I'm sure that everybody here has been rejected at least ONCE in their lives (if you haven't, well damn, you better be schooling us how the f*ck you do it!). It doesn't matter whether you got rejected by the hottest chick in your school, or your partner for a project that you have the hots for, or a classmate; point is, we've all been rejected by women that we have been (or we are) interested in.
Let me ask you this though: Did it get you down? Did it serve as a blow to your self-confidence? Did it bring you back down to so-called reality that you'll never get girls for as long as you live? Did it put your self-esteem lower than it ever was before?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, all I got to say is this: Never that...
If you got rejected by someone, that's all they are: some-ONE. One. One woman. One girl out of the billions of single women in the world.
Let's do some mathematical approximations here. Say there are about a billion women in the world. There could be more, or less than that, I don't know. That's just a ballpark figure. Let's eliminate the too young and the too old; say that 25% are within your age range, either the same sage, or a little older or younger than you. That leaves 250,000,000 women available for you.
Confused? Hold on. From that 250,000,000 women left, let's take out the ones that live very far away from you. Let's say that 25% of them are reasonably within your city, state or country. That leaves you about 62,500,000 women left to go after.
Hold up, we're not done. Let's take out the snobby b!tches, the ugly b!tches, the suicidal b!tches, etc. Let's say only 25% of that 62,500,000 are really available. That leaves you about 15,625,000 women.
What else can we eliminate? Let's assume that you're trying to play it safe and that you wish to live life a little bit longer, or that you don't want to interrupt other people's relationships. Let's say that only 25% of that 15,625,000 are really available for the taking. Which leaves you with 3,906,250 single, pretty, available women.
To narrow down that figure a little more, let's just take 10% of those to make the figure a little more realistic. 10% of 3,906,250 women leaves you with 390,625 girls. And let's say that you are only interested in 5% of those girls, which leaves you with 19,531 and a quarter girls to DJ, to mack on, to pimp on, to run game on, or whatever term you choose to use.
What's been the whole point of this classroom session? The whole point is to show you that there are PLENTY OF OTHER GIRLS that you can choose from. Don't let that rejection from someone even faze you the slightest bit. You got shook by it? Never that, pick yourself up and move on to the next girl. Introduce yourself to another woman by the time that you finish reading this. Call up an acquaintance and ask her for dinner. E-mail a long-lost friend and just ask her wassup. That one girl that rejected you just missed out on possibly the greatest time she could ever have in her life.
19,531. From those 19,531, you've been rejected by ONE. What does it matter? You still got 19,530 and a quarter girls to go after. There are plenty of other chances. Don't kick yourself in the ass about how you f*cked up with that one woman. Instead, learn from what you did wrong (you ARE analyzing and refining your technique every failure, right? 101 people) and worry about the fact that you'll never have enough time in the world to actually go through all 19,531 of them.
19,531. That's a lot of girls. I wouldn't advice scratching a girl out if she doesn't tilt her head or points her shoulders to you when you converse, but you should keep yourself open. If a woman hasn't flat out rejected you ("No, I will never ever go on a date with you even if you were the last man on planet Earth!"), she's still in the Hanging List. Maybe you haven't shown her enough DJ skills. Maybe her mind was too focused on something else rather than you at the moment (she DOES have a life other than you, you know). There are a lot of maybes. But also, do not make the mistake of being too hopeful and keeping someone in the Hanging List for too long. Once you're not getting good vibes from a girl, move on to the next one, but do not completely forget about her.
19,531. Take that number and write it down someplace you can easily see. After every rejection you go through, subtract one from that number. You can NEVER fail. There is someone out there that you will succeed with. Now stop moping over that puny rejection of yours and take chances with the 19,530 left!
Good luck!
Let me ask you this though: Did it get you down? Did it serve as a blow to your self-confidence? Did it bring you back down to so-called reality that you'll never get girls for as long as you live? Did it put your self-esteem lower than it ever was before?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, all I got to say is this: Never that...
If you got rejected by someone, that's all they are: some-ONE. One. One woman. One girl out of the billions of single women in the world.
Let's do some mathematical approximations here. Say there are about a billion women in the world. There could be more, or less than that, I don't know. That's just a ballpark figure. Let's eliminate the too young and the too old; say that 25% are within your age range, either the same sage, or a little older or younger than you. That leaves 250,000,000 women available for you.
Confused? Hold on. From that 250,000,000 women left, let's take out the ones that live very far away from you. Let's say that 25% of them are reasonably within your city, state or country. That leaves you about 62,500,000 women left to go after.
Hold up, we're not done. Let's take out the snobby b!tches, the ugly b!tches, the suicidal b!tches, etc. Let's say only 25% of that 62,500,000 are really available. That leaves you about 15,625,000 women.
What else can we eliminate? Let's assume that you're trying to play it safe and that you wish to live life a little bit longer, or that you don't want to interrupt other people's relationships. Let's say that only 25% of that 15,625,000 are really available for the taking. Which leaves you with 3,906,250 single, pretty, available women.
To narrow down that figure a little more, let's just take 10% of those to make the figure a little more realistic. 10% of 3,906,250 women leaves you with 390,625 girls. And let's say that you are only interested in 5% of those girls, which leaves you with 19,531 and a quarter girls to DJ, to mack on, to pimp on, to run game on, or whatever term you choose to use.
What's been the whole point of this classroom session? The whole point is to show you that there are PLENTY OF OTHER GIRLS that you can choose from. Don't let that rejection from someone even faze you the slightest bit. You got shook by it? Never that, pick yourself up and move on to the next girl. Introduce yourself to another woman by the time that you finish reading this. Call up an acquaintance and ask her for dinner. E-mail a long-lost friend and just ask her wassup. That one girl that rejected you just missed out on possibly the greatest time she could ever have in her life.
19,531. From those 19,531, you've been rejected by ONE. What does it matter? You still got 19,530 and a quarter girls to go after. There are plenty of other chances. Don't kick yourself in the ass about how you f*cked up with that one woman. Instead, learn from what you did wrong (you ARE analyzing and refining your technique every failure, right? 101 people) and worry about the fact that you'll never have enough time in the world to actually go through all 19,531 of them.
19,531. That's a lot of girls. I wouldn't advice scratching a girl out if she doesn't tilt her head or points her shoulders to you when you converse, but you should keep yourself open. If a woman hasn't flat out rejected you ("No, I will never ever go on a date with you even if you were the last man on planet Earth!"), she's still in the Hanging List. Maybe you haven't shown her enough DJ skills. Maybe her mind was too focused on something else rather than you at the moment (she DOES have a life other than you, you know). There are a lot of maybes. But also, do not make the mistake of being too hopeful and keeping someone in the Hanging List for too long. Once you're not getting good vibes from a girl, move on to the next one, but do not completely forget about her.
19,531. Take that number and write it down someplace you can easily see. After every rejection you go through, subtract one from that number. You can NEVER fail. There is someone out there that you will succeed with. Now stop moping over that puny rejection of yours and take chances with the 19,530 left!
Good luck!