So what do the women have to offer to us?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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It is almost 4 am and I am still buzzed. I am reading through Deep Dish's Book of Women while drinking the green tea which will help me keep the fat off.

As I was reading that post, for perhaps the second or third time, it felt like I was reading it for the first time in my life. Right next to that tab is a facebook of the profile who looks like my future ex girlfriend. She is very sexy, appears to be smart and has great friends... But I am slowly realizing that I am very close to putting an X on that.

Where are the women that make the great men? Where are the women who stand by their men and inspire them, adore them, enrich the men's lives? Are there these kind of women? Have there EVER been women like this or has all this been just a myth?

Right now I am very close to just looking at women as a source of quick entertainment and nothing more. I will not take her seriously and will try just enough to keep her around if I like her. Should I even hold her to any intellectual standards? Should I care that she doesn't know where Austria or Spain are, or that the WWII was going on during the 1943?

Sure, I have great male friends who I can discuss such topics with, so it would not bother me much if the next miss tight body can not differentiate between good TV shows and horrible ones, excellent books vrs Oprah's book club... etc.

But what happens when it is time for me to settle down with one and have an offspring? Am I being forced to accept marrying a marionette, albeit the one that has been socially trained to try and take over once I give her the ring?

This is looking very depressing right now guys... Where are YOU going to find a great, sexy, intelligent, ambitious girl who is not totally wrapped up in her socially psychological behavior?

Women, what exactly do you have to offer us? What makes you better than the next made up doll?


Nov 26, 2006
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It is tough to find a good woman these days. What makes the perfect woman.
1. Loyal
2. Honest
3.Great morals.
4.Good looking
5.Great body
6.Doesn't go out much
7.Great cook
9.High sexdrive

Tough to find all these things, but 8 out of ten will do


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Where are the women that make the great men? Where are the women who stand by their men and inspire them, adore them, enrich the men's lives? Are there these kind of women? Have there EVER been women like this or has all this been just a myth?
Well, if you find one, hold onto her. I had one that had the makings of being that kind of woman, but we were too young (me 20, her 18). If you are more into being a "DJ", then who cares about her personality?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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Oxide said:
Where are YOU going to find a great, sexy, intelligent, ambitious girl who is not totally wrapped up in her socially psychological behavior?
I find myself looking for a sexy/feminine woman who I can get along with. Intelligence and ambition aren't going to get my attention, I relate those traits more to men (honestly, who wants an "ambitious" woman, sounds like a headache if you ask me). Probably just the misogynist in me...

You may just be setting your expectations too high.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Oxide said:
This is looking very depressing right now guys... Where are YOU going to find a great, sexy, intelligent, ambitious girl who is not totally wrapped up in her socially psychological behavior?

Keep in mind that there are a lot of women out there. And you might have to go through quite a bit of "lemons" until you find the one you want.

The trick is DO NO SETTLE. And if you're seriously looking for the right girl then don't waste your time on the wrong ones.

I've dated quite a few really great girls but staying with any of them (even my oneitis) would have been settling.

You must be prepared of the consequences of finding her. It's not all roses. I'm currently in a LTR with the MOST amazing chick and I whish she wasn't so great. I still want to play the game, I'm definatly not ready to settle down, yet I may never find a girl as good as her again so I can't risk losing her.

So enjoy the quest while you can.

Women, what exactly do you have to offer us? What makes you better than the next made up doll?
What do women have to offer? Everything, Brother. They offer us everything men can't. Good or bad.

And contrary to what everybody on this site says, they even offer us happiness and pleasure.

Don't lose faith in women. Sure, hot women are a dime a dozen and most likely a waste of your time. But still enjoy them. Enjoy as many of them as you can and sooner or later you'll run across that rare gem and things will be good.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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But it isnt enough that we offer them our d1cks and plenty of orgasms that are stronger than ours and much more frequent?

The also need a laundry list of other useless sh1t?

That's pretty much my point
Mar 18, 2006
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Dj kid oxide, based on your qualifications - you will not find her in America - you must seek globally!! Hors and thus hor attitudes are overwhelmingly found in the USA -- pimps do well here but not men in search of a woman!!! American women are at the forefront of the homo/hor agenda - which equates to male = weak and the female dominates the weak pvssified male!!!

You are dealing with hors!!!! Only fools marry hors!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
You people = weirdos, just reading some of the comments shows you guys don't friggen get it. "find that rare gem" umm your meant to be the rare gem the women just adds to your life, you don't need her anymore then you need a new sports car.

And about the w_hores and pimps comment, just shows the low value you put women at, yes you don't need them but they are only human learn to stop judging people just because of yours and their differences. Accept everyone as they are, if the person doesnt suit your life simply move on, no need to become sour over it.

Pretty much a lot of you guys need to get the hell over things and work on yourselves more and stop worrying about the girls, and working out what they offer you. Yes they give us pleasure and happiness in a way thats exceptional, but you should already be at a point in your life (or working your way to that point) where you don't need to depend on others for your happiness. I haven't reached that point but I'm on my way there.

And trust me if you really do make yourself into the great guy every girl wants then any girl you want will do anything to keep you around, get what I mean. But with that power comes responsibility are you ready for it ??

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Well they offer me a soft escape kind of like some strange warm little skin cushions that make you temporarily forget the daily grind, a different perspective on things and a relatively cheap form of relaxation compared to some other hobbies a man could take up. Some light entertainment and a decent sized boost to my masculine ego, plus a constant reminder of just how much I should stop thinking and ignore drama.

Long gone are the days I expect more from them, but if she happens to surprise me and give me more then great, if she doesnt then great too.

Why what else are you trying to get out of them?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Newmarket, Ontario
^ Titz has got a point.

If you go into an interaction expecting lots of things about her, you're gonna be disappointed.

Take her for what shes worth.