some help on a self improvement program?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
I want to develop a "highschool self improvement program" to hone my DJ skills, but i have a hard time doing so. i need your help, especially the guys that have been here a while.

so far my year hasn't started out that bad, i can see improvement, but in the end i always feel like somethings out of place.

i've also taken up a life long passion of motocross/supercross. that seems to have helped a bit. (and i workout too)

but i need some sort of self improvement program to help me be a more social and fun person to be around. i cant just let loose and "be myself" i've tried to be completely relaxed and have fun, but it seems that no one else thinks my fun is "fun"

some days im on top of the world most days im not. so i never really got that.

so if any of you can devise some sort of self improvement program for me and possibly others to use that would be great! i've read the DJ bible, and it's helped alot, but its not really a "structured guide" and i cant really form it into a practicible game plan for improvement.

maybe something like working on confidence for the first days/weeks and moving up to kino, approaches, field practice etc. something step by step, because its easier for me to apply things into my life that way.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hmm.... I don't think anyone will be able to give you a tailor-fit program because no one here has seen you in action in the real world, so we can't point out what to fix. Post some specific examples, and there will always be someone to help out. The second best thing we can do for you is a DJ bootcamp. A DJ bootcamp is basically a program lead by some of the guys on the forums here that is supposed to turn your DJ skills around. You sign up, and get a topic each week (or other measurement of time) to focus. I'm not aware of any sign-ups at the moment, but you could always tag onto one late. This sounds like what you're most after. Just follow an old one if you can't find a current one.

But if you don't want to join one, I'd start keeping what I call a "DJ Log." Basically, everyday (preferably at night) you open a blank Word document, title the date, and write down EVERY SINGLE interaction with girls (or in your case, the times you had trouble interacting) you had that day. Then, you analyze your actions when you're done. I do a DJ log every night, and it helps me see what skills I need to improve. I write what I need to improve upon in big caps at the bottom of the page, read some sections in the DJ bible regarding it, and focus on it the next day. It's helped me fine tune nearly all of my DJ skills.

But my advice is not to stress out too much. If no one thinks that you are "fun," then you're hanging out with the wrong people. For every person that thinks you're a buzzkill, there's another person who thinks you're the life of the party. Trust me, that's pretty much true.

But it sounds like you're off to a good start. You said you've already seen some improvement- kudos to you for doing it so quickly. Just keep your head up, keep doing what you enjoy, and you'll find your place.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
kevin1198 said:
I want to develop a "highschool self improvement program" to hone my DJ skills, but i have a hard time doing so. i need your help, especially the guys that have been here a while.

so far my year hasn't started out that bad, i can see improvement, but in the end i always feel like somethings out of place.

i've also taken up a life long passion of motocross/supercross. that seems to have helped a bit. (and i workout too)

but i need some sort of self improvement program to help me be a more social and fun person to be around. i cant just let loose and "be myself" i've tried to be completely relaxed and have fun, but it seems that no one else thinks my fun is "fun"

some days im on top of the world most days im not. so i never really got that.

so if any of you can devise some sort of self improvement program for me and possibly others to use that would be great! i've read the DJ bible, and it's helped alot, but its not really a "structured guide" and i cant really form it into a practicible game plan for improvement.

maybe something like working on confidence for the first days/weeks and moving up to kino, approaches, field practice etc. something step by step, because its easier for me to apply things into my life that way.
1- Inner Game (workout, dress nice, etc)
2- Approaches (the hardest part that's why you have to work on your inner game)
3- Conversation, kino and all that
4- Closing and hooking up

You should go out to your local mall or place we teenagers hang out and just approach girls and make friends. That's how you become social.

It won't be easy bro, but practice makes perfect. I also suggest you read Senior Finger's posts and Pook's posts too.

Good luck man, it's gonna be hard journey but worth it :)


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
base2ball2boy2 said:
Hmm.... I don't think anyone will be able to give you a tailor-fit program because no one here has seen you in action in the real world, so we can't point out what to fix. Post some specific examples, and there will always be someone to help out. The second best thing we can do for you is a DJ bootcamp. A DJ bootcamp is basically a program lead by some of the guys on the forums here that is supposed to turn your DJ skills around. You sign up, and get a topic each week (or other measurement of time) to focus. I'm not aware of any sign-ups at the moment, but you could always tag onto one late. This sounds like what you're most after. Just follow an old one if you can't find a current one.

But if you don't want to join one, I'd start keeping what I call a "DJ Log." Basically, everyday (preferably at night) you open a blank Word document, title the date, and write down EVERY SINGLE interaction with girls (or in your case, the times you had trouble interacting) you had that day. Then, you analyze your actions when you're done. I do a DJ log every night, and it helps me see what skills I need to improve. I write what I need to improve upon in big caps at the bottom of the page, read some sections in the DJ bible regarding it, and focus on it the next day. It's helped me fine tune nearly all of my DJ skills.

But my advice is not to stress out too much. If no one thinks that you are "fun," then you're hanging out with the wrong people. For every person that thinks you're a buzzkill, there's another person who thinks you're the life of the party. Trust me, that's pretty much true.

But it sounds like you're off to a good start. You said you've already seen some improvement- kudos to you for doing it so quickly. Just keep your head up, keep doing what you enjoy, and you'll find your place.
that bootcamp sounds interesting, if there's anyone hosting one, i'd be happy to join! does it cost any money?

ill be sure to keep your idea about DJ logs in mind, sounds like a great idea!
thanks for the support guys! hopefully ill be able to give something back to the community for all your support.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
1. Establish your inner self. This leads to confidence, happiness, etc.

2. Approach every single girl you find attractive and try to number close all of them.

3. Call all the girls who have given you their numbers.

4. Go out and have fun and gain experience.

5. If you feel like one girl is worth committing to, then escalate as far as you can with her until she tries to make it official.

Thing is, one of the girls, assuming you got a lot of numbers/outing, will try to official-ize it probably before you decide which girl is the best for you.

also, as each year of hs goes by..i find myself wanting less commitment and more girls to have fun with. So you may not find you want commitment at all at such a young age...this may lead to some of the girls "leaving" you...but you have many others so i guess you probably woulnd't even mind

but you dont need a program..just do 1 to 4


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
thanks once again, jeffthechef :up:

i found a bootcamp article from 05, a little outdated, but it could still be of some use, i will read over it and apply the exercises in it. hopefully ill be even better than before!