So, have I got this right..

King Turi

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Alright this isn't no sob story about a girl or anything, just something I've noticed in general and have basically been putting into use the last month or so and have been having a lot of success with.

Basically all you have to do to wind up with a chick you want, is to come across as interested in having sex with her.
Don't come across as a friend.

Pretty much I gathered this after a couple of failed attempts at getting with girls years ago.. my net got cut off around a month or so ago, and it's only just came back on but in that time I basically just went out with the frame of mind that "who wants to fvck their friend".

For some reason after reading some stuff up here on this site and stuff, something just "clicked" in my head and put all "friends" as basically being genderless.
Not entirely sure why, but I compared a chick wanting to have sex/a relationship with a "friend" as basically the same as me wanting a relationship with my best mate - it's just not gonna happen, I ain't made that way.
Maybe my mind warped things but talking to chicks out in pubs and stuff and deliberately busting moves on them making my intentions to NOT just be a friend known from the start has been working wonders.

I already attract chicks through my voice and looks, but I used to repel a fair few of them for reasons unknown to me at the time - I guess I was coming across too much as a friend.

There was one chick who was basically all over me then next thing I know she's pretty much avoiding me and I didn't even do anything to her. ._.
I guess she just thought I wasn't interested in her sexually so she gave up.

I have since learnt that telling a chick she has a nice body, and touching her a lot from the start basically gets your intentions out in the open and if she's into it from there, then it's on.

I might have rambled for a while but it's kinda late where I am (Australia) and I was talking to a mate who was blabbin' about a chick he wants when I realized what I was doing (he was asking ME for advice on how to get chicks).

So yeah I guess to get to some kind of point here, am I right?
To get a chick.. you gotta let her know you want her, right?

Maybe I'm stating the obvious I don't know I'm tired but refuse to sleep since I'm supposed to be writing a song for my "band" to learn tomorrow.
I'm screwed. :(

King Turi

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Cool, thought I might have just been rambling on for too long since I'm tired but hey, that frame of mind has been working wonders for me lately.

I've even had a chick who left me wanting me to get with her again, because instead of just being her friend (we agreed on just being friends when it ended but that was when I didn't know what I was doing), I decided to slap her on the arse the other night and tell her she was looking fine.

I have a very calculating mind and I have been putting it into use and it's been paying off really well lately, always been a little wary of what other people will think and not wanting to make things awkward.
But really, it's only awkward if I make it awkward, if I had of slapped her on the arse and acted weirdly or exuded awkwardness or hesitation in anyway, I could have said the exact same thing (which was just "you're looking fine tonight") and it would have caused a completely different reaction, I think it went well because I just acted like it was going to go down well.
In my mind I knew it would anyway.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
you've pretty much just summed up the Gunwitch method in a single post.

actually, i'm coming to Australia next month, from the USA, and i'm curious as to the kind of reception i can expect from not only the ladies, but the populace in general. i'm going to be in the Brisbane area, if that's any help.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Australian women worship US Marines, I can tell you that much! They were waiting for us on the docks when we pulled in, with their phone numbers written on the tennis balls they'd throw up on deck.

They all said the same thing- in Australian cities, most of the men are gay, and the rest treat their women like dog****.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
well, i'm in the DEP Program for the US Army, but i guess i could just be vague and tell them that i'm in the military.

and if the latter part has any truth to it, i probably won't even have to try.