so whats up with this


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
me and this girl have chilled a few times. but recently at a get together she said she always felt that i would stare at her and criticize her all the time. i told her i didnt know what she was talking about. must be the ganja she was smoking blah blah. (not my thing). in my hammered state i proceeded to game anyways.

i asked if she saw the fast five and if she like racing movies. she said not really.
well i ask her if she wants to check it out next weekend, and after a good minute of thinking she said she cant make it. (bull ****). my buddy chimed in and said he wanted to go so i said i didnt care and he could come anyways.

I just wanna know if im on the right track to gaming girls. tell me what i could've done to improve my situation. (cause were having a keg party tomorrow and i wanna lay some game down)


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
lili19771 said:
How did you come to that conclusion?
Because if she liked him, she would have said yes.

IMO, the best thing you can do is tear **** up at the keg party. Get the hottest ***** on your nuts. So when she gets there, she'll be like o damn, I fvcked up, I should have went with him to the movies.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
So basically..
IF she doesn't give you her number or refuses the first time you ask her out she's not interested? Do you give another chance?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Pozitron said:
So basically..
IF she doesn't give you her number or refuses the first time you ask her out she's not interested? Do you give another chance?
Hell no you Don't!!! If she turns you down then why should you offer again? Unless there are some DRASTIC changes in your interactions IE: she goes from turning you down to grabbing your hand/kissing she is probably not into you and Honestly, every guy here should want someone who isn't a flake because they are worth it. HOWEVER, If she has a legit excuse AND suggests an other time (IE "I can't go on the 20th, how about the 23rd?" ) or asks for a rain check (IE "I should be free next week") , then you should ask again later.

Girls are weird, some like to pull games or test you and BS like that. Obviously each situation is different but I got tired of the games and I don't go along with them anymore. For every girl who turns me down there is someone who won't.

Just my two cents :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
What I said was based on his whole post, not just the fact that she said no. I like to be persistent, but its hard to know how people here will interpret being persistent.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
Ok... so it really depends. When you are there 1-1 you can see clearly if she meant it or not.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
First off, when creating a thread looking for advice it is best to give as much detail in relation to the topic as possible so we have an insight and can give the most effective advice possible.

Now my advice on the information you gave is that you didn't seem to do anything wrong (even though there isn't much info to analyze). But what first caught my eye is that you said that she says "you stare at her" which usually isn't a good sign. I'm not saying anything about you but what you want to do is turn that from staring to eye contact. You want to look at her when she is looking at you. Catch her in the act but don't shy away, obviously don't make it weird and sit there in a blinking contest for 5 minutes but just try and keep eye contact for a little which should establish some tension.

Now that you have that in place, you want to be able to connect with her and flirt with her. If you are both either drunk or high it is much easier because she will probably be less up-tight and easily approachable.

Finally, addressing the movie denial, there are plenty of reasons for her to have said no. I'm not saying that she was or wasn't interested because that isn't for me to tell but there are other possible reasons like maybe she just doesn't want to watch a racing movie? Just keep hanging out with her and find out what kind of movies she does like and choose one you also enjoy so you up your chances of her saying yes. Good luck bro