So many threads about looks, here what´s you need to know


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Ok, if you start getting desperate as you age, because you think your looks are on your way here what´s you need to know. When a girl say a guy is hot, she couldn´t give a flying fvck about facial symmetry. Great looks are: tanned body( (I notice in the summer women simply jump to me) , nice eyes (light colour), muscles. IF a guy has the three is considered gorgeous. Pretty much it, I know many hot girls that only had boyfriends with blue eyes...

And if you don´t believe see this list of hottest guys, perhaps 8 in 55 have brown eyes. All the others have blue/green... and yes i´m aware of johnny deep

If you consider your self ugly, buy a pair of colored contacts, get a tan, and I assure you most likely you will be considered hot to most women. It IS that simple... I DO KNOW a case of a guy who had brown eyes (he had no game), was chasing a girl for years, in one summer he bought blue contacts and got the girl....

Of course, you can say it´s homo and stuff like that, but if you want a girl to salivate for your looks you need to have gorgeous eyes... And contacts can do that....
You can be very handsome with brown eyes, but you will only get the drop dead gorgeous title most of the time if you have blue/green eyes... start noticing it.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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I still hold the opinion that game is more important, but this is what you can change that will make most guys look awesome in the eyes of most women.

(I hope you don´t dismiss what i´ve wrote because of my bad english...wich makes me look stupid I know)

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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So retarded. Four f.ucking "Looks matter" threads on page 1 of the DJD. Let's just rename the site. Let's call it...I don't know, Sound good? I know Rollo Tomassi would approve since he's a diehard looks matter guy. Anybody second that? Let's just remove the DJ Bible from the site (since it can't help your looks) and all links to websites with any e-books or help with pickup techniques. It's all about looks, right? CHRIST.

Now we've got this guy that says evolutionary biologists are wrong, and that facial symmetry is NOT, in fact, what makes a person physically attractive. It is actually their EYE color. And what evidence and credentials does this individual have to back up his research? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. This is what this website has degenerated into. A massive circle jerk about how much looks matter and why any guy below an 8 can't get girls, and if someone says that that's not quite true...well s.hit. That motherf.ucker's in denial.


Dec 17, 2009
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facial symmetry..........hahaha what a fag.............hahaha Just a Shot away is entering a homosexual zone. hahaha facial symetry. hahaha


Dec 17, 2009
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You can get girls even if you are 4 in the looks department, but you WILL NEVER get broads like a 9 can. NEVER. Unless you have millions. You are not an attractive guy and you see how life is tough on you. You are here citing Darwin. When the girl you like is sucking some handsome guy's meat. Hahahaha
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Just A Shot Away, from what you have seen WITH YOUR OWN EYES, do you see good looking guys with hot girls or ugly guys with hot girls more often?? Which situation do you see more often IN YOUR OWN EYES??


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Falcon25 said:
You can get girls even if you are 4 in the looks department, but you WILL NEVER get broads like a 9 can. NEVER. Unless you have millions. You are not an attractive guy and you see how life is tough on you. You are here citing Darwin. When the girl you like is sucking some handsome guy's meat. Hahahaha
Even if you got millions, you may be labeled as a provider as opposed to a lover. In other words, you'll be the one the girl marries and she'll sneak out to get railed by a handsome guy. Most young millionaires go under the knife to fix their flaws since they are well aware of this. They keep their friends close but their money closer. If a millionaire is handsome and single, he can outdo the good looking guy with nothing else to offer.

Most guys are average, so they can only rely on game and luck. They also focus on their careers and other things. Nowadays even the 70 year old grandma got more options than the average joe!

I see it all the time, you got looks, you got girls. If you got a girl and you're ugly, these days the girl's mama and her friends will try to persuade her to dump you and upgrade. When that handsome suitor comes along, BOOM! She knows she could upgrade and you gotta work even harder to keep that girl!

Case closed.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
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North Carolina
This all strikes me as a bit... elementary, right? I mean, yeah - looks help, but they aren't a deal breaker. I'm a redhead, so I don't tan much at all, but I take good care of my skin. I have blue and green eyes, so... yeah. I guess that works. But, I'm not Johnny Depp, you know?

It's all about game. More importantly, it's all about inner game. If you can project attractiveness, you'll be attractive. It's simple.

If you want to be superficial about it, clothes are more important than facial structure. If you look good in a suit, you'll look good.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
op are you blind? i didnt even click on every page but i counted a lot more than 8 of those guys with brown eyes. also notice how the ones at the top of the list have brown eyes? so your theory about light eyes being the hottest is wrong.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Rescue Mission said:
Just A Shot Away, from what you have seen WITH YOUR OWN EYES, do you see good looking guys with hot girls or ugly guys with hot girls more often?? Which situation do you see more often IN YOUR OWN EYES??
I can't tell if a guy is good-looking or not (I'm straight), but I do ask women for their opinions occasionally to reaffirm that the scientists are right and you are wrong. I CAN, however, tell if a guy dresses like a slob, just got out of prison, and can barely form a sentence. These are usually the guys that have the girls I go for on their arms.
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
I can't tell if a guy is good-looking or not (I'm straight), but I do ask women for their opinions occasionally to reaffirm that the scientists are right and you are wrong. I CAN, however, tell if a guy dresses like a slob, just got out of prison, and can barely form a sentence. These are usually the guys that have the girls I go for on their arms.


Any straight guy can tell if a guy looks good or looks bad - the difference between a straight guy and gay guy is that the straight guy will tell you who he thinks looks good, but won't get a boner about it and get horny for the guy.........see my point?

You are ignorant - a completely IGNORANT person who's lack of experience BACKS HIS IGNORANCE UP!!

Now, do you want to be helped to succeed with women, or do you want to continue being an ignorant dweeb?


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
GDL, Mexico, Urantia
heres the deal,
ok this will sound arrogant, but i know i am good looking, i have to escape hoodrats here in mexico from trying to get them too sometimes i come off standoffish

there i was 13 years old, a total AFC, but i still got girls attention, hot chick, by the way, girls that only in my dreams i would get..why? cuz of my good looks...but deep inside me i hated my appearance, i was chubby, and had unhealthy skin..yet girls would say how hot i was/am...
but what happened? sure, i got their attention, but they all left me bcs i was an AFC....totally insecure and weak!

at 16 i started to work out, improve on everything: social skills, school, personality, body, everything....and now i am a true Dj, DjVita....

rescue mission is right...... a girl telling you hot is bull
do i care? no cuz in my mentality, i want a girl to love me bcs im sexy (in the masculine way), not bcs of my looks...

ive had girls come up to me say "your hot" and walk away..."er..thanks?"
ah the most recent one was this thursday, i didnt know they were coming my way but these two chicks just said "ohh how cute!" the other "mmm, tasty!" and i just raise an eyebrow and they giggle i didnt talk to them they were 6s i go for better girls...
who cares....also i get "oh you have pretty eyes!" a lot...bull better say i like your eyes, girl. (my eye color, something like this, more honeyish brown and a lil green in the edges)

so come off it! all you pepole saying looks do matter are just jealous or have some serious self esteem issues.... trust me, from a guy who has been offer to model, who girls look away in fear and cat call me all the time, YOU SHOULD BE INDIFFERENT TO LOOKS


sarging has helped me so much and good looking, smart and with a future, hardly any girl (just the weirdos and bytches, including alll the chicks im not attracted to) denies me, its her loss in the end....



Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Jesus, what the hell is with all these looks threads all of a sudden!? Did people get together and decide to do a coordinated troll job?

The funny thing is if you look at the link the OP posted, most of those guys pictured have dark eyes!

Do you even realize that only a very small percentage of men on this planet have light colored eyes? Should black guys starting buying blue contact lenses? What about Chinese men?
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Lexington said:
Jesus, what the hell is with all these looks threads all of a sudden!? Did people get together and decide to do a coordinated troll job?

The funny thing is if you look at the link the OP posted, most of those guys pictured have dark eyes!

Do you even realize that only a very small percentage of men on this planet have light colored eyes? Should black guys starting buying blue contact lenses? What about Chinese men?

there have been about 4 or 5 looks threads from years ago bumped up by Just A Shot Away........for no reason whatsoever


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Just a Shot Away said:
So retarded. Four f.ucking "Looks matter" threads on page 1 of the DJD. Let's just rename the site. Let's call it...I don't know, Sound good? I know Rollo Tomassi would approve since he's a diehard looks matter guy. Anybody second that? Let's just remove the DJ Bible from the site (since it can't help your looks) and all links to websites with any e-books or help with pickup techniques. It's all about looks, right? CHRIST.

Now we've got this guy that says evolutionary biologists are wrong, and that facial symmetry is NOT, in fact, what makes a person physically attractive. It is actually their EYE color. And what evidence and credentials does this individual have to back up his research? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. This is what this website has degenerated into. A massive circle jerk about how much looks matter and why any guy below an 8 can't get girls, and if someone says that that's not quite true...well s.hit. That motherf.ucker's in denial.
I told what you need to be considered good looking.... I didn´t even said that looks were more important than game. So calm down little boy...


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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actionjaxson said:
op are you blind? i didnt even click on every page but i counted a lot more than 8 of those guys with brown eyes. also notice how the ones at the top of the list have brown eyes? so your theory about light eyes being the hottest is wrong.
Yeah the link I´ve posted is one of 10 pages.... why don´t you see the rest?


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Also, all these guys here that are so bitter against other views... you only showed you lack any type of social skills, and tolerance, wich you would have, if your social circle was wider, and you were cool with having healthy discussions...You trully svck with women...


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I could have chosen this page... you only have to google "most attractive men".

And you are right, there are fewer light eyed men... so it would be a great coincidence that all these guys have a superior degree of "Facial symmetry"... Women get hypnotised by light eyes....

Now again I think game is more important, but if you get a tan and a pair of light contacts you will be considered good looking even if you look like an ape :)

The goal of the thread was not supposed to be another of "wow looks are so important"... The purpose was even if looks are so important, you can do much about it! Don´t you have more girls looking at you in the summer, for instance? Is because your "Facial symmetry" got better? give me a break...

Update: did a quick recount about 15/55 brown eyed.... so make your own conclusions...
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