Soccer Work Out Program


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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Hey guys i on my varsity soccer team at my school. My school is known as one of the best soccer teams in NYC and I'm pretty happy to be a starter. However, i have 6 months until the next season. My goal is to get in the best soccer shape i can in those 6 months.

So basically I'm looking for some help from you guys. I really have little experience working out other then running for hours at practices.

You see designing a program for soccer is pretty tough because it requires explosive energy to sprint past defenders but you also need the endurance to last 90 minutes of running. Anyways if you guys could give me some tips to train, maybe a weight lifting routine that would work well for soccer players, or anything like that i would really appreciate it. I'm a defensive midfielder if that matters at all.

Thanks again guys.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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weird that they wouldn't have a program for you i take it this is high school?


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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well i did a search and i found workouts for tons of other sports but not for soccer. If you could show the link to a thread that would be great.

and the only program at my school they have starts about 3-4 weeks before the season starts. I wanna improve my fitness before then


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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goldenrocker91 said:
well i did a search and i found workouts for tons of other sports but not for soccer. If you could show the link to a thread that would be great.

and the only program at my school they have starts about 3-4 weeks before the season starts. I wanna improve my fitness before then
wow your team must have some really skilled players and one damn good coach to be one of the best in nyc to be starting with training 4weeks before the season...that or the competition sucks.

What position do you play?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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for a soccer-specific program, you'll do better with google searching.

otherwise, lift weights with an emphasis on explosiveness on the leg work.

start here: and then feel free to ask us questions. but since most of us don't play soccer, we can only comment on the lifting, nutrition, and balancing lifting/aerobic training.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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EFFORT said:
one damn good coach
maybe it's just me, but by definition, any damn good high school coach these days gives out off-season training programs in any sport, especially soccer. If wrestling and cross-country coaches can do it........

gr91, have you been in touch with your coach about this? we can always correct him if he tells you to do something blatantly stupid or counterproductive ;)


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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hhaha well to tell you guys the truth, our coach is nothing special. Actually the JV coach was much better.
Its really the players that put work into it on the offseason. I did not mention this but I actually play all year round on a travel team in Staten Island. Almost everyone on my team does this so we do get training. Travel soccer isnt as serious and we dont do too much work out. It really just keeps us sharp so we dont get rusty.

But yea i guess this really wasnt the best question because you guys for the most part dont play soccer. Thanks though. Anymore advise , I'd love to hear it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Obviously putting on a lot of bulk isn't the idea, as that would be counterproductive. Although out of curiosity what is your height/weight? Perhaps another 5-10lbs wouldn't go a miss.

From the sounds of things some added strength and some HIIT work would do you some good.

Explosiveness? I'd say training box squats would do that pretty well. I'd think something like a basic 2day based around gaining strength with an emphasis on exploding on the positive would work well.

Then you want to look at training sprints and some stuff like sandbag/kettlebells/sledgehammer work. They work well for conditioning/explosiveness. Then also some longer sessions for added endurance.

Another option would be to go over to The founder is a guy that trains a lot with sandbags/sledgehammers/weights/bw exercises. He has great speed and endurance. He never trains the deadlift yet he can do 500Lbs+ at a bw of 170lbs. His stuff is really well priced and looks good for athletes. It incorporates everything you have mentioned.



Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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alright well to start im 5'11 180 lbs. I have alot of leg strength but my core and upperbody are lacking a bit. The core is really important because thats where you get your kicking strength from so thats a big priority for me. So i guess the two major things i want to work on your be me core area, like abs and stomach, and my explosiveness.

And then with like a month and a half or 2 months before soccer preseason training with the team ill start doing sprints/multi-mile runs.

The two day split seems like a good idea because i dont want to gain too much weight or over train. Although i have literally 0 experience working out with actualy weights. The only thing ive been doing right now is pushups, which i can do about 40 at most. So im not sure what exercises really train the core or work on explosiveness.

Could you reccomend some exercises and ill try to make a routine out of it? Thanks guys


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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alright well to start im 5'11 180 lbs. I have alot of leg strength but my core and upperbody are lacking a bit. The core is really important because thats where you get your kicking strength from so thats a big priority for me. So i guess the two major things i want to work on your be me core area, like abs and stomach, and my explosiveness.

And then with like a month and a half or 2 months before soccer preseason training with the team ill start doing sprints/multi-mile runs.

The two day split seems like a good idea because i dont want to gain too much weight or over train. Although i have literally 0 experience working out with actualy weights. The only thing ive been doing right now is pushups, which i can do about 40 at most. So im not sure what exercises really train the core or work on explosiveness.

Could you reccomend some exercises and ill try to make a routine out of it? Thanks guys


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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goldenrocker91 said:
alright well to start im 5'11 180 lbs. I have alot of leg strength but my core and upperbody are lacking a bit. The core is really important because thats where you get your kicking strength from so thats a big priority for me. So i guess the two major things i want to work on your be me core area, like abs and stomach, and my explosiveness.

And then with like a month and a half or 2 months before soccer preseason training with the team ill start doing sprints/multi-mile runs.

The two day split seems like a good idea because i dont want to gain too much weight or over train. Although i have literally 0 experience working out with actualy weights. The only thing ive been doing right now is pushups, which i can do about 40 at most. So im not sure what exercises really train the core or work on explosiveness.

Could you reccomend some exercises and ill try to make a routine out of it? Thanks guys

Box squats 8 sets 2 reps -Builds power/strength/explosiveness
Stiff Legged Deadlift 2x8-10
Glute ham raise/Hyperextensions/Pullthroughs 2x8-10 (Pick one)
Chinups/Pullups 2x... (Pick one)
Abs 2x10-12


Flat bench press 3x5
Military press 2x6-8
Cable pushdowns 3x10
Rows 2x8
Abs 2x10-12

That's a sample routine that would give good power/strength gains. Just remember and be explosive on the positive.

As for mass gains that is mostly down to diet. Eat around maintainance and keep protein at around 1.5g per pound of body weight and that should do it. If you start gaining weight take off 300 calories a day, and vice versa if you start to lose weight. If you want to gain weight then check out the "simple starting diet" in the vault.

Make a log on here and we can help you out some more with the lifting.

Hope this helps,


Ps-This is a box squat:

Your stance doesn't need to be so wide though and you'll probably be using a regular barbell and no chains. Box should be set at below parallel. Here is an article on it:


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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This was really helpful. Im really bogged down with schoolwork right now but once March comes ill prob start headin to the gym to get started.

This seems like a great way to get going with muscle gains. Its pretty much got everything i need. So I'm thinkin thats once like March 1st comes i start with this workout. I also think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have one day a week with sprints and other explosive drills.

Around May 15th, Ill add a second day a week of running drills. This time with longer runs and endurance training.

Towards the end of august, the season starts in which we practice 5 days a week. Once this happens i probably wont be able to do any workouts on my own.

I think this plan seems like a great way to get me started working towards September (the start of the season).

Thanks alot for the help.

Quagmire911 said:
Just remember and be explosive on the positive.
Im not sure what that means btw lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Take bench as an example: You lower the bar to the chest (negative) and the explode the weight of the chest until you arms are locked out (positive).

Box Squat: You lower and sit back onto the box (negative) and then explode upwards (positive).

Hope this clears things up.


Ps-This is just the weights side of things, you should definitely be doing speed work like sprints etc. If you want to gain weight eat as is layed out in the Simple Starting Diet in the vault. Once football begins though you won't really be able to gain weight, so it'll have to be before. If you have 5-6 months of weights though you could quite easily put on 10-20lbs. Just makesure it doesn't slow you down.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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hey quagmire what would be a good day to do the routine? monday and friday? or could it be mon and wedns. also could I incorporate plyometrics in between days i dont work out or should I wait a while before implementing plyometrics.