So i kicked my friends bf's azz............


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, good now i've got some attention. If you didn't know my sister is in this band thing or whatever and is lead guitarist/singer. She's a freshman and i'm a softmore. My dad makes me take her to practice every tues, wed, and thurs and two guys were messing with her. One of them is a member of her band and the other is his friend, and the bf of the girl i like. During the practice i was waiting in my car and my sister came out crying. Turns out these two guys were calling her names and **** and one of 'em pushed her down. I went inside and told her to wait in the car and I subtly asked them about it. They were trying to act all bad azz and were asking what i was gonna do about it. I told them i don't want to start something right here in public and told them if they want to avoid a fight they need to apologize. They went on to say "yeah, yeah try and make me." I asked them if they had a problem and they each said "what are you gonna do if i do." I backed down because i know how these guys act and they went on to call me a pvssy. I asked them what did they say and they replied with "you heard me, what are you gonna do about it?" So i punched one of them in the face and the other tried to hit me but missed so i tackled him and started punching him in the face. He started crying so i got off of him and jumped on my friends bf. After i busted his lip i told asked him if he was gonna say sorry and he and his friend did. Later that day at like 11 at night or something i get a text message from that guys gf telling me "how i didn't have to hit him and he didn't deserve it." I said something along the lines of "excuse me? He pushed my sister, he had it coming." She replied saying how "he never touched my sister and i only did it because i was jealous that he goes out with her." Then i went on to say "I don't respect guys who hit women." Then she goes on to say "He would never hit a girl! get over yourself!" I never responded back. i don't really like conflict and try to solve things subtly. How should i respond to her?? I want to salvage the friendship, but i doubt there is any way she would go out with me now. Would you guys of done the same thing? If not how would you handle it? I'm 6'2 the other guys were around 5'8
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Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Dude get over it you have to do what u gotta do. Shít will come up that you have to handle and you can't hesitate or regret your decisions. If you are worrying about it after the fact then you're not such a man as you think you are fighting them in the first place. Get over it grow a pair dude.:box:

I love ya but im trying to help.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Haha thanks. I've gotten in fights before, nothing i can't handle, but the consequences were more severe because i actually like this girl and i busted her bf's lip. Like i said, i don't like conflict and her sending me hate texts on the phone, on IM, or on facebook is kinda agravating. I really just want to know if i'll be able to salvage the friendship and maybe one day get her to go on a date with me.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
if anyone touched or hurt my sister id be PISSED. no one better even think about touching her. anyone that pushes a girl.. especially my sister.. deserves to die and id rock their a-s-s. good job standing up for your family, no ones gonna mess with you or your sister now.. he called u out and u taught him a lesson. just reading this got me fired up. only thing u gotta watch out for is the legal consequences of hitting someone this day and age

and who cares if u beat that girl's boyfriend... she's not your girlfriend even though you like her. family is more important. just don't back down from ur decision to teach that kid a lesson and don't apologize, neither of them deserve it


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah i didn't apologize. Why should i? He pushed a girl down. What kinda pansy does that. I doubt he will even look at me again. He also probly told his gf some bs story too... She didn't even know he supposedly hit my sister until i told her.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
I'm proud of you man, you did the right thing and you know it. Don't ever question your integrity like that on behalf of some ignorant slut. You should feel like the f*cking man for what you did, not doubting yourself.

I really don't see this as a bad thing. When things go south for them, she's going to remember you as the kid who kicked the **** out of her ******* boyfriend.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
haha. Yeah that's a good way to look at it. I have bad history with this kid and i let him slide 1 time to many if i hit him earlier he probably wouldn't of messed with my sister in the first place


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
She previously said, "he didn't lay a hand on your sister. You're just jealous because I'm dating him and not you" and then goes on to say, "get over yourself". So, she basically calls you a liar and then makes this whole thing about her, then tells you that YOU need to get over YOURself?

Look, I don't care how much you like this girl. I'd have responded with what had to be said, SHE needs to get over HERSELF. The issue was NOT about her, but she had to go and make it about her, didn't she?

I draw a line around family and people that I really care about. I'd have probably responded, "You need to get over YOURSELF, ms. 'let's make this issue about me and totally disrespect this guys sister'. As far as my personal ego goes? Well, I just kicked your boyfriends ass, so excuse me while I laugh in your face for a little while". But I don't expect you to be an ass like me. :) But I do think that you should just forget friendship with someone who could give a **** about your family and not understand a man who would defend his family.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Every time a fight happens its gonna be a battle of he said, she said bullsh!t afterward. The girl doesn't know the whole story because she wasn't there and is more likely to believe her bf over the person who kicked his a$$.
Like they've all said, take care of your family before you worry about anyone else. You did what you felt had to be done and its over. Don't live in the past.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the input. I texted her back about an hour ago and told her that the issue is between me, my sister, her bf's friend, and her bf. And to quit trying to force her way into the situation. She just texted me back and told me "she just got off her period and was having a rough week. And she still wants me to be friends with her." Wtf????? I don't even know how to respond to this. She is blaming her period on her reactions....

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
You did the right thing, I dunno if I would've fought, but standing up for your sister was the right thing to do.

Family over hos (that girl you like). Don't become a chump and supplicate to her now.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Jokerlsk said:
Thanks for the input. I texted her back about an hour ago and told her that the issue is between me, my sister, her bf's friend, and her bf. And to quit trying to force her way into the situation. She just texted me back and told me "she just got off her period and was having a rough week. And she still wants me to be friends with her." Wtf????? I don't even know how to respond to this. She is blaming her period on her reactions....
Who gives a sh1t what she said. She tried to pull the wool over your eyes by pulling the jealousy card trying to turn you on your own sister!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
You did the right thing, don't let anyone mess with your family. You should probably forget about this girl altogether if she's going to be like that. Doesn't sound like a very good character.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
alvatore is right, this chic seems sounds a bit nuts, I'd completely forget about her, and just worry about covering your ass if any of them try to come after you with some legal bull****.

Good job man, I'd have done the same thing, except my sister's got her black belt so I think I wouldn't have much left to hit after she got done with them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
[S]alvatore said:
You should probably forget about this girl altogether if she's going to be like that. Doesn't sound like a very good character.
I agree on one thing: You should forget about her but not because of her character but because she has high interest in her BF and low interest in you.

Women who have high interest and emotionally invested in their BF's will always defend their actions. A woman doesn't really care what her BF does to others as long as he doesn't hurt her.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
Being on their period is no excuse. She seems highly suspect to push/pull though.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I completely agree. She messaged me on facebook and told me she still wanted to be friends and brought up some inside joke of ours. I still haven't messaged back. I don't think i need to give her my time you know?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
You did the right thing Joker.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT message her again.

If she wants to be your friend again, you better make her WORK FOR IT. She better MAKE IT UP TO YOU.

The girl just insulted your sister and you. Why are you even giving her the time of day right now? There are hundreds of HBs in the world. Go get one that respects you.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
HolyG said:
You did the right thing Joker.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT message her again.

If she wants to be your friend again, you better make her WORK FOR IT. She better MAKE IT UP TO YOU.

The girl just insulted your sister and you. Why are you even giving her the time of day right now? There are hundreds of HBs in the world. Go get one that respects you.