Social Anxiety and Tension


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome social anxiety and tension. When I'm around people at work and in public, I feel very tense especialy in the neck shoulders and face, and stomach, I stutter and have a hard time talking to people. I just feel very uneasy and shy, and its a daily battle. I'm 23, and this has gone on for years. People say its good to act, to go talk to people to overcome these things, but how do you do this when your anxiety symptoms are painful and embarrasing to deal with and avoidance and staying home is so much easier? Can anyone relate to this. Anyone know what can be done to avoid living life like this forever?

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
If you have social anxiety that bad, maybe you should see a doc. They might prescribe you some anti depressants or anti anxiety meds. I really dont know how else to tackle this because it seems like a problem that has been rooted in your personality for a while. Try taking little steps, smiling at people, saying hi, even if it makes you nervous.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Have you tried an asian massage parlour or adult massage?

I haven't (nor would I recommend it since I never tried it myself), but hey, I hear they would massage those areas you are feeling tense with, plus you have a half-nude (and some cases nude with touching) sexy woman next to you doing this you can talk to while she's doing it to help work out your social anxiety problems.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I really dont want to go to a doctor because I've heard they dont really help. I'm not completely messed up its just very situational. I go on facebook and meet a lot of women, and a lot of them wind up liking me, so I have dealt with a lot of women. Its just in real life, I generally experience that crazy anxiety all day, and when I meet these women, I feel like I'm putting on a front and trying to hide my anxiety. Is there someway to change that automatic anxiety and tension into being able to just relax and talk to people. I feel like I really want to avoid people at work so badly because i hate the symptoms


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Dman101 said:
Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome social anxiety and tension. When I'm around people at work and in public, I feel very tense especialy in the neck shoulders and face, and stomach, I stutter and have a hard time talking to people. I just feel very uneasy and shy, and its a daily battle. I'm 23, and this has gone on for years. People say its good to act, to go talk to people to overcome these things, but how do you do this when your anxiety symptoms are painful and embarrasing to deal with and avoidance and staying home is so much easier? Can anyone relate to this. Anyone know what can be done to avoid living life like this forever?
There is no such thing as social anxiety. It's adrenaline. Stop fighting it and use it to your advantage. Stop seeing it as a fear. See it as an advantage because if it is used right it makes your mind sharper and you can think faster.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Look up EFT.

Emotional Freedom techniques
Watch this video:

Stop looking for approval.
Stop trying to be Perfect.
Stop repressing your feelings.
Stop second guessing yourself. Stop letting yourself be controlled byu what others have doen to you inthe past.

Let go of the resentment and shame other people have put into you.

Understand and appreciate yourself and whio you yreally are.

Being UNIQUE is better than BEING PERFECT.

You don't have to have anyone's Permisiion anymore.
You don't need anyone's valdiation anymore.
You don't need to make everybody happy and feel good.
You don't need to keep listening to negative self talk and accept other's negative beliefs about you.

Understand that your parents were not perfect.
Understand that the people whio have hurt you did so out of ignorance.

Let go of anger and resentment,.

Your voice is still worth being heard.
Your soul is still worth letting out and shining.
Your personality is good enough for anyone and everyone.

Your interests are interesting and yours and yours alone.

Let go of others "judging" you.They cannot.
Stop judging yourself.
You're too hard onyourself. Other people aren't even a third critical as you are to yourself.

Stop tryibg to be perfect.
Stop needing other's acceptance of you.
Stop being so obsessed with how you look or what you say.
let your personality shine through. Let your voice come through. Let your idead and thoughts come out.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of them.

The only thing that matters truly in the entire universe is what YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE>

Your hapopiness.

That's it.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Dman101 said:
Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome social anxiety and tension. When I'm around people at work and in public, I feel very tense especialy in the neck shoulders and face, and stomach, I stutter and have a hard time talking to people. I just feel very uneasy and shy, and its a daily battle. I'm 23, and this has gone on for years. People say its good to act, to go talk to people to overcome these things, but how do you do this when your anxiety symptoms are painful and embarrasing to deal with and avoidance and staying home is so much easier? Can anyone relate to this. Anyone know what can be done to avoid living life like this forever?

You need someone or something to get you started.

Such as job that requires you to travel. Or someone who can take you out and teach you seduction.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Look up EFT.

Emotional Freedom techniques
Watch this video:

Stop looking for approval.
Stop trying to be Perfect.
Stop repressing your feelings.
Stop second guessing yourself. Stop letting yourself be controlled byu what others have doen to you inthe past.

Let go of the resentment and shame other people have put into you.

Understand and appreciate yourself and whio you yreally are.

Being UNIQUE is better than BEING PERFECT.

You don't have to have anyone's Permisiion anymore.
You don't need anyone's valdiation anymore.
You don't need to make everybody happy and feel good.
You don't need to keep listening to negative self talk and accept other's negative beliefs about you.

Understand that your parents were not perfect.
Understand that the people whio have hurt you did so out of ignorance.

Let go of anger and resentment,.

Your voice is still worth being heard.
Your soul is still worth letting out and shining.
Your personality is good enough for anyone and everyone.

Your interests are interesting and yours and yours alone.

Let go of others "judging" you.They cannot.
Stop judging yourself.
You're too hard onyourself. Other people aren't even a third critical as you are to yourself.

Stop tryibg to be perfect.
Stop needing other's acceptance of you.
Stop being so obsessed with how you look or what you say.
let your personality shine through. Let your voice come through. Let your idead and thoughts come out.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of them.

The only thing that matters truly in the entire universe is what YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE>

Your hapopiness.

That's it.
I like that! Is it me or like when you go to a bar or club feels like everyone is looking at you (even though they're not)?

Anyways, I would suggest joining a Toast Master club, I think I'll do that just to get myself improved anyways..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Dman101 said:
People say its good to act, to go talk to people to overcome these things, but how do you do this when your anxiety symptoms are painful and embarrasing to deal with and avoidance and staying home is so much easier?
Of course it won't be easy to overcome, but you do have to keep at. Yes you might feel scared and embarrassed but you will get over it eventually. Don't give up.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
**** i feel you man, feeling like not good enough, feeling like all those other guys are better than you! FUC i felt like that for SO FUCING LONG OMFG! IT is the worst FUCING FEELING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Made me want to BLAST MYSELF! THE way i overcame this is that i started having this mentality that NOMOFO IS BETTER THAN ME, I CAN DO IT BETTER THAN HE CAN! YOU ONLY GOT 28,526 DAYS 2 LIVE SO START HITTIN UP THEM CLUBS ANd TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD AND START ENJOYING LIFE!