So I went to a Tantra Speed-Dating event...INTERESTING results


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
6 minute read:

So there is this event that's been going on for years called Tantric Speed Dating. It's a whole branded thing now and you could look up their website. They do events all over the world.

Basically, they rent out a private room somewhere and an instructor guides each mini-date. In our case, there were 10 guys and 10 girls. The guys stay in the same spot and the girls rotate. Each date lasts approximately 2-5 minutes and consists of a small drill that the instructor guides. The drills are based on self-improvement/tantric stuff. if you guys have read anything by David Deida, you can sort of get the vibe.

The exercises are based on practicing connecting with someone, not being so guarded, lots of eye contact, and some hugging/cuddling stuff. For example, at one point, I had to stand with my eyes closed as a land whale held me with one hand on my heart and the other on my back (behind my heart), I felt her gut against my hip while I breathed deeply and she sent healing energy through her intention/visualization.

Now I'm actually kind of into this stuff to some extent so I didn't mind it.

Another drill consisted of the man giving the girl a hug and breathing deeply while the girl visualized herself during a time when she felt like she was lacking masculine energy in her life. You can see the concept of healing at play in a lot of these drills. You sense that one of the goals of the event is to heal the societal divide between masculine and feminine energy.

Personally, I was not impressed with the females at all. As is usual in the US, the men outclass the women by far. The men at the event were more handsome, athletic, tall and better dressed. The women were out of shape and frumpy in comparison. A lot of the women were over 40, some were morbidly obese and a few had nice faces but were not fit and had too many tattoos, in other words...typical new-age basic chicks that think they're healers, psychics, witches or whatever the f*ck.

The only girl that sort of stood out was a Brazilian milf with a big ass, that's the one I had my eyes on. I recently basically stopped going for younger women and prefer milfs as they are more grateful and less dramatic.

The way that the match-making works is that the girls choose who they like and at the end of the event, you can an email stating which girls felt a connection. You are then sent their contact info to follow up if you so please.

To my surprise, I got ZERO young women. I only got the morbidly obese ones or the really old wayyyy past the wall ones...The ones that are a solid 3 points or lower than myself...

I'm surprised but honestly, this experience has confirmed something I've been thinking about for a while...

Not to toot my own horn but I was definitely among the more handsome men. I'm very athletic and I was wearing one of my best outfits. I know what I'm capable of in terms of women. It is safe to say that I was hotter as a guy than any of the women there, like none were even on my level.

So how is it that I didn't match with a single younger woman (and there was about 4-5)? Not even the milf...

I suspect that the younger ones are much more aware of the game. They are heavily fixated on their sexual market value. They self-eliminated. They saw the writing on the wall. They knew that a man of my caliber would never take them seriously. They are collectively resentful so rather than even trying, they are content with the ego victory of knowing that they lost on their own terms. They save their egos from rejection when they avoid matching with me only to have me never contact them...which to be fair is what probably would have happened...

Plus by not matching me, on some level, consciously or unconsciously, they hope that they have sowed the seed of doubt in me. They hope that I will doubt my own value moving forward. They try to leave you wounded and weak so that as you progressively start losing confidence, you come back limping to them on your knees ready to submit to their demands and worship them. F*ck that. American women try to collectively punish the high SMV alphas but they don't know how crafty and uncompromising some of us are... I have several tricks up my sleeve and one of them is simply having a passport. Sianaro ladies... I'll be getting worshiped by 9's in Brazil while the rest of you slowly come to terms with the fact that y'all are frumpy old ****s.

The old and the fat ones I matched with make sense because these girls are so low level that they are used to rejection. Their egos have been demolished long ago so now they have no qualms about shooting their shot, getting rejected and moving on. Funny enough, these types makes for better lays than their hotter counterparts because they worship the man and really try hard to please him. 6s are better lays than 9s in my experience, again, only in the US and even sometimes abroad depending on the country.

So in theory, who would be the winner in a speed dating situation in the US in 2024? It's the man who flies below the radar. The obvious alpha guys who are dressed to kill and chiseled (like myself if I may humbly say) are too intimidating for these women. They would rather punish me and self-eliminate. They will never devote themselves and worship me because their egos are still too strong. I, myself, would find it impossible to be attracted to or interested in these women and would only be interested if they wanted to skip all the talk and go straight to bed which is too much of an ego hit for them...

The man who wins in this case is the man who is not threatening in anyway but who still has some key attributes. I suspect they would like a man who has a very average face, not handsome but not ugly. A decent build, probably someone tall and lanky but not necessarily fit. A man who does calisthenics and runs twice a week type of build. A man who dresses well but mostly shops at Target and Target does have some good stuff but it won't make him stand out. A man who is educated is fine but not a man who is cultured. An American basic chick does not and will not appreciate a cultured man because she doesn't understand what culture really is. She needs a man who doesn't intimidate her. If you can be this type, you will have ALL the matches at this type of event. She will require that you pay attention to her and act interested in her which shouldn't be too hard since you're not super attractive yourself and probably don't have that much experience with high quality foreign women. You will also probably not bang her on the first date but if you are willing to tolerate her for 3 or 4 dates, you will eventually get the lay.

The premise is that men who are obviously high SMV will be punished by women that are in the mid-range. I bet that if there were actually attractive women at this event, we would have matched. The guys I know who do the best with American women are guys who fly below the radar, guys who are quite basic. Chubby guys, low-education, sort of funny and light-hearted guys who aren't cultured or sophisticated in any way. Usually, again, they have some good attributes like height or decent face but nothing to stand out. Of course, the guys I have in mind are also quite aggressive and horny which helps. However, these same guys tend to NOT do well with hot sophisticated foreign women whereas that's exactly where I shine! However, I cannot get my feet off the ground with American basic chicks for the life of me and honestly I don't want to... It would require that I dumb myself down and lower myself to their level which would be too unpleasant a task. Sigh. I guess I'll have to keep going for horny milfs and foreign women and then soon I leave the country anyway...
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Got till about the 3rd paragraph.

Pro-tip: remember, as in real estate: a property isn’t worth its listing price, it’s worth what people are willing to pay for it.

p.s. is it possible that, like me, they caught a whiff of raging narcissism from you? No hate bro, just an observation.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I suspect that the younger ones are much more aware of the game. They are heavily fixated on their sexual market value. They self-eliminated. They saw the writing on the wall. They knew that a man of my caliber would never take them seriously. They are collectively resentful so rather than even trying, they are content with the ego victory of knowing that they lost on their own terms. They save their egos from rejection when they avoid matching with me only to have me never contact them...which to be fair is what probably would have happened...
You seem to be able to read young women so well that I wonder why the speed dating didn't work.

Either that or maybe they could feel your misogyny steeped in a cucktail of narcissism and Koro Syndrome.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah it's true, in some cases women will feel they will just get pumped and dumped by better looking guys so they won't bother.

Unless they are so into him they just want that Vitamin D and don't care.

Out of curiosity, why don't you just approach women as you go about your day if you are as handsome and good looking as you say? Most women would be thrilled to have that type of man approach them randomly. They fantasize about it.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
there is this event that's been going on for years called Tantric Speed Dating.
This event sounds like a gigantic waste of time.

The guys I know who do the best with American women are guys who fly below the radar, guys who are quite basic. Chubby guys, low-education, sort of funny and light-hearted guys who aren't cultured or sophisticated in any way.
I disagree with this. This man that you describe sounds like a typical beta male. Most beta males are struggling to get attention, sex, and longer term girlfriends in the current sexual marketplace.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
Not to toot my own horn but I was definitely among the more handsome men. I'm very athletic and I was wearing one of my best outfits
Next time, replace your leisure suit with Gagiliardi or Tom Ford , and your undercut with a side taper

You'll likely walk out of the event with a beautiful woman on your arm


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Sparta,
I actually read your Epistle...seems things don't change much....about thirty years ago I had a similar involved with a Hippy Chick,who introduced me to a book "Jewel in the Lotus"....There are chapters in there that will teach you methods to reach higher Svexual levels....This Chick and I experimented enough for me to experience this...She went back to her layed back community and no one else was interested...Pity!...A bit later I read of a Tantric Love Making Group at Ingleside out of Sydney....It was at a Bahai Temple,a fascinating group of people....However like you I found it a terrible disappointment ,being entirely touchy,feely stuff,pushing a mantra of No Meat,no Dairy and NO SVEX!
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Don Juan
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Ice coast
I sort of understand. Some women will think they detect “mysoginism” and veto you for that. However, I doubt that happens if they find you irresistibly handsome. My conclusion is that your wavelength doesn’t match with the general population of young attractive girls that would go to a tantra thing.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
Yeah it's true, in some cases women will feel they will just get pumped and dumped by better looking guys so they won't bother.

Unless they are so into him they just want that Vitamin D and don't care.

Out of curiosity, why don't you just approach women as you go about your day if you are as handsome and good looking as you say? Most women would be thrilled to have that type of man approach them randomly. They fantasize about it.
I do a lot of daygame for sure. I just wanted to try this event. I close high on contacts when it comes to daygame.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
I sort of understand. Some women will think they detect “mysoginism” and veto you for that. However, I doubt that happens if they find you irresistibly handsome. My conclusion is that your wavelength doesn’t match with the general population of young attractive girls that would go to a tantra thing.
I don't think it was mysogony. I literally did not telegraph a single ounce of it. Every drill we did was structured and planned by the organizer and I participated in it in a fully engaged manner without being disrespectful or condescending in any way. Just because I stated that I was better looking than the women there, doesn't mean I'm a narcissist. It's a fact. Not a single one of them were fit or above average in beauty. Some of them were dressed very poorly, sweat pants, etc. I legit think that they self-eliminated because they knew they couldn't stand a chance and would rather not take the rejection.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
Got till about the 3rd paragraph.

Pro-tip: remember, as in real estate: a property isn’t worth its listing price, it’s worth what people are willing to pay for it.

p.s. is it possible that, like me, they caught a whiff of raging narcissism from you? No hate bro, just an observation.
There's probably truth in that I am resentful to some degree which may come off as narcissistic but I don't think saying that I was among the better looking there by far is necessarily narcissism. I participated in each drill fully with full intent on enjoying the girl I was with no matter how attractive. We did not even have a chance to talk really.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
My point is that we are at a cultural turning point where the mid range girls are resentful and going to punish the high tier alphas who they know are never going to commit to them, especially the older they get. This resent has many manifestations and one of them is to reject an obviously high tier guy during a dating circle in order to sow the seed of doubt. You see this all over in other manifestations as well.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
For those of you accusing me of narcissism/mysogony, perhaps the tone of my article has a bit of a sarcastic and condescending flair but I guess I was presupposing that I am in a locker room talk type situation where a guy can be a bit unhinged in his choice of words but just to be clear: I am very much a supporter of equality for women in most regards. So forgive the tone of my article. This is a guy's forum where we can be a bit sardonic if we so please I thought...


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
For those of you accusing me of narcissism/mysogony, perhaps the tone of my article has a bit of a sarcastic and condescending flair but I guess I was presupposing that I am in a locker room talk type situation where a guy can be a bit unhinged in his choice of words but just to be clear: I am very much a supporter of equality for women in most regards. So forgive the tone of my article. This is a guy's forum where we can be a bit sardonic if we so please I thought...
Ya man you described these women as unimpressive (for which you deserve 10 years of hard labor), but would 9's and 10's be attending these events?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
Ya man you described these women as unimpressive (for which you deserve 10 years of hard labor), but would 9's and 10's be attending these events?
Lmao yeah i dont get why i got so much criticism in the beginning, maybe cuz i used the word "worship" which I of course don't mean literally, just meaning enthusiastically receptive. But anyway, yeah I bet if I were in LA, there would be way hotter chicks art this type of event but unfortunately down south, most of the hot chicks dont seem to go to any events other than bougie basic bars.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Why would 'hot chicks' go to any (speed) dating event?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
Why would 'hot chicks' go to any (speed) dating event?
I was hoping that the concept of tantra was becoming more mainstream with hotter women trying to reclaim their femininity and on some level there is definitely a movement for this but I have yet to see the manifestations in any predictable way


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Basicville, FL
Hi Sparta,
I actually read your Epistle...seems things don't change much....about thirty years ago I had a similar involved with a Hippy Chick,who introduced me to a book "Jewel in the Lotus"....There are chapters in there that will teach you methods to reach higher Svexual levels....This Chick and I experimented enough for me to experience this...She went back to her layed back community and no one else was interested...Pity!...A bit later I read of a Tantric Love Making Group at Ingleside out of Sydney....It was at a Bahai Temple,a fascinating group of people....However like you I found it a terrible disappointment ,being entirely touchy,feely stuff,pushing a mantra of No Meat,no Dairy and NO SVEX!
Interesting experience I must say! Yes it is a profound pity that the interest in these type of events doesn't seem easy to find. How interesting it would be if women were more curious about the merging of spiritual and sexual wisdom traditions...


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I was hoping that the concept of tantra was becoming more mainstream with hotter women trying to reclaim their femininity and on some level there is definitely a movement for this but I have yet to see the manifestations in any predictable way
Tantra is completely opposite from 'speed dating' and I doubt there were any real tantra practitioners there. Sounds more like 'hey, let's throw in some New Age buzzwords into our ad and see if we can spice our boring event'.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
How interesting it would be if women were more curious about the merging of spiritual and sexual wisdom traditions...
Indeed. Maybe you're fishing in the wrong pond.