so this girl......


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
so this girl i talked about earlier. I commented her pic and all... and said she was cute. Well, my friend brought her to my bday party yesterday, we talked, it was great. I liked her, i think she was somewhat into me at least. Got her number.. Sooo my other friend at the bday party fell for her too. So he likes her too. Idk what to do. I think she might be playing us both off, she invited us both to a hangout at the park on tuesday... My friend is obviously more important to me than her........ and he's really into her. As for now.. lol im going for her LOL .I know im a bad friend, but i saw her first, she's mineee lmaoo. I don't care if he likes her, im going for her. Do you guys think im a bad friend? What should i do next?


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
keeprolling said:
so this girl i talked about earlier. I commented her pic and all... and said she was cute. Well, my friend brought her to my bday party yesterday, we talked, it was great. I liked her, i think she was somewhat into me at least. Got her number.. Sooo my other friend at the bday party fell for her too. So he likes her too. Idk what to do. I think she might be playing us both off, she invited us both to a hangout at the park on tuesday... My friend is obviously more important to me than her........ and he's really into her. As for now.. lol im going for her LOL .I know im a bad friend, but i saw her first, she's mineee lmaoo. I don't care if he likes her, im going for her. Do you guys think im a bad friend? What should i do next?
Well if your friend's more important... I think you know what you need to do.

And besides, man

bros before hos.

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Eh, let the better dog win.

If hes an AFC then shes all yours. A couple of my buddies liked the girl I liked but they were too AFC to do anything. So I took the lead, hung out with her, asked her out and now shes my girlfriend. :cool:

If you get her then its fair and square, if he gets mad at you and what not then hes not a true friend.
Just go get her tiger :D

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
If he isn't gonna show you respect even though he clearly knew you were trying to get at it first, why let him get at her? This actually happened to me; my friend is notorious for making the first move. Well I decided to make the first move with this girl we were introduced to. We were at a party and I was spitting game on her, next thing I know after the party she's holding onto my arm and we had our alone time in the car and she was holding my hand. The next time we saw these girls my friend put his arm around her and was applying his game. I was mad-dogging him and he knew I would deck him in the face if he continued escalating. That's just disrespect, bros before hoes. Punching him in the face makes me look like I'm putting the girl over my friend, but he's the one that put the girl over me FIRST by not showing respect. Now I don't even talk to that girl anymore because my friend had to come in and ruin it.

If it was truly established between you two that you liked her first, then you need to tell your friend what's up.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
exactly. I talked to him today, and i got the feel from him like he wants it to be a race, and wouldn't hate me for it. So it's a race indeed. To the event tomorrow, im not gonna go, there are gonna be other friends there and such.. so i guess i ll just ask her out for a movie alone... while he can go hang out at their friend hanging out at the park... i ll try to get her alone.

Should i go tomorrow too? I feel like i wont get much done.. i'd be better off getting her alone. Any advice?

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Doesn't really matter, if you go make sure you have fun and in her eyes you'll be the coolest guy ever. Just have fun, relax, forget about you and your friend going at her (it might make you overthink).

If you don't go, then she'll miss you and be like ":( wheres that guy, I miss him"

Be yourself, she seems to have some interest in you already.
Your call.

But if I were in that situation, I'd go. Its always nice to show how fun of a guy you are.