To me, a 45 minute drive is nothing. But to each their own. I would be more concerned about your mental instability rather than how long it takes to drive to a chick's house.
My mental instability tends to fluctuate. Thankfully I'm stupid enough where I burn the bridge myself and eat myself alive instead of bringing anyone with me. You know its funny because most mentally unstable guys will hurt a girl. The most I'll do is have a conversation with myself in the form of a
text message and shes the observer and then at the end of the text thread I'll admit that texting her was stupid as hell and apologize. You know I get text messages from these girls years later. I don't remember any of them or the conversation. I don't remember sleeping with them either. We could have the most passionate relationship and I vaguely remember it. All I can tell them is ,"hey I'm sorry you remember me yet I don't remember you." You know the reason I don't remember these people is because those who choose not to maintain contact with me the text thread and their phone number goes into the garbage within a month. I'm not going to keep someones contact if there is no gurantee of it becoming something beyond a text conversation. I just don't see the point. If she's not interested now, why would she be interested later?
Even if she's interested later. I'm not interested. She didn't like me when I was f**cking crazy. Why would I be interested in a girl who likes me when I'm stable? That's called a summer friend. When the weather gets bad they're not there to ride it out with you. When the weather is nice they're there with you. I'm not the type to be cool with someone who's only there when I'm stable. No no she needs to be there when I'm fu**cking crazy and stable. If she's not fighting for the relationship she ain't the one. Sorry I went off on a tangent. I'm hungry. Haven't eaten dinner yet. I'm go do that. Well if you're as lazy as I am 45 min drive is kinda far unless she's cooking dinner. Then hell I will be there in 15 mins. Sex is not enough to get me to drive. Food. Food I love food and I hate cooking. I'm a gourmet chef yet I hate doing it so much. She cooks I will marry her. Now if she drives to me hell I'm all for it.