Smooth's Mental Examination !Part 1!

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Over the duration of the time I’ve spent at the forums of SoSuave, I’ve seen countless attempts at reproducing that in which is praised by many as brilliant pieces of art. I hold nothing against them, in fact I’ve personally read quite a few of them. The only complaint I have is of originality.

I long to see a “bible” or “guide” or “book” or whatever in god’s name you wish to call it, that has spoken with it’s own voice. Given, the “sex game” isn’t one of great complicity, though it has been made out to be, you constantly see people trying to do that in which they look up to. Except of course the originators.

With this “guide” I intend not to make myself an equal to that of Pook, of whom I praise with great passion to the thing’s he’s produced. He has his own style, his own mind and his own thoughts and idea’s. I adhere to my own goal. My goal is to give light to other mentalities in this “game”.

1.) One’s travel to “Don Juan-hood”.

To become a DJ is to become the superior being. In our own minds we look at ourselves, subjectively, and question the significance of ourselves. Being a DJ can be looked at wide-eyed, and thought of as means to selling your soul to gain better results. Let’s examine with an analogy:

Manifest Manhood is a band. MM does hardcore rock music, screaming, loud blaring guitar. A band a ton of kids like. Their CD is the greatest, however in one single year everything changes. Their new self-titled CD is released, like it’s their real beginning. They’re playing cheesy Avril Lavigne tunes with a castrati for a vocalist. However, their band has flourished and it seems as if one hundred times as many people like them as before. The band is having their fame.

Joe is a boy. Joe likes to keep to himself all the time. His mind is curious of things, like why he can’t get a girlfriend, but more significantly for the sake of our analogy, he has more focused thoughts and time. Instead of playing with his friends, chilling out, he is at home reading up on people debunking the theory of relativity. Well lode and behold, next year Joe comes to school dressed completely preppy. The girl’s are starting to like him now. He doesn’t go home and read, he’s with his friends having a blast.

In both cases, yes the individual(s) is/are better off, in the latter portion of the paragraph. In doing so however, they are changing their soul, or who they are. People love you for who you are, and when you change yourself, more people will love you, but those that loved you to begin with will utterly hate you.

I’m not going to tell you that your better off, or your selling out. I’m leaving that for you to decide.

2.) A beginning look at the mentality of the Average Frustrated Chump

The idea behind being an Average Frustrated Chump, or from here on out AFC, is not making mistakes.

“Can I kiss you?”. If a guy said that to a girl he knows, he’s immediately referred to as an AFC. He is an AFC, and this is without question. The reality is though, and this should be taken into thought, the fact that he asked that question does NOT make him an AFC.

What makes you an AFC is the mentality of a chump. Placing the other individual at a superior place then yourself, generally anything that correlates with negative thoughts on one’s self. Being inexperienced, also, does not make you an AFC. Though you may make mistakes because you are inexperienced, you are far from an AFC.

The behavior of an AFC is not because he is an AFC, it all derives from a few simple mentalities. This behavior can be exhibited by someone who is not AFC, and you should keep this in mind when judging someone.

3.) The First Date

Take a second and think about the things running through your mind when your on your first date with a women(or girl for that matter). Though your ultimate goal for the date is to have a second one, and for that to lead to sex… The first date should leave her saying “Wow that was a lot more fun then staying home, I want to do this again.”. So don’t try to get her to leave thinking “Wow, I really love that guy” because even if you can manage to accomplish that, it should be subconscious. You want her to THINK you’re a great guy but on the inside to know that you are of a higher pleasure level then her other activities, she has a “thing” for you, because you are on a pedestal of enjoyment. This has no negative orientation however, so don’t come to think that you shouldn’t try to put yourself on a pedestal in her mind.

4.) Over analysis of situations

A problem among many people is thinking over things. Do not be confused, being prepared has been taught to you to as something of positive meaning. However, when you drool over the response a girl made to a comment you spoke, and if it means she’s interested in you or not is not justified. Given, it may seem like something of importance at the time when your mind is clouded, yet what good does this do you? You can back out if you come to discover that she is not interested in you, and realize this has two negative branches. By discovering a girl doesn’t like you, the chance remains she does – but she’s either playing hard to get or the situation was confused by you, from either ignorance and sole lack of realization that you thought to hard about something – or – you are not giving yourself the chance to grow stronger from the ultimate defeat of being turned down. You must stop thinking about things, preparation can do you good but only when it’s kept to thoughts about common, unquestionable things.

5.) Excessive thought about women

How does one go about limiting one’s self’s thoughts about something that has become your new goal? To be honest with you, I cannot be sure how you can teach yourself how not to think about girls without physical intervention. Suggestions would go as far as getting a hobby, basically occupying yourself so you CAN’T think about women. The question remains however, why do you think about women? You think about women because you think there’s some sole underlying wrench in the infinite working of your body. You think there’s some single problem wrong with you that is limiting your success with women, and that you must think about and realize the problem to solve it. After all, you did that with your AFCdom, or are on the road to, did you not? This is a trait of not necessarily a chump, but a person whom lacks women (requirement for this type of thought I believe), and a hobby or something of the sort. This doesn’t fall under Over Analysis of situations because it’s neither a situation, nor a small enough category for it.

6.) Jealousy towards those who have naturally achieved what you strive for

It is simply natural for the striving DJ to have some disgust in the person who was born with the skill to do what he intends to fulfill within himself. These people can be either jerks or skilled people. This is a flaw in your character, and must be dealt with accordingly. How can you expect yourself to become an equal or superior to them when in the process of becoming superior you are jealous of what they possess…which is exactly what your trying to get! You rationalize it, thinking “I can hate this guy, he’s a total undeserving…! Why does she want to go out with him? Arghh!”. It’s imperative that if you hold this quality, you get rid of it. I was lucky enough to be spared this from the start. Beware, at the same time don’t make yourself an ego-maniac. That’d be counter-productive.

This is all for now. I made this all at about midnight so do bare with some errors until I wakeup and can fix them. I hope you now have a better knowledge of “the game” , and you can expect more of these from me.

11/30 - Changed the second #5 to #6 (Jealousy towards those who have naturally achieved what you strive for)
- Smooth as Anything

[This message has been edited by Smooth as Anything (edited 11-30-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything:
5.) Excessive thought about women

How does one go about limiting one’s self’s thoughts about something that has become your new goal? To be honest with you, I cannot be sure how you can teach yourself how not to think about girls without physical intervention. Suggestions would go as far as getting a hobby, basically occupying yourself so you CAN’T think about women. The question remains however, why do you think about women? You think about women because you think there’s some sole underlying wrench in the infinite working of your body. You think there’s some single problem wrong with you that is limiting your success with women, and that you must think about and realize the problem to solve it. After all, you did that with your AFCdom, or are on the road to, did you not? This is a trait of not necessarily a chump, but a person whom lacks women (requirement for this type of thought I believe), and a hobby or something of the sort. This doesn’t fall under Over Analysis of situations because it’s neither a situation, nor a small enough category for it.
Good Post. I totally agree with you on a lot of this. The above part kind of makes me think. i tried the hobby thing. But somehow i can still think about women and do my hobbies at the same time. i don't know how i do it i just do. and it doesn't make me do my hobby any worse than normal. could you give me your thoughts on this.

"Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway."
- John Wayne

"One of the most important things in life is showing up."
Keanau Reeves, Hardball


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
double post

[This message has been edited by Boono11 (edited 11-30-2002).]

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Boono11:
Good Post. I totally agree with you on a lot of this. The above part kind of makes me think. i tried the hobby thing. But somehow i can still think about women and do my hobbies at the same time. i don't know how i do it i just do. and it doesn't make me do my hobby any worse than normal. could you give me your thoughts on this.

Continuing to think about women during your hobbies is neither, uncommon or unexpected. The idea of using a hobby to block the mental questions over yourself, is really just trying to flood your mind with thought so the women don’t fall-in. Not thinking about women is a question of security; you must prove to yourself that you need not worry about yourself, as per women. Therefore, you must surround yourself at some time of the day in a positive female environment. Just something that can let you know that you’ve improved and things are looking good. Basically, make yourself feel secure about women and yourself, and your problem will be solved.

Easier said then done, of course.

- Smooth as Anything

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Not liked much eh?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
i liked it i thought it was a good post, i don't know why everyone isn't reading it. Come on guys read it. it's pretty good. well anyway Smooth keep up the good work even though most people aren't likin it. well see ya

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Superb AND Smooth as ice...

You are a true don juan, my friend.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Posted Part 2...