So I found a decent girl to try and get


New Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Alright some background: 19, college sophomore, never done ANYTHING with a girl besides dancing (no kissing, hand holding, etc.). I've been trying to find a girl to pursue while I've been up at school for the last week and think I found one in my art history class. We semi-knew each other last year, one of those people you just say hi to but never really hung out with much. We walked back from class together today and I realized she'd be a good girl to try going for first, she's not great looking but has a good body (face is very plain). I also like her personality from what I've seen of it.

Now I'm not obsessed with this girl, I just figure she's good for a first try. So what should I do DJ? I don't have a number yet so can't call her and pretty much only see her when we walk back from class.

Also, I'm still slightly overweight so should I wait till I lose the last 10-20 pounds or just go for it now? I have plenty of time since this class doesn't meet again until next Monday.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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You should be pursuing any and every female you see.

With the amount of experience you have, your standards should be basically that she is between 4-6 foot, with leanient boundaries. Any decent looking girl you find is a possible target, dont make excuses.

'Pursuing' 1 girl is a terrible idea and will lead to oneitis and desperatation. You need to be hitting anything and everything you can get to build up techniques, experience, ideas and discover your own self. And because its fun. Pursuing '1 girl' will not work. By all means, attempt the girl you have in mind. But never place your hopes on 1 girl. Not only for your own time and stress you will put yourself through, but because it will project a desperation into your actions which will make you needy and unattractive. The mindset should always be that you can get any girl you want, and your living your own life for your ambitions without the need for any female. This might not be true, but fake it till you make it.

Forget waiting to lose weight, start getting into action. Approach and increase your social circle and proof. Then get some first dates on the go and start dating. Theres so much to learn that it will take you a lot of different experiences to get things right, so you need to start somewhere.

Nothing is important, get into action immediately and before you know it the girls will start rolling in. A rejection is better than continuing with nothing. Everyone starts from somewhere, and most beginnings start with rejections but u need to get the ball rolling.

Continue to fail untill you learn to succeed.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
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1. Learn how to build social rapport with women first.
2. Don't let your weight, or any form of physical insecurity get in the way.
3. Have a great time, gradually escalate.

Stop judging a woman for her looks, it's shallow. Go for quality women with a hot personality and respectful character.