I have more experience dating multiple women at once than you do going back 30 years. Also, and this is a fact, phone takes the least time. Text is "let's send a text, wait for a reply, maybe get one maybe not, maybe wait hours and see." Let alone all the button pushing with texting. Phone is "call and leave VM if unanswered, call and leave VM if unanswered, if no answer, reply or return call? DONE and on to next. If my seduction skills are so POOR that women won't take my calls after giving me their number, that's on me, and has nothing to do with the actual contact medium. Don't blame the medium of communication for one's inability to set the hook well and build sufficient attraction on first meeting. Don't be the dude running around bragging about all the number closes he got yet never actually touched a woman in the process and is going home alone. Don't be that guy. Others of us laugh at those guys.

Women, you see, generally take my calls or return them today. Moreso, younger and hotter than ever in the past. That result is a product of much work over many years and I didn't start out there, far from it. Have made every mistake, some many times. Texting as a primary communication mode is one of those mistakes I have made. If women aren't taking your phone calls, look elsewhere than the contact medium itself for your remedy... or hide behind the excuse that they are just "too busy" or won't talk on the phone with just anyone. Believe me, if you do your job right when meeting and first contacts, not only will they be answering your calls, they will start calling you almost immediately. When they start up with the texts, call them and say "I'm a voice and face to face guy, don't your GFs and you get enough texting with each other? text with all them and I will handle the stuff that really matters, deal?" (said in a playful way). You just removed every little weeny texty boy from the running, have done this many times.

Mature, adult men don't sit and text interminably back and forth because we have real things going on that demand our attention. (other than today when I'm snowed in LOL). 1. Break your comfort zone. 2. Care less. 3. Set yourself apart from the rest of the texty kiddies. 4. Profit.

Turning to "women giving out their numbers like candy?" Well I guess there are women like that out there. They are LQ, regardless of age, and also attention wh0res. If they don't take your call, good screen. Anyone can build up a trove of LQ fake tan drama duckface queens and get some of what I call "misery leg" from time to time, not worth the effort in my book. Set your aim higher than "women who give their number out like candy." The best looking women don't "give their number out like candy," I guarantee you that.

OK to add to what I posted prior in greater detail:

1. All contact other than asking for face to face is bad early on because a) you don't know if any "one" is worth your time yet, b) it makes you just more available, no scarcity, low social value, like every other ATC (average texting chump). Texting creates too much contact compared to phone almost by default. It's rare that text exchanges don't turn into extended back and forth. With calls, you have control of the duration which should be miniscule early on. Later, after several (5+) dates, and never before sex, THEN start up with some mild texting (or not). If the woman is drunk, DTF and simply looking to hook up, SURE, text, call, send smoke signals, stand under her window with a string and a tin can, whatever contact medium you would use with the average prostitute, they all work with those types. If she's a normal non impulsive woman though, spare the text in favor of phone early on.

2. Texting creates false expectations that have bad results. I am very very good on the phone and via text both, but stopped the early texting presex because even though it had great results initially, it also created "BF" expectations, lots of psychic angst and bad resonance in these women, especially the less secure ones, and led to drama that the phone alone never brought. The sex and fun suffered as a result eventually. An analogy: Let's say you are a drug dealer selling heroin. Once the customer gets addicted, you have a junkie on your hands, they come around for more junk, they are not pleasant to be around, desperate, needy, a mess. But... they GO AWAY after you fix them up and you get what you want, their money. The woman you have hooked via text WON'T GO AWAY. She will keep bzzzing, bzzzzing, bzzzing bzzing bzzing bzzing bzzing trying to get more of that fix and will be a desperate unenjoyable puddle of goo when you are around her. That's the BETTER PART of a bad deal. The worse part is that puddle of goo will "break" soon enough and start the bad behavior, start playing jealousy games, flirting in front of you, nasty comments, playing sex withholding games. Then you have to next one who probably would have been salvageable otherwise, all due to the heightened expectations of too much contact, too much closeness and faux intimacy. I've experienced this well over a dozen times, having to ditch a perfectly decent option (plate), and too much texting is a primary culprit. Are "untexted" women capable of this bad behavior and blowing up your phone? Absolutely, but IME the odds are less when there isn't that constant "text tether."

3. The power of phone voice is one of the greatest seduction tools IME. It should be put to use on every initial contact, even leaving voicemail. Any time you have a legit opportunity to use your voice on a woman and to gauge her voice, yet forego that in favor of text is a missed opportunity. Working on one's voice is easier than working out, but does require some work, starts with recording oneself and playing it back, learning to speak emotionally but subtly. Get them hooked on your voice, not your ability to press 140 keys in succession or send clever lines like "wat up QT?"

Silence is ALWAYS better than a junk text to build attraction, as a rest between exercises of voice power, and because we all aren't Cyrano, most texts end up being junk texts.

Yowch, sorry for the length, once more, snowed in today.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
listen to this guy

dasein said:
I want to make it very clear to young men seeking advice here which perspective is experienced and correct, and which is "ignorant" or more accurately "lazy/comfort zone."

For success with women, break your comfort zone. Texting is the comfort zone today. Most excuses for not being successful with women come back to a) caring too much, particularly about rejection, and b) not being willing to break your comfort zone.


As far as "calling one girl to get a date," and yours and others' "texts take less time" claims they are hogwash. Re: "calling one girl at a time" will wager I have more experience dating multiple women at once than you do going back 30 years. Also, and this is a fact, phone takes the least time. Text is "let's send a text, wait for a reply, maybe get one maybe not, maybe wait hours and see." Let alone all the button pushing with texting. Phone is "call and leave VM if unanswered, call and leave VM if unanswered, if no answer, reply or return call? DONE and on to next. If my seduction skills are so POOR that women won't take my calls after giving me their number, that's on me, and has nothing to do with the actual contact medium. Don't blame the medium of communication for one's inability to set the hook well and build sufficient attraction on first meeting. Don't be the dude running around bragging about all the number closes he got yet never actually touched a woman in the process and is going home alone. Don't be that guy. Others of us laugh at those guys.

When they start up with the texts, call them and say "I'm a voice and face to face guy, don't your GFs and you get enough texting with each other? text with all them and I will handle the stuff that really matters, deal?" (said in a playful way). You just removed every little weeny texty boy from the running, have done this many times.


1. Break your comfort zone. 2. Care less. 3. Set yourself apart from the rest of the texty kiddies. 4. Profit.


OK to add to what I posted prior in greater detail:

1. All contact other than asking for face to face is bad early on because a) you don't know if any "one" is worth your time yet, b) it makes you just more available, no scarcity, low social value, like every other ATC (average texting chump). Texting creates too much contact compared to phone almost by default. It's rare that text exchanges don't turn into extended back and forth. With calls, you have control of the duration which should be miniscule early on.

2. Texting creates false expectations that have bad results.

3. The power of phone voice is one of the greatest seduction tools IME. It should be put to use on every initial contact, even leaving voicemail.

Silence is ALWAYS better than a junk text to build attraction, as a rest between exercises of voice power, and because we all aren't Cyrano, most texts end up being junk texts.
+1 Listen to this guy

everyone is different and has different experiences and skills when it comes to dating and gaming women but for me this is how i contact girls and I'm still very young (23)!
I use texting but calling cut a lot of crap and 1 single call can throw every attention wh@re to the garbage faster than a 100 texts!

remember this: a/ Numbers don't mean anything if there is no date! b/ texting or calling mean nothing if there is no dates c/ yes to dates...Kisses... Make outs ...Seks is the real deal!

Note : dasein I would like to PM you in the future if you are cool with that
