So now she wants to talk again???


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
You guys gave me some excellent advice from my previous thread

Being mean wasn't going to do anything. So instead I kept my distance and didn't really bother my female coworker. After that one day that didn't go well, she suddenly tried being all friendly with me. I am a trainer at a gym and know all the members. From me interacting with the members and staff (think the office), she's been staring alot lately with me interacting with them and staff cracking jokes etc. I'm a jokester. I kinda leave her alone. If she says hi, I say hello back. I don't go out my way anymore. All of sudden she's trying to be friendly and crack jokes again.

Anyway, I guess keeping the distance and not really engaging in convo is not too mean is it? I mean if you give me mixed signals and kinda lead me on, why waste each other's time. Thx

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
She's now in "help me stop my hamster running itself to death" mode.
My ex did the same for a while, being all friendly and trying to crack jokes like we used to when we were dating.
I just responded coldly and professionally until she stopped contacting me.
Your mission is to keep doing what you're doing. Keep her on the outer and make her realise that she doesn't get the privilege of your attention if she's not giving up the pvssy.
I only give my best attention to women who prove they deserve it. You can't treat me like crap and still expect to be included in the inner circle.
Being courteous without fully accepting her peace offerings will drive her insane. Keep it up.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
I don't put forth any effort with women who rejected me in the past. I'll be polite and exchange pleasantries with them, but I don't ask twice or initiate conversations with them anymore. Sometimes it's funny to watch how far these women will chase you after you've moved on.