So...I lost this girl...



This girl...

To this guy..

The story is...and to make it short...She's a freshmen, I'm a sophomore. We got to know each other better during marching band season. She had told me she liked me ALOT but... here's the funny part, she didn't want to go out with me. She told me it was due to family problems. I could work with that. Eventually we started doing things couples do, kissing, waiting for each other after class, etc. But we didn't go out. Eventually, near the end of 08, I got tired of playing "Friend with benefits" so I asked her why we didn't go out yet.

Her response..."I wanted to keep flirting"

Being the semi-jealous and very impatient person that I am...while she went to Florida for vacation for December, I went out with her best friend... Why? She probably did things behind my back as well...

Anyways, she came back, fights started, and eventually I saw the huge error of my mistake. I literally begged her for another chance. She said no, and that her being my friend should be good enough.

So my question is...

1. Who was wrong? (Most likely me)
2. How did she quickly go out with someone else?
3. How can I get her back?



Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
DTGS said:
This girl...

To this guy..

The story is...and to make it short...She's a freshmen, I'm a sophomore. We got to know each other better during marching band season. She had told me she liked me ALOT but... here's the funny part, she didn't want to go out with me. She told me it was due to family problems. I could work with that. Eventually we started doing things couples do, kissing, waiting for each other after class, etc. But we didn't go out. Eventually, near the end of 08, I got tired of playing "Friend with benefits" so I asked her why we didn't go out yet.

Her response..."I wanted to keep flirting"

Being the semi-jealous and very impatient person that I am...while she went to Florida for vacation for December, I went out with her best friend... Why? She probably did things behind my back as well...

Anyways, she came back, fights started, and eventually I saw the huge error of my mistake. I literally begged her for another chance. She said no, and that her being my friend should be good enough.

So my question is...

1. Who was wrong? (Most likely me)
2. How did she quickly go out with someone else?
3. How can I get her back?

Every time a new person comes to this forum there's a story like this, lol.

Anyways, yes. According to the teachings here you did things wrong.

How did she quickly go out with someone else? You seem to have been more or less her boy toy or something. She doesn't seem like she was too attached to you, which enabled her to move on quickly. Or she knew this guy while you were still going out and had something on the side with him.

That all sucks though. Maybe it was something less heavy.

I literally begged her for another chance. She said no, and that her being my friend should be good enough.
Oh wow. That's bad. You might've ruined any chance of getting back with her just by showing how weak and desperate you are by begging, but the truth is, why would you want to get back with her at all?

Also she told YOU that being her friend should be good enough? Wow. She's obviously the dominant one here. You need to man up.

You joined this month and you posted this thread here, so I imagine you haven't read the DJ bible yet. Maybe your answers for what you want to do are in there. They'll most certaintly help you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
DTGS said:
This girl...

To this guy..

The story is...and to make it short...She's a freshmen, I'm a sophomore. We got to know each other better during marching band season. She had told me she liked me ALOT but... here's the funny part, she didn't want to go out with me. She told me it was due to family problems. I could work with that. Eventually we started doing things couples do, kissing, waiting for each other after class, etc. But we didn't go out. Eventually, near the end of 08, I got tired of playing "Friend with benefits" so I asked her why we didn't go out yet.
Here's your first problem. Always make the girl initiate this conversation. Her interest level wasn't high enough, or she just legitimately had family problems. Who cares.. whatever reason, she was testing you, and you failed. That's a little selfish on your part to try and force her into a relationship that she doesn't want to be in, don't you think?

Her response..."I wanted to keep flirting"

Being the semi-jealous and very impatient person that I am...while she went to Florida for vacation for December, I went out with her best friend... Why? She probably did things behind my back as well...
She liked what you guys had, she just probably wasn't ready for a relationship, thus the "I wanted to keep flirting". The fact that you went out with her best friend was completely stupid on your part because you obviously weren't doing it for the right reasons.

"She probably did things behind my back as well..."

Who cares? You guys are NOT dating. You should have just accepted the fact she didn't want a relationship and either moved on or kept her on the back burner while you started spinning some other plates.

Anyways, she came back, fights started, and eventually I saw the huge error of my mistake. I literally begged her for another chance. She said no, and that her being my friend should be good enough.
Begging is a no-no.

So my question is...

1. Who was wrong? (Most likely me)
2. How did she quickly go out with someone else?
3. How can I get her back?

1.) You.
2.) Her interest level was low. You reacted to her **** test and got jealous over nothing, so you lost your value and become less of the PRIZE.
3.) Forget her and move on, you blew it. Sorry, but there's plenty of other girls out there.

I suggest you read the DJ bible right now.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Dont ever beg to anyone.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
Mistake number 1- You agreed with her for too long that it is okay to not going out. Thus, she was in control

Mistake number 2- You went out with her best friend not because you moved on, but because you wanted her back.

Mistake number 3 which should be mistake number 1- you begged!!

you could have gotten this girl in your hand if you ACTED indifferent when she finds out you are going out with her best friend. Who cares if she find out you are dating her best friend? remember that you guys are not boyfriend and girlfriend, so you could do whatever you want. Trust me, if you acted indifferent when she finds out you're going out with her best friend and not begged her back, she would GO OUT WITH YOU. she sniffed you out when you begged her back. She finds out what your real intention was.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
I have not the time to go through the whole post.

Generally, it is never good to beg. You put yourself in a position whereby you value the person more than yourself.

That's why, even if you get her back, she will or would have lost all her respect for you.

I think you should read into what jayhood said about. He said something very valid especially in last paragraph. Thumbs up!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hey bro,

What's really happening here is you're way more interested in her than she is in you.

1. She's going to want to keep you as a "Friend for benefit" -- Harsh reality, but you must deal with it.

2. My best piece of advice is to leave her alone, look elsewhere. Gradually,she'll become EVEN more interested in you due to your absence. Win back that attraction level you had right from the start.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Freshmen chicks are so hot. There's this clarinet who is such a sluut.. She's gone out with 3 guys this month. But she's still hot. Id tap that.

Btw, OP, where in tx are you? Im a sopho @ khs. In band lol