Some basic help needed


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
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I recently broke up with my GF of 4 years and really feel out of the singles scene . I used to frequent this board in college and know that you guys will be able to help. So here the deal, last night I was out at a friend's party in NYC (I live in NYC as well) and chatting with a buddy of mine. Then this girl that is a friend of a friend comes to chat with my buddy. My buddy introduces us but she gets pulled away by someone else. She was cute, prob like a 7 in my book. Anyways, a few minutes later she comes back and reintroduce herself to me. We chat for like 5 or 6 minutes, I learn that she just moved to NYC a few months ago, the bar is crowded and there is good kino. Then she says she has to go and find her friend, before she leaves she asks for my number. I take my phone out and ask for her's and get them. I then call her just so that she now has my number. So far so good.

About an hour later, I am standing near the dance floor and she walks by, we grind for like a song before she leaves. She is then just hanging out with some friends for the next hour. I wonder around the bar and dance with various girls, my friend wants me to meet this one chick so I start talking to this other girl. Just as I am talking to this new girl, the girl I got the number from earlier comes by and says bye to me.

Sorry for the long msg, I've been out of the game for so long I wanted to give all the details.

So my question is since she has my number, should I wait for her to call? Or should I call her? We met on Sat night, if I should call her, when should I call her?

Also, for those guys living in NYC, what would be a good first date these days (I am in my late 20s, I think she is in her mid 20s). Would dinner and then drinks be too much? Should I not book a date for a weekend evening, maybe a dinner on a Wed night?

Thanks for all your help.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2007
Reaction score
Do what you truly want to do without thinking about the outcome,

Nobody is perfect, if you want her, go get her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Call her, but wait maybe a couple days. If she calls you before then, that's a great ioi, but expect to be the one who leads.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
Wait like 2 or 3 days so you don't come accross
as a desperate needy guy.

Stay away from the traditional dates like dinner and a movie,
drinks and flowers. That stuff is for later on when and if
things work out and you are going steady.

Take here to play pool, go bowling, go shopping,
go to the park, stuff like that.

Work on attraction first, then move on to rapport and comfort.