Social conditioning, in regards to attraction


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2004
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I posted this in the regular forum........only got one person's opinion on it. Can't really post it in the tips I guess it can go here to. I just want people to not hold back and give me their honest opinon.


Let me start off by saying that I'm simply making this post to have a healthy debate/discussion on this topic. After reading this you will agree that in no way is this a "whine" or anything of that nature. I'm Punjabi (area between pakistan and india). Born and raised in North America (where I currently reside). I'm fit, attractive, I've got no problem attracting girls. Over these last few years though there's one thing i've noticed that has made me extremely curious.......

The amount of "hot" women out there these days that ONLY go for black men, and NOTHING else. Do you think this is a tool of social coniditioning? I know quite few girls like this (of all backrounds)..and trust me, it has nothing to do with the fact that black guys are generally darker, but it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that they're "black" and not white, latin, middle eastern, or asian etc. Sounds odd doesn't it? It's also quite the contradiction. Let me break it down to you. Firstly, let's kill some of the stereotypes. When it comes to the white girls that are "apparently" only attracted to black men i'm NOT talking about "wigger" type of girls here, or whale like white girls, i'm talking about regular minded hot women.

What's dominating the airwaves today, t.v and almost every other aspect of entertainment? Rap, hip hop, R&B, "thug" mentality, black culture in general. The black artist, the black athlete. I honestly believe that women these days are being conditioned in a sense to be attracted to black men. It's glorified to be with a black male. If you think about it, people in general are easily swayed by mass appeal/media....women in general are easier to put two and two together and yeah......

Now, it would be one thing if these girls were attracted to the most appealing "alpha" like black males out there (this was the case before, when it was extremely taboo to go after a black guy..I guess women thought they might as well go for the cream of the crop). But now, it's all open. You walk around the mall now and you see the most wimpish black male with a HB10. It really makes you wonder....are they with him ONLY because he's black?

I've got a couple of attractive level headed female friends that fit this category. One of them is 21, and last summer she started seeing this 32 year old black guy. Now before I saw or met this man, I thought wow..he's probably gonna be a loaded, or really fit SOB. I knew this girl for about a year and she quickly told me that she ONLY dated black men..............................So out comes "Jim", jaw dropped. Physically, he was a bone rack. More importantly though, from hanging around them for a day...It was shocking to witness this man having NO "alpha" like qualities to him whatsoever. This guy displayed some awful "AFC" like qualities. So I asked her, what exactly do you see in this guy?? This was her EXACT response. "Shut up.....he's cool, plus he's black".

That's just one case...when I look around and see these HB's with black men that don't seem to "appealing", I it only because he's "black"?

I really wanna know what other people's viewpoints on this topic are. What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
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Dude, do you seriously believe that every hot woman on the planet only wants black men? I mean really, step back and really consider what you're saying.

If anything, I think women's interests are piqued more by the taboo of it all: interracial dating. But like every novelty, it wears off.

Sure, you'll have some women who prefer certain traits: hair color, build, and skin complexion. But to stereotype every woman as only wanting black men is ludicrious (no pun intended). Sure, I know a lot of black guys with tons of game that could pick up any type of woman then wanted. On the other end of the spectrum, I know black guys with zero game that would be hard pressed to pickup a hooker with cash in hand. I've seen the latter try to pick up white girls, and fail MISERABLY. Funny story, actually.

During my summer before freshman year, I was in this special pre-engineering group for minorities. There were about 35 people. It was me (mixed ethnicity/race), two cuban guys, a mexican guy, and the rest were black. Generally everyone was very cool, but there was one guy who stood out: Chris.

I had to room with Chris, and it sucked. He was from a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. He was black, but he might as well have been white as a sheet. Everyone generally agreed that I was far blacker than him in every respect. Well we have our orientation, and during some downtime I decide to chat up some incoming freshman girls. I start talking to this one girl named Ashley, and Chris invites himself into the conversation. No biggie.

Eventually it ended up being me, Chris, and Ashley. I am just being myself, telling funny stories about my high school, our summer group, etc. Ashley is loving it, and more importantly, me. Chris on the other hand is trying to ride my coat tails and run game on this girl. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

To call his "game" pre-school level would be a compliment. At one point I just stopped talking to watch the flames burn out of control. He was smothering her with attention, trying to up-play his sexual prowess, bragging about stuff he owned, and was generally being a tool. This of course turned her off to him completely, and made me look like a god among mortals. It was pretty cool. The best part was when Chris asked for her number, she hesitated, and then asked for my number and then gave me hers first.

Furthermore, Chris was the biggest chump I had ever met. His girlfriend (yeah, somehow he had one. She was black too) would call him nightly to tell him how she was getting wasted and "making out" with other guys at parties. I suspected she was f*cking them, hence "making out." She probably felt a pang of guilt, but figured if she confessed to a lesser charge it would alleviate the guilt. And hey, I'm sure they made out before she took off the random guy's pants.

He would argue with her for hours, break down in tears, and go to bed all pouty. The next night it was rinse and repeat. I eventually told him to knock that **** off, either dump her cause she's a lying and cheating ho or go somewhere else to talk to her. He opted to go to the lobby to take her calls.

Spark Notes version: Hot girls aren't only attracted to black men. Some like the novelty of it, but dating someone just out of skin color is dumb. Real life examples have disproven this theory to me.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2004
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where exactly did i say all? you have taken my post out of context

I guess we both have examples from both extremes


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
I've only met one woman (HB9) who rejected me because she "only dates black guys." She recently moved here from Colorado; I don't think girls who've lived in OC are only into black guys, though that could be because there aren't really any black guys living here. I asked her why (after teasing her that she'll be single for a long ass time living in OC), and she told me black guys have "more soul" because they like R&B :rolleyes:

So maybe you're right with some women, but then again she was only 19. I think it's more of a maturity thing.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2006
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kiddha mundiye, ki hal chaal, nice to see another punjabi on sosuave.

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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sharpshooter said:
I honestly believe that women these days are being conditioned in a sense to be attracted to black men. It's glorified to be with a black male. If you think about it, people in general are easily swayed by mass appeal/media....women in general are easier to put two and two together and yeah......
If you want to look at the general attitudes perpetuated by the media in regards to black guys and their sex appeal, then maybe there is an ounce of truth to what you say - it is certainly possible that over time, such continual representations of black guys may, to some extent, penetrate the general consciousness of media-exposed individuals. But only to some extent.

Having said that, I highly doubt that mass media/mass appeal can influence the beliefs of the general public in such a way to produce individuals who date people just because of their skin colour.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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anybody that refuses to date thier own race has serious issues so why even worry about them?

also where on earth are you seeing hb white girls with blacks and where is it actually glorified for a white girl to be with a black guy?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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sharpshooter said:
I've got a couple of attractive level headed female friends that fit this category. So I asked her, what exactly do you see in this guy?? This was her EXACT response. "Shut up.....he's cool, plus he's black".
haha yeah real level headed talk about a quality girl:eek: